Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 82 The sensation of red oil haggis and fried dough sticks!

Chapter 82 The sensation of red oil haggis and fried dough sticks!

Outside Yunlai Restaurant, the streets were crowded.

There is a saying in Liangzhou that as long as you get up early and run frequently, there will always be opportunities to make money.

There were busy traveling hawkers coming and going, some of them had already set up stalls and started shouting loudly.

At this moment, two or three vendors were walking towards Yunlai Restaurant.

There was a lot of open space in front of Yunlai Restaurant. It wasn't the restaurant's opening time yet, and shopkeeper Wang was not a mean person, so he asked them to set up a stall at the door.

However, as soon as the three of them arrived at the door, they smelled a strange smell.

"What does it smell like?"

"It's weird, it smells so bad. Could it be that shopkeeper Wang is cooking shit in there?"

"Ugh...can you stop saying it so disgustingly? This smell is too strong!"

"The stench is mixed with the fragrance, what is Shopkeeper Wang doing?"

Several small vendors moved far away, freeing up the space at the door.

Not long after, I saw the waiter bringing out a big table.

Then, a few more small tables were brought out, as well as stools along with the tables, and placed at the entrance of the restaurant.

Looking around, I saw someone looking here with surprised expressions. When he came closer to see what he was doing, he was overwhelmed by the smell.

Not long after, I saw Li Fei and shopkeeper Wang coming out of the restaurant carrying a big basin and placing it on the table.

A large pot of red oil haggis appeared in the world of the Tang Dynasty.

Then, Li Fei asked the waiter to bring the fried dough sticks over and put them on the other side of the table.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of vendors and passers-by.

"What are you doing at Yunlai Restaurant?"

"What's in that big basin? It looks like meat?"

"Hey, what is that golden strip? It smells so good!"

"What kind of trick is this?"

As more and more people gathered around, everyone stood a few meters away, a little disgusted by the smell of haggis.

Shopkeeper Wang watched this scene without saying a word, waiting for Li Fei's next move.

“Come, come, come south, go north, pass by, don’t miss it!”

"The freshly baked haggis for breakfast costs eight cents a bowl, and the delicious golden fried dough sticks cost one cent each. Come and try them all!"

The waiter stood in front of the table and shouted loudly according to what Li Fei taught him skillfully.

This voice immediately attracted more people's attention.

When did breakfast stalls appear in Liangzhou City?
Now Yunlai Restaurant suddenly started doing this, but this thing that tastes weird and has never been seen before costs eight cents a bowl?
For a moment, the passers-by and stall vendors who stopped at the door looked at the pot of red-oiled haggis hesitantly, with curiosity and disgust in their eyes.

Li Fei rolled his eyes, turned and shouted: "Persimmon, come here, let's have breakfast!"


Little Persimmon ran out of the room happily, then sat on the small bench in an orderly manner, looking at Li Fei eagerly.

Taking an empty bowl, Li Fei scooped a ladle into the large basin. The offal inside was filled with alluring red oil and was put into the bowl steaming hot.

The eye-stimulating appearance was mixed with the smell that made people salivate. As the heat spread to the surroundings, everyone's eyes were fixed on the spoon in Li Fei's hand.

Liangzhou City is so busy that everyone hardly has the habit of having breakfast.

The most you can do is grab a piece of cake or pancake. When you're hungry, take a bite. If you're not hungry, just wait for your next meal.

At this moment, the aroma was fragrant, and some people in the crowd who were still hesitant at first couldn't help themselves and found a seat to sit down.

"Waiter, here's a bowl of haggis, and two more of these things!" "Okay, sir, wait a moment, these are called fried dough sticks."

"I want to taste what this tastes like, waiter, a bowl of haggis and four fried dough sticks!"

"Give me a bowl too, a big one!"

In the blink of an eye, a dozen people had already sat down at the tables that were set up, and they all opened their mouths to try it.

Seeing this, Li Fei smiled, took his bowl to Persimmon, and began to enjoy breakfast.

With the first person to eat crabs, you are not afraid that no one will come.

When the first diner hesitated to pick up a piece of belly, frowned after smelling it, and then put it in his mouth, the onlookers stared at his face.



"Delicious! Chewy!"

The man's eyes suddenly lit up, and the chili pepper he had never tasted aroused more saliva in his mouth. A spiciness rushed into his mind, and finally evolved into a feeling.


The others watched his expression change and then look like he was feasting. They swallowed their saliva and looked at a few other people, the same thing happened.

At this time, everyone lowered their guard and the scene became lively.

"Bring me a bowl and three fried dough sticks!"

"I said it first, bring me a big bowl, I want four fried dough sticks, this is what I paid for!"

"I want four bowls, give them to me first!"

In an instant, the whole situation was out of control. Shopkeeper Wang who was watching from the side was dumbfounded and hurried over to work with the waiter.

Just kidding, this is a source of customers. If we can win over them, wouldn't the business of Yunlai Restaurant be able to reach another level?
The sensation caused by the red oil haggis caused more and more people to gather at the entrance of Yunlai Restaurant. Many people joined the queue without knowing why, just to wait for a bowl of delicious haggis.

Soon, a large pot of red oil haggis bottomed out, and the fried dough sticks had already been sold out, and the supply exceeded demand.

"My dear guests, I'm sorry, breakfast is no longer available. Please forgive me..."

"If you want to eat... if you want to eat..."

The waiter felt like his head was buzzing. In less than an hour, he was even more tired than usual after working all day.

I was about to say that if I didn’t eat anything today, I would come over to eat it tomorrow, but suddenly I thought that the person who made such delicious food seemed to be a passing guest?

I just wanted to borrow the kitchen!
"Sorry everyone, today is just a trial. If there are red oil haggis tomorrow, our store will still put them out by then."

Shopkeeper Wang looked at the crowd with a smile and explained.

"Why is this?"

"What a pity. If I had known I would have lined up in advance. Who knew this thing was so popular..."

"We can only see if there will be any tomorrow. I will definitely come early to queue up..."

A group of diners complained, but had no choice but to disperse.

After a while, shopkeeper Wang and the waiter, who had cleaned up the stall, were counting money in front of the counter.

"The red oil haggis sold for more than 4 guan!"

"You can make enough money from selling the fried dough sticks!"

Li Fei looked at the excited expressions of the two people and smiled slightly: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Hearing this, Shopkeeper Wang immediately reacted and quickly ran to Li Fei respectfully: "Master, let's discuss something..."

(End of this chapter)

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