Chapter 78 He ran away!Where to go?
In another part of the back mountain, in the yard of a spacious wooden house.

The potato feast made everyone feel very comfortable. Later, because Cheng Yaojin took out Sanlejiang to make a small batch, Li Fei provoked him and said that he had real good wine in his hands.

Li Er was naturally convinced of this.

The last time he accidentally drank alcohol, although he vomited all sorts of things, the strong smell of alcohol left a deep impression on him.

Li Fei said that there was good wine, coupled with repeated cooking skills and novel dishes, Li Er put down his chopsticks and chose to sit back and wait for the good wine to be served.

Everyone else stopped moving their chopsticks when they saw His Majesty. Although there was still less than half of the dishes on the table and it was hard to stop looking at them, everyone unanimously chose to restrain themselves.

Good wine, good wine, this one is worth the wait.

Even if it's not good wine, well, I'll have to wait and eat it.

So, only a little persimmon was left holding the chopsticks, running around the table, picking up a potato slice, putting it in his mouth and chewing.

Looking at these people, they felt itchy.

"Why haven't you come back after being away for so long? Is the young man's wine hidden in Chang'an City?" Cheng Yaojin muttered.

It's getting dark. Although it's already late for dinner, Li Fei has been here for at least half an hour, right?

"Is it because the wine jar is too heavy to carry?" Yuchi Jingde also expressed doubts.

Halfway through the meal, I went to wait for the wine, but I couldn't continue eating. It felt like I was enjoying myself while drinking wine, but the food was gone!
For a moment, everyone felt as if there were ants crawling into their hearts. They were extremely uncomfortable. Even Li Er couldn't help but frowned: "Where have you been after so long?"

Changsun Wuji looked at a table of dishes. He was not a drinker, but he was very interested in these dishes. He regretfully said, "Hey, it would be perfect if we could bring the cook here to learn a few tricks."

After Li Fei explained the matter of pork and lard, and seeing it with their own eyes this time, Changsun Wuji and Li Er's concerns were dispelled.

It wasn't that the pork was unpalatable, nor was the lard smelly, but that Datang simply didn't master the key technical means, which led to such a result.

But this technology is in the hands of Li Fei. Listening to Changsun Wuji talking about it now, Li Er also knew what he was thinking, and said: "Auxiliary machine, you will find a chance to ask later. It is best to castrate pigs." Asking about the means, this is a big deal!"

Li Er's expression was extremely serious. Li Fei was not here at the moment. Except for a little persimmon who was eating happily, the others were all insiders.

So he directly called him "auxiliary machine" without avoiding suspicion.

Changsun Wuji nodded quickly, indicating that he knew the importance of the matter, and said: "Master, I'm afraid that the young man will not say it easily when the time comes, so we still need to prepare in advance."

"Once this is feasible and pig farming is successful, our country in the Tang Dynasty will gradually become richer in the future, and it will no longer be difficult for ordinary people to eat meat. This contribution is not small."

"How about taking this opportunity to directly grant him an official position?"

Changsun Wuji's idea was very reasonable.

Once pork becomes delicious, if the quantity and quality increase, the contribution to Datang will undoubtedly be huge.

It would really be unjustifiable if we didn't give him a part-time official position or some rewards.

"Well, that makes sense. When the turmoil during this period of time passes, I will find an opportunity to reward him properly."

Li Er seemed to be thinking of a future where everyone could eat meat, with a relaxed smile on his face.

Qin Qiong was beside him, but remained silent.

After all, he didn't know what His Majesty was thinking. Now that he heard that Li Fei was going to be promoted to a higher position, he started to care about it.

Could it be that the momentum building has already begun and we are not far away from recognizing each other?
Several people had different thoughts, but they were all thinking about their own affairs, and for a while they forgot about eating and drinking.

until a certain moment-

"Bang! Boom! Boom!"

The plates on the table jumped up, the soup spilled, the ground trembled, and several loud noises suddenly came from not far away!

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"

"Could it be that the earth dragon turned over?" The sudden movement suddenly woke everyone up from their deep thoughts, their expressions were startled and frightened.

Qin Qiong was also startled, and then looked behind her, suddenly feeling a familiar and unpleasant feeling in her heart!

"The sound came from the front. It seems to be where the young man lives. Let's go and have a look!" Cheng Yaojin jumped up quickly and said.

Li Er and Changsun Wuji were also startled. After hearing the explosion, their expressions were stunned, and a familiar feeling arose in their hearts!

so similar!
It seems that when I watched the fireworks show outside Chang'an City, the movement was somewhat similar to what it is now!
"Go over and take a look! Could it be that something happened to the young man?"

"Go, go, go!"

Everyone stood up quickly, wondering in their hearts, and walked towards Li Fei's residence.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the scene of the accident.

"This is... what's going on?"

"Where's the yard? Where's the house?"

"Is this really the young man's residence? Are you sure?"

Seeing the scene in front of them, Li Er and a group of people were stunned.

This situation, the uneven land, only two houses with sloping walls, and the roof is missing, how can one describe it as miserable?
"Save... save... save me..."

"He...he ran away..."

Intermittent sounds came, causing everyone who was stunned to come back to their senses, and quickly stepped forward to take a closer look.

"This, this, this... hurry, save people first!"

"Is this a county police officer?"

"No, there are people from the Criminal Department?"

Zhou Cheng had already lost half his life. Finally, when he was about to despair, he saw the person coming and hurriedly struggled to call for help.

After being carried aside by Cheng Yaojin and others, Cheng Chumo and others also carried the government servants together.

"What...what should we do? Where has the young doctor gone?"

"Are there any other doctors in the village? Go and find them, they can't hold on any longer!"

Cheng Yaojin hurriedly ran to the village.

The others looked at the tragic situation outside, feeling chilled in their hearts and confused in their minds.

How is this going?

At the same time that Li Er and others rushed here, not long after, a black shadow emerged from the forest where the few people had been eating.

After a quick glance, Li Fei walked into the room.

Sure enough, Persimmon had eaten and drank enough, was tired from playing, and was sleeping soundly.

Next to him, Bai Hu opened his eyes, then ran to Li Fei's leg and rubbed it.

"Hey, we can't stay here any longer, let's go first."

"This poor little girl wants to run away with me. It's troublesome."

"But then again, where would be a better place to go?"

Li Fei gently picked up Persimmon, wrapped her up tightly, then mounted the white tiger and quickly got into the jungle.

(End of this chapter)

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