Chapter 73 The problem in Xiao Qin Village is huge!
It was no longer just once or twice that Lao Li rushed to catch a meal.

When Li Fei thought about cooking, he looked back almost reflexively, and happened to see Old Li and Old Sun walking out of the house together.

Hearing Li Fei's words, Li Er couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, even though he was shy: "I... should I eat here or here?"

After the words fell, Li Fei's face suddenly twitched.

However, Changsun Wuji and Cheng Yaojin saw the sacks in the yard. One of the bags had been opened, revealing fresh potatoes that were dark and stained with soil.

"What is this?"


"I thought I heard what it was called...potato just now?"

Several people walked up to the sack, squatted on the ground regardless of the appearance, and stared at the round potatoes carefully with confused expressions.

Moreover, according to what Cheng Chumo and others said just now, this thing seems to have been freshly dug out of the field, and there are still a lot of them.

It was also the first time that Little Persimmon saw potatoes. He ran over excitedly, grabbed one, and rolled it in his hand: "Brother, is this really edible?"

Looking at the potatoes covered with soil, everyone couldn't help but frown.

When Lao Li saw this scene, his heart went cold and he said, "Little doctor, are we... going to eat this today?"

Who is with you and us?
As soon as he saw Lao Li, who became very familiar with eating, Li Fei was helpless. He walked to the sack and picked up a potato. He said: "This crop is called potato, also called potato. It is something grown in the field. Why can’t you eat it?”

Was this planted?

Everyone's eyes were surprised, but they didn't say anything. Even if it was grown, this black thing would definitely not taste good.

"Look, you still don't believe it. Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain to you."

Potatoes didn't appear in the Tang Dynasty, so it's normal that a few people haven't seen them before. You'll know when they become cooked food later.

Li Fei stepped forward, lifted a corner of the sack and poured out more than 30 potatoes.

After thinking about what he wanted to eat, Li Fei turned his head and looked at the people eating, and said without much politeness: "Don't stand still, there are so many mouths to eat, they are all busy!"

"Lao Li and Lao Sun, you two go to my house and get the pots and pans. Let's go to Lao Cheng and the others to cook. There's a spacious place there."

"Old Cheng, Lao Chi and Lao Qin, you go get that..."

"You guys go get the potatoes and come over here..."

A group of people were waiting to eat, so Li Fei naturally wouldn't leave them idle and quickly made arrangements.

Changsun Wuji was stunned for a moment, but Li Er took his hand familiarly and went straight into the house to start moving things.

When the others saw this, not to mention, they all began to follow Li Fei's instructions and get busy with their own affairs.

Soon, all the things were transported to the back. The temporary residence built by Cheng Yaojin and others was very spacious, just suitable for a group of people to eat.

Asking Lao Li to take the basin of water, Lao Sun also ran around. At this time, the two bosses had completely become servants and were squatting next to Li Fei.

Throwing more than 30 potatoes in and scrubbing them for a while revealed the true appearance of this crop.

After a while, the potatoes were washed and the vegetables picked were delivered, and a group of people started cooking.

Seeing Li Fei pouring oil into the pot, Changsun Wuji suddenly remembered the lard formula that he had not had time to ask a few days ago, and took this opportunity to ask: "Little doctor, what kind of oil is in your pot?"

While Li Fei was busy cutting the ingredients, he said without looking back: "Of course it's lard, what's wrong?"

lard?Everyone was shocked.

Looking at the smoking lard in the pot, I wondered: How can lard be so clear?
Seeing that Li Fei was not taking it seriously, Changsun Wuji became a little unhappy and said, "Young man, lard is so fishy, ​​how can you use it for cooking?"

"Isn't there any soybean oil?"

In the Tang Dynasty, ordinary people could not afford soybean oil.

First, if you want to make some soybean oil, the process alone is quite troublesome, and the output is still small.

It's good to be full. Eating oil is a luxury. Ordinary people can only use the lowest quality lard to cook meat occasionally, but it is definitely not the kind of lard in Li Fei's pot.

Although it smelled good, Changsun Wuji still felt that lard was something only untouchables would eat, and he frowned.

"Where's the smell of lard? If you don't believe it, ask Lao Li, did you enjoy the oil-splashed noodles last time?"

Li Fei glanced at Lao Sun, and then said: "My lard is different from the lard in Chang'an City. That kind of pig has not been processed, and it will definitely taste bad."

"I'm a high-tech pig. Not only does it not taste like that, it's even more delicious than the soybean oil you usually eat."

While talking, Li Fei had already put the seasoning in the pot, and the first dish was pork stew with potatoes.

After listening to Li Fei's words, Li Er's expression changed: "So that's it, I told you that I took the recipe for the fried noodles from you, the doctor, and it turned out that the fried noodles were so unpalatable, so it turned out to be a problem with the lard? "

Li Fei nodded and said: "The pigs that are commonly raised now are not castrated, which makes the pork lose fat and becomes unpalatable."

"When you leave later, you can go to the village and have a look. The pigs in Xiaoqin Village are an improved breed and are completely different from the ones you raise in Chang'an."

After saying this, Changsun Wuji and Li Er were curious and wished they could go to the village to have a look now.

But the aroma coming from the pot made the two of them freeze in place, their eyes unblinking as they watched Li Fei take the spoon.

Not long after, a fragrant pot of pork stew and potatoes came out of the pot.

Li Fei started working on the next dish again.


Chang'an, the imperial city.

Where the Ministry of Punishment is located, Li Daozong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, just put down a file in his hand when he heard footsteps coming from outside.

A guard came over, saluted beside Li Daozong, and said, "Sir, there is new information from the interrogation at Dali Temple. Please take a look."

With that said, he handed over a file in his hand.

"Any new news?"

Li Daozong, who was troubled by the fireworks incident, suddenly looked happy. He quickly opened the file and started reading it carefully.

After a moment, Li Daozong raised his head with a puzzled expression and looked at the guard: "Do you know where Xiao Qin Village is?"

It's such a remote place name, even Li Daozong has never heard of it.

But the file said that the Tubo party was traveling from the west to Chang'an. They passed by a small Qin village on the way and had a small conflict with someone.

Then, a Tubo envoy named Guli stayed behind and went to Xiaoqin Village and never came back.

After that, Lu Dongzan sent several more people to Xiaoqin Village to look for Guli, but there was also no news.

To sum up, Xiao Qin Village has a big problem!
(End of this chapter)

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