Chapter 79 Suspicion locked!Escape the border!
Since it was evening and it was not yet time to go to sleep, the villagers in the village were alarmed by the movement in the back mountain.

When they ran over and took a look, they were all surprised and horrified, and then they started to put out the fire.

Fortunately, there was not much high-explosive gunpowder this time. Except that the courtyard where Li Fei lived was almost gone, there was no major damage elsewhere.

"What's going on? Why did the young man's house become like this?"

"I was shocked. There seemed to be such a big movement a few days ago. I thought it was an earth dragon turning over..."

"It's really amazing. This is so scary. Why are there so many dead people..."

"Who knows..."

The yard was in a mess. Li Er looked gloomy. He glanced at Changsun Wuji and said, "Auxiliary machine, when we came here, was it possible that someone knew where we were?"

Changsun Wuji quickly shook his head and said: "Master, absolutely no one knows about this matter!"

The smell of sulfur in the air was pungent. Li Er couldn't help coughing several times and was silent for a moment: "Where is the young doctor? Have you found him?"

Half an hour has passed now, and except for the four or five people who were dying, no one else was found alive.

And judging from their clothes, these people are all county government servants and people from the Ministry of Punishments.

"No, no trace of the young man was found."

"Master, do you think it was really the young man who did this...?"

Changsun Wuji's heart skipped a beat, remembering Li Fei's frank admission when he asked about the fireworks incident when he first came here.

At this time, the scene in front of me, the pungent smell, and the mess all over the yard, were almost exactly the same as the accident outside the city!
"Let's go back to the palace!"

"Call people to the imperial study room to discuss matters!"

Li Er had a gloomy face, the matter had exceeded his imagination.

In his heart, combined with everything that happened before, he was now 80.00% sure that this matter was inseparable from that young doctor!

How dare he!
"As you command...Master, little Persimmon is still in the back mountain, do you want to take her back with you?"

Changsun Wuji said quickly, remembering that when everyone came over in a hurry, they didn't have time to wake up the little persimmon, and the little girl was still asleep in the room.

"Nonsense! Go quickly!"

"If something goes wrong little girl, you are the only one I want to ask!"

Suddenly thinking of Little Persimmon, Li Er's gloomy expression was suddenly startled, and he almost forgot about it.

The group of people hurriedly ran to the back, and Changsun Wuji pushed open the door. At a glance, the bed was empty.

Even the quilt is gone!
"Master, this..."

"Where are people? Where did they go?"

"Why don't you hurry up and find me? There are so many people here, and you can't even take care of a little girl. What do you do for food?"

Seeing that the room was empty and Persimmon was gone, Li Er's heart suddenly became cold and his face became distorted.

It’s only been a few days since I finally found my biological daughter?

Lost again!
Changsun Wuji was sweating on his forehead. Knowing that His Majesty was really angry, he quickly advised: "Your Majesty, I feel that this matter is a bit strange. The young man has disappeared, and now the little girl has also disappeared. In my opinion..."

"Perhaps after the young doctor made such a noise in the front, his purpose was to lure us to the front, then turn back, take away the little persimmon, and run away..."

"I think this matter is also related to the fireworks incident outside the city. Maybe the mastermind behind the scenes is this person..."

Changsun Wuji observed His Majesty's expression while speaking.

Seeing that Li Er's expression was gloomy and there was a hint of uncontrollable anger, he chose to remain silent.

"Go back to the palace!" Cheng Yaojin and others searched Xiaoqin Village for a long time, but could not find any trace of Li Fei and Xiao Shizi. In desperation, they could only go back with Li Er temporarily.

However, the three of them were filled with doubts.

How is this going?

Why do you feel that Your Majesty cares about that little girl more than the young man?

In the early morning, the sky was dim.

Outside Liangzhou City, a young man in black robe was sitting on a white tiger, with a sleeping little girl on his back, heading towards Liangzhou City.

After running around all night, the white tiger was many times faster than the war horse, and took Li Fei directly to Liangzhou City on the border of Datang.

The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. Liangzhou is located on the border of the western territory of the Tang Dynasty. This place has a large floating population and is a rare open city.

According to Li Fei's speculation, the news that he killed a bunch of officials will soon be known. When the court becomes angry, a large number of people will definitely be sent to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Combined with the killing of the Tibetan envoy outside the city and this major event, the target will be targeted without hesitation.

If you don't run away now, when will you wait?

Liangzhou is hundreds of miles away from Chang'an. It will take at least three or four days for the news to reach here. At least there is a buffer opportunity.

Seeing Liangzhou City from a distance, Li Fei patted the white tiger and let it stay outside the city, waiting for his orders.

Then, Li Fei woke up Little Persimmon.


After a sleepy night, Li Fei wrapped her up very tightly. Although Xiaobai was fast, she was still a stable group along the way.

"Brother, where is this?"

When Little Persimmon woke up and found that she was not in bed, but in her brother's arms, she was stunned.

There are luxuriant grasses on the left and right, and from time to time you can see ordinary people and traders passing by. Where are you?
Li Fei smiled and pinched her cheek. Seeing the cute appearance of the little girl, he couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed. He said, "This is Liangzhou City. My brother will take you out to play, okay?"

"Okay, okay!"

"But Persimmon is still so sleepy!"

Rubbing his eyes, Little Persimmon suddenly laughed.

The child's love for novelty is clearly revealed. In her eyes, as long as she can be with her brother, wherever she goes is a fun place.

"Well, let's go to the city first and see what there is to see."

After putting away his things, Li Fei carried Persimmon on his back and walked towards Liangzhou City.

At present, there is at least three to four days of buffer time. He can prepare in Liangzhou City and then leave.

According to speculation, it won't be long before wanted orders from Chang'an will be issued to various places.

When he arrived at the gate of the city, he paid a tip of ten copper coins. With the guard's expression of being extremely satisfied that you are a good boy, Li Fei took Little Persimmon into the city easily.

Looking from left to right, Liangzhou is more than a little behind Chang'an.

The streets are not as wide as Chang'an, and the restaurants and inns on both sides also look dusty.

After running around all night, Li Fei was already starving. When he saw a good restaurant ahead, he took Persimmon and walked in.

Early in the morning, there was no one in the restaurant except for a waiter who was dozing out of boredom.

"Shopkeeper, what do you have for breakfast?"

(End of this chapter)

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