Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 84: Make sure this person appears in front of me alive!

Chapter 84: Make sure this person appears in front of me alive!
"This matter needs to be investigated strictly, and the real culprit behind the scenes must not be let go!"

Li Er's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, he looked at Changsun Wuji and Li Daozong and said coldly.

An imperial aura hit his face, and Li Daozong was startled. Then he felt happy again, and said quickly: "I am willing to do my best to track down this person and seek justice for the Ministry of Punishment and the Chang'an County Magistrate!"

This matter is embarrassing enough. Fortunately, not many people know the truth. Otherwise, where will the majesty of the Criminal Department be in the future?

At the same time, Li Daozong also hated Li Fei in his heart for losing so many people for no reason. Those were all people he promoted.

"I have my own opinion on this matter, auxiliary machine, just listen!"

"Go on, send the order, and search for the young man in our Datang territory with all our strength. We must ensure that this person appears alive in front of me, and there will be no room for failure!"

"In addition, the characteristic of this person is that he is carrying a young girl. Mark the characteristics of this young girl to me in detail. No one is allowed to hurt these two people. Report the situation immediately if you find it. Do you understand?"

Li Er stood up, looked at Changsun Wuji with a serious face, and said in a deep voice.

Li Fei has too many secrets. Based on this period of time together, Li Er becomes more and more curious about Li Fei.

Whether it’s delicious food, fine wine, or the technique of castrating pigs, try to figure out the purpose of Tibet’s sending envoys to the Tang Dynasty, and the aftermath of this incident…

Everything made it impossible for Li Er to treat Li Fei as a prisoner. In his eyes, this kid was simply a monster!
Even if Li Fei was responsible for the explosion, the Tibetan envoys were all killed, so what?
Anyway, we have a solution, and the young man has informed us of the strategy. Now it’s time to challenge Tubo and hold him to account!
And the most important point, and the reason why Li Er acted like this, was because Si Zi was still with Xiao Langzhong!

To cure Xiaolangzhong, what should Sizi do?
No matter what, he must let Si Zi know his identity and accept the next step only after he is willing to acknowledge his family.

Otherwise, Changsun Wugou alone would not be able to pass this test!
Moreover, the illnesses of Sizi and Changsun Wujia need to be solved by the doctor!
Changsun Wuji was thinking hard about how to deal with this matter next, when he heard His Majesty make a firm decision.

I was shocked and quickly listened.

Then, Changsun Wuji's expression froze, and he even looked away in embarrassment, unable to bear to look at Li Daozong's expression.

I'm going to be a good boy, Your Majesty, can you pretend to be more like yourself?

How could there be such a wanted order?

There were times when there were no wanted criminals, but all efforts were made to "search" or "pursue" them. Isn't your "searching" too vague?

You also have to ensure that she appears "alive" and "intact" in front of you. What's even more outrageous is that even if you care about your daughter, no one should let these two people get hurt?

Is this a wanted order or a life-saving edict?
Sluggishness returned to sluggishness. Changsun Wuji already knew the identity of Sizi. At this moment, he hurriedly said: "I obey the order!"

Li Daozong's expression froze.

Just when I saw His Majesty's expression was serious and he spoke with an imperial edict, I felt a surge of energy in my heart and was about to clasp my fists to thank His Majesty.

What he said next made him dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty, this...isn't this appropriate?"

"That young man secretly plotted against the Tibetan envoy and was suspected of provoking a war between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo. How can we protect his safety if he is willing to die for such a crime?"

"More than [-] lives of the Ministry of Punishment and the county government were all caused by him. Such a heinous person should be executed on the spot when he is discovered. Why..."

His face was red from holding back, and Li Daozong felt that his lungs were about to explode. Among the ten people who died in the Punishment Department, two of them were his nephews!

I usually take care of him a lot, but I never thought I would just go out to investigate a case and be gone!
Changsun Wuji glanced at him, feeling sympathetic in his heart.

King Jiangxia, King Jiangxia, I am afraid you have found the wrong owner. Even if you are destroyed by the explosion, I am afraid this young man will not have much problem!Who is so lucky that they accidentally picked up the little princess?
What's more, the little princess is clinging to others even to the death. Isn't it a joke to ask His Majesty to ask her for the crime?

Who doesn’t know that Your Majesty is a daughter slave?
"Li Daozong, I want to arrest him and find out the truth and motives of the matter. Do you have any questions?"

Li Er sat down, stared at Li Daozong with unkind eyes, and said: "This man dealt with the Tibetan envoys, but he never harmed the people of the Tang Dynasty. Such a brave man must be extraordinary."

"I have heard from Mr. Zhao Guogong about the matter between your Criminal Department and the county government. The Chang'an County Magistrate acted recklessly and brought people close to the dangerous items that were searched, which led to the tragedy. Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

"Or are you the one who taught the Chang'an County magistrate how to handle cases?"

Generally speaking, this matter really seems to have nothing to do with Li Fei.

Although the high-explosive gunpowder belonged to him, would it have exploded if the Chang'an County Magistrate hadn't entered the house to search and then lit a torch to look closer?
Moreover, Zhou Cheng said that Li Fei had tried his best to stop him from speaking out, but the Chang'an County Magistrate still refused to listen.

In the end, it was because of Li Fei's reminder that Zhou Cheng responded well and saved his life.

"This this……"

Li Daozong was dumbfounded.

What absurdity is this?
When did the accidents caused by the county government's investigation and handling of affairs become the county government's responsibility?
But everything your Majesty said was true. If the Chang'an County Magistrate hadn't approached so recklessly, such a big accident wouldn't have happened, and so many people wouldn't have died.


Li Daozong held his breath and felt bad all over.

"Okay, King Jiangxia, I know that you are angry and unbearable because of the loss of people in the Criminal Department, but you still have to be reasonable in everything. Right and wrong should be understood by the people."

"Go to Xiao Qin Village and inquire about it. Listen to what kind of person the young man is, and then you will know why I did what I did."

"I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will I let a bad person go. Hasn't this person been wanted?"

"After I capture this person alive and inquire about the situation clearly, I will make a judgment on whether to reward or punish him. Do you understand?"

Li Er waved his hand, signaling to Li Daozong not to be so excited.

Want a prize? ? ?
"But, Your Majesty, this... this..."

"If that man doesn't want to be captured, how can we capture him?"

"This person can make such a big noise, and his methods are so vicious. I'm afraid he won't be able to capture him alive!"

Li Daozong held his breath and kept asking for His Majesty's opinions.


"Didn't I say that? Try your best to search for the whereabouts of the young man. If you find any traces, report them to me as soon as possible!"

"He hasn't been found yet, why are you talking so much useless stuff?"

"This matter will be left to the auxiliary machine to handle with full authority. King Jiangxia's criminal department has a lot of affairs, and something like this happened again this time. I think you should restrain your subordinates, and you need to have regulations for investigating the case..."

(End of this chapter)

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