Chapter 80 Mr. Guest, please spare me!
Yunlai Restaurant is one of the top three restaurants in Liangzhou City. Its name means "customers come like clouds", which symbolizes the booming business.

But no matter how prosperous the business is, the time has never come.

What time is it?

The sun had just risen, and the waiter opened the door just to prepare for business and clean up first.

Suddenly a guest came, and the waiter who was dozing off suddenly woke up. When he saw a boy and a little girl standing at the door, he asked strangely: "What are you doing here?"

Li Fei was also confused by the question, and asked curiously: "Isn't this a place for you to eat? Is there breakfast?"


Most people just have something to eat at home and then go to work. How can any restaurant provide breakfast so early in the morning?
"I'm sorry, sir, this restaurant only has food available at noon. There is no breakfast in the morning."

The waiter smiled politely and wondered which family these two young masters came from. Could it be that they had run away from home?

Generally speaking, poor people don't have time to have breakfast. It's good to have two meals a day.

"No breakfast?"

Li Fei frowned, looked down at Persimmon's bitter face, reached into his arms and took out a piece of silver, about one or two.

"There's no breakfast, but there are always ingredients, right?"

"I'll borrow your kitchen, make breakfast, and then leave. Is this enough money?"

He threw a piece of silver on the table casually. The white silver instantly made the waiter wake up and keep his eyes open!
What the hell!

A silver coin for breakfast?
Do it yourself?

Just borrow a kitchen and ingredients?
Liangzhou's economic situation is far worse than Chang'an's. Although there are many merchants in this area, it shows a polarized situation.

There are many wealthy businessmen, but they only stay here occasionally, and just eat and leave. The poor ones can't get rid of the trouble at all, and they make a living by working in the fields.

It’s not common to see a big customer like this casually throwing away a piece of silver!
"Hey, my dear guest, please come in quickly. The kitchen is over here. Come with me!"

"The ingredients are all over there, you can do whatever you want. If you need anything, just give me instructions. Do you want me to help you?"

The waiter immediately ran over, bent over, with an extremely flattering look on his face, and spoke enthusiastically.

With his generous spending and his young age, this young man is definitely a young man from a wealthy family, so he must not be offended!
Li Fei nodded and walked into the kitchen with Little Persimmon.

Although the kitchen is small, it is well-equipped with all the tools. It is much better than the thatched cottage where I live.

Looking around, I saw today's fresh vegetables in several large baskets, which looked very fresh.

On the other side was meat, soaked in a wooden basin with wet blood.

Datang does not have a refrigerator, so these ingredients are purchased early in the morning and then transported to the restaurant.

Li Fei thought for a moment and looked at the meat products and a wooden barrel on the side, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The wooden barrel seemed to be filled with meat, and an extremely fishy smell came out, making Little Persimmon couldn't help but cover his nose and retreat far away.

"It stinks, brother!"

"Persimmon is dying, Persimmon is about to faint..."

Little Persimmon ran out of the kitchen with a look of disgust on her face, unable to stand the strange smell.

However, Li Fei seemed to have discovered a treasure and walked straight to the barrel.

By chance, the waiter was not yet at ease, so he opened the curtain and walked into the kitchen. He saw Li Fei staring at the contents in the barrel, and he quickly ran over and said sheepishly: "My lord, I'm sorry, this is left over from the morning processing." Sheep in water, get the little one out right now..."


"Put it down!"

"This stuff is a good thing, where are you going to get it?"

Seeing that the waiter was about to carry the barrel out, Li Fei quickly stopped him and said: "This is a rare and good material, please put it down quickly!"

The waiter was stunned on the spot.

No, this thing is so dirty!Even people who can't open the pot won't look for this thing to eat. After all, who doesn't know what's in it?
Li Fei smiled slightly and turned to look at the waiter: "Come on, I just wanted to make breakfast, but I didn't expect to come across such a good thing. I'm so lucky!"

"The waiter will help me, add water to the bucket and clean it."

With that said, Li Fei kicked the barrel over without any disdain and ordered.

"This...Master, this thing is really inedible..."

"It's... it's full of... it's all shit!"

After listening to Li Fei's words, the waiter looked like he was about to cry, and he tried to persuade him earnestly.

Who is this young master? He doesn't even know this bit of common sense, right?

There are a lot of good meat and vegetables in this kitchen, all of which were purchased just this morning. Why are you so interested in this shitty thing?

"Nonsense, of course I know there is shit in it, won't it be gone if you wash it off?"

Li Fei rolled his eyes and said relaxedly.

Even in modern times, many people don't eat haggis because they are taboo about the taste, not to mention the lack of dishes in Tang Dynasty.

But for those who love to eat, it is a rare delicacy.

The waiter looked sad and reluctantly added water to the bucket. For a few taels of silver, he did it!

After breaking open the intestines, the contents immediately emerged, and the entire kitchen was filled with an incomprehensible smell.

"Greet vomit..."

"Cough cough... vomit... vomit..."

"...As for the second brother?"

"...Master, please spare me... ugh..."

"You just think that you didn't bring toilet paper with you when you went to the toilet, and then you picked it with your hands and then washed your hands. Isn't it different?"

"My lord, I was wrong... vomit... vomit..."

Half an hour later, the waiter looked at the water in the barrel with a distorted expression, wanting to cry but without tears.

The whole body was covered with the disgusting smell of feces, and there were a few flies flying around non-stop.

"What does it smell like?"

"Little Second!"

"Where have you been? What does this smell like in the kitchen?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the kitchen, and the waiter ran out in a hurry.

"Shopkeeper, I'm sorry, this is a guest..."

The waiter explained quickly.

However, the shopkeeper's nose twitched, then he took a few steps back and said angrily: "Stay away from me, did you fall into the toilet?"

An unusually pungent smell permeated the entire restaurant hall, especially the smell from the waiter, which made the shopkeeper want to vomit.

At this time, the sound of running water came from the kitchen, and the shopkeeper was startled: "Who is in there?"

The waiter then explained what just happened from a distance.


"A silver coin to borrow from the kitchen?"

"This is nonsense! How can I, the shopkeeper, do business with this smell?"

(End of this chapter)

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