Chapter 85 We have to save some food!

After a long time, Li Daozong left angrily with a slumped face. He didn't know who to vent his anger to.

He had no choice but to take this opportunity to enhance the prestige of the Ministry of Punishment, as he didn't know the truth, but now he had no chance.

Whether it was His Majesty's tone or the wanted order that was not considered a wanted order at all, Li Daozong gradually realized that things might not be that simple.

After Li Daozong left, only Li Er and Changsun Wuji were left in the imperial study.

"Auxiliary machine, what do you think of me on this matter?"

Now that only his closest confidant Chang Sun Wuji was left, Li Er was finally able to be himself and ask about the things he cared about most.

"Based on your feeling, where can he go?"

Thinking of Li Fei who had escaped, Li Er became very angry, feeling bitter and helpless.

You've done your homework, why are you running?

Didn’t I tell you that I have arranged a good relationship for you? Why don’t you believe me?

Changsun Wuji was stunned by the question and scratched his head anxiously. It took him a long time to reply dully: "Your Majesty, I don't know either."

"But with the character of the young man and the thief, I am afraid that he has already gone to a far away place. It is not necessarily possible that he has left the territory of the Tang Dynasty."

All the things that happened this time made Changsun Wuji's behavior toward Li Fei beyond description in words, and he was collectively called a chicken thief!

One thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. Such a deep and deep scheming cannot be judged by common sense!
If you really believe this young man’s lies, I’m afraid that the cheater won’t even be able to find his underpants when the time comes!
"Forget it, you go and draft the wanted order first, just as I told you just now, and then let Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong look for it!"

Li Er frowned and sighed, and then said: "In addition, write a letter to Tubo and tell Tubo what happened in Chang'an. I am very angry!"

"If there is no explanation, we will send troops to Tibet soon!"

Thinking of the situation of the big country analyzed by Xiao Langzhong, Li Er could not help but marvel in his heart and said to Changsun Wuji.

"The minister obeys the order."

Changsun Wuji wiped the sweat from his forehead and said quickly.

Not long after, Changsun Wuji left the imperial study and went to work on the things Li Er had told him.

Li Er, on the other hand, returned to Ganlu Hall.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Changsun Wugou sitting alone by the bed, looking at the scenery outside in a daze.

"Guanyin, please don't think too much."

Li Er came to your eldest grandson Wugou's side, gently took his eldest grandson Wugou's jade hand, and comforted him with a somewhat apologetic expression.

Changsun Wugou's face was haggard. When he turned around, he saw that her eyes were bloodshot. After learning that Li Fei and Si Zi had disappeared last night, Changsun Wugou had a sleepless night.

Her heart was bleeding, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

We have obviously found our daughter but cannot recognize her. Is there anything more painful than this?

Good thing now, my daughter is missing again!
This time, he was hiding from himself and the government, and the difficulty of finding him had increased many times!
"Your Majesty, you must find Sizi. Sizi is so young. It was hard for me to find her. Now..."

Changsun Wugu's eyes were filled with tears. He was so sad when he mentioned Si Zi that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Li Er nodded and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Guanyin Maid, I have issued an order to post wanted notices everywhere. Any trace of Xiao Langzhong and Si Zi will be reported to me as soon as possible!"

"It won't take more than a few days before you can meet Sizi again. Don't be too sad."

Sighing in his heart, Li Er could only comfort him.

Although he didn't know in his heart, where would Li Fei flee to, or did he escape from the Tang Dynasty as Changsun Wuji said?
If that's the case, then it's probably impossible to find the two of them! "Somebody come!"


"Tell the auxiliary machine to send the wanted order to the border city as soon as possible. Be sure to hurry!"

Li Er's voice was unquestionable, and the guards followed the order and left.


Xiaoqin Village is where the back mountain is located.

Li Fei's residence is dilapidated and has lost its former vitality.

In the uneven yard, several potholes were extremely visible, and the house with only two walls remaining was crumbling and collapsed within a short time.

Farther away, in front of several wooden houses, Cheng Chumo and three others were sitting together in a daze.

There was no order or will, so Dad followed His Majesty back, and left them here before leaving.

He said that if the doctor came back, he might still be able to squat.

At this moment, Yuchi Baolin sat on the sack, took out two potatoes from under his butt, and threw them into the fire.


The fire was burning quietly, and the simplest method of roasting potatoes was what the three of them learned when they saw Li Fei cooking that day.

The roasted potatoes are fragrant and soft, and taste soft and delicious. It is indeed a rare delicacy.

"Hey, where did Brother Fei go?"

Yuchi Baolin asked gloomily while pulling the potatoes in the fire, sighing sadly.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaidao were silent. Thinking of the happy time during this period, they felt bad in their hearts.

Through clues and eavesdropping on the conversations between the fathers, the three of them already knew that the fireworks incident outside the city and the traumatic incident in the Ministry of Justice were closely related to Li Fei, but they still felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Huaidao, are we just waiting here?" Cheng Chumo said depressedly.

Qin Huaidao didn't have any countermeasures, so he said, "What else can we do?"

Cheng Chumo scratched his head and said with a serious expression: "Brother Fei has been with us for so long, don't we still know what kind of person he is?"

"If you ask me, the Tubo thieves must have done something wrong in this matter, including those from the Ministry of Justice and the Chang'an County Government. There must be something fishy that we don't know about, which is why they died so miserably..."

Cheng Chumo was the first to not believe that Li Fei was seeking revenge against society.

Qin Huaidao sighed. At this time, Yuchi Baolin pulled out the roasted potatoes from the fire and picked them out one by one: "Eat it while it's hot. I'm full. Let's talk about it after we're full!"

There was only half a bag of potatoes left, and more than half of it went into Yuchi Baolin's stomach.

"You idiot, these are Brother Fei's things, why did you eat so much?!"

Cheng Chumo reprimanded angrily, but he honestly picked up the roasted potatoes on the ground, peeled them and ate them.

Yuchi Baolin was speechless. He took out the bag from under his butt and looked at it: "These potatoes are really good. It's a pity that Brother Fei is gone. We have to save some."

"If we run out of food, if Brother Fei comes back and asks us for it, how will we be able to pay for it then..."

In addition to this half bag, there is also half a room full of potatoes in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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