Chapter 74 points to Xiao Qin Village!Potato feast!
"Sir, Xiao Qin Village is to the west of Chang'an City. It will take about two hours by horseback and half a day by horse carriage."

"The road His Majesty ordered to be built some time ago is the road leading from Xiaoqin Village to the official road. It has been built."

In the room, the Minister of Punishment remembered what happened a few days ago and said quickly.

Some time ago, people from the Ministry of Works were recalled and then sent to draw up drawings and build roads. The roads they built happened to be in a place called Xiaoqin Village. The Minister of Punishment also heard about it.

Now when Li Daozong suddenly asked, he quickly told all the information he knew.

"Xiao Qin Village... Xiao Qin Village... had a conflict with a woman?"

Li Daozong frowned slightly, tapped his fingers on the table, and murmured to himself: "There was a conflict with a woman, and then three people stayed to argue with the woman?"

Such nonsense was written clearly in the file. The more Li Daozong read it, the more speechless he became.

But what followed was that six Tubo followers, including Tatu, continued to disappear in Xiaoqin Village, and Li Daozong began to pay attention to it.

"Sir, this Xiao Qin Village is the most suspicious. I think we should go to Xiao Qin Village to investigate first. Maybe we can gain something!"

"And if something is really wrong, we can find the people who were present at the time and ask them one by one. We will definitely find clues!"

"In my humble opinion, those Tubo envoys would never have the guts to be enemies of the Tang Dynasty. This matter must be planned by someone who wants to provoke a war between Tubo and the Tang Dynasty. They must not let it go easily!"

The Minister of Justice took the file and read it. After analyzing it, he listed all the doubtful points of this incident.

From Lu Dongzan's confession, the Minister of Punishment felt that he had grasped the key points. He was so happy that he couldn't wait to express his thoughts.

I heard that His Majesty was extremely angry about this matter and has sent all the princes to investigate the matter thoroughly.

If I could find out the person behind the scenes and solve this major case, I would definitely be favored and rewarded by His Majesty, right?
"What you said makes sense. I will go to Dali Temple first and then ask the Minister of Dali Temple for details."

"Take a few people with you to Xiaoqin Village and ask the villagers what happened that day. If you find anyone suspicious, bring them back for interrogation!"

"In addition, inform the Chang'an County Magistrate and ask him to take people with you. Be sure to investigate the matter clearly!"

After Li Daozong made arrangements, he hurriedly got up and went out, heading straight for Dali Temple.

The Minister of Justice also hurried back and soon took several people out of the Ministry of Justice.

Not long after, the Chang'an County Magistrate and the Minister of Punishment left Chang'an City with thirty or forty guards and Yamen servants.

Two hours later, we arrived at the entrance of Xiaoqin Village.

A group of people entered the village and grabbed a villager and asked him.

"The Tibetan envoys passed by here a few days ago. Did you see them?"

"Sir, I have indeed seen it..."

"I heard that there was a small conflict. What was the specific situation?"

"Ah, it seems that it was Aunt Sun from the young doctor's family who lived in Back Mountain at that time, and there was also Little Persimmon..."

"Any more?"

Not long after, after questioning four or five villagers, Zhou Cheng, the Minister of Punishment, had a rough idea of ​​the whole story.

"From the tone of the villagers, this young man living in the back mountain is obviously the most likely person to take action against the Tibetan envoys."

"These Tubo thieves don't have good intentions, so they stay to argue with the villagers?"

"It's probably because you were motivated by sex, or you wanted to kill people and silence them. That's why there was a problem, right?"

The Minister of Punishment was secretly happy. The matter had already been revealed. The next step was to go directly to the back mountain to find the young doctor.


"Old Cheng, bring the food!"

" smells so good. What's the name of this dish?" "I heard what the doctor said just now. Look at my seems like it's called dry pot potato chips?"

"Old Cheng, move more smoothly, there's more!"

"I'll come, I'll come... What kind of dish is this, little doctor?"

"Big plate chicken!"

On a table, several dishes were steaming hot, and their tempting aromas emanated, stunning everyone's attention.

Li Er and Changsun Wuji had already begun to swallow their saliva. Looking at the dishes being cooked one after another, they felt that their knowledge had been refreshed.

This time they really saw that what the young man used was indeed lard.

Dishes made with lard are so fragrant!
Not to mention Cheng Yaojin and others, while being ordered by Li Fei to serve the dishes, they had to endure hunger and not eat secretly.

too difficult!
Not long after, the last dish of homemade potato pancakes was served on the table. After finishing his work, Li Fei came to the table.

"Thank you for your hard work, little doctor!"

"This is too rich. I have never seen such cooking techniques. The taste is simply unparalleled..."

"Sit down, sit down, I can't wait..."

A group of people sat around the table, staring at the delicious dishes on the table and talking with praise.

Just the color, the taste, and the "potato feast" on this table have convinced everyone.

Li Fei smiled and waved his hand grandly: "Okay, everyone, use your chopsticks, you're all hungry!"

Everyone no longer cared about talking, picked up their chopsticks and began to enjoy the food.

Li Er picked up a potato slice, put it in his mouth and chewed it for a few bites, his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

Is this the kind of thing that looked dark and muddy just now?

When he ate it in his mouth, the soft and glutinous texture with a rustling texture, coupled with the salty flavor given by the condiments, instantly made him want to stop!

So are others.

Cheng Yaojin chewed left and right, completely forgetting about others, and launched an offensive against a pot of chicken!
Qin Qiong ate the hot and sour potato shreds and narrowed her eyes!

Li Fei looked at everyone feasting, and black lines appeared on his forehead: "Wouldn't it be better for you to be more reserved?"

"This is not a valuable thing. It was snatched so quickly. I haven't even used my chopsticks yet!"

On the plate on the table, the amount of dishes was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was particularly scary.

In Li Fei's mind, the system's voice also rang.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 300 reputation points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 200 reputation points!"


While eating, Li Er put down his chopsticks and asked with unfinished thoughts: "Xiao Langzhong, this dish is good, but do you feel like it's missing something?"

What's missing?

Li Fei looked at Li Er suspiciously: "Old Li, what do you think you're missing?"

Ridiculous, how dare you doubt me who is a proficient chef?
"Of course I'm short of wine. Didn't you tell me last time, young gentleman, how many jars of good wine there are?"

Old Thief Li smiled like a fox and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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