Chapter 87: Teaching skills, the art of disguise!

That night, Li Fei took Little Persimmon to stay at Yunlai Restaurant.

In the kitchen, shopkeeper Wang and the waiter were busy cleaning up the sheep they had just bought and asked Li Fei for advice.

The strong smell made Li Fei's expression change.

Good guy, Liangzhou is located on the northwest border of the Tang Dynasty. It can be regarded as adjacent to the Western Turks, Tuyuhun, Tubo and the Xiliang Kingdom. The meat here is mainly mutton.

But no one has ever tried it before. Shopkeeper Wang seems to have discovered a treasure now, and has taken back almost half of Liangzhou City's items.

How many are there?
There were about half a kitchen. In Li Fei's opinion, this place had a bit more smell than the toilet.

"Ahem, Lao Wang, let me give you a suggestion. Next time you deal with these things, just do it in the yard."

"After all, this place is the kitchen, not the toilet. It is originally a place where people can develop appetite. I don't think it is appropriate for you to do this. What do you think?"

Li Fei frowned and gave him a suggestion from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, yes, I forgot about this incident and was just too excited for a long time..."

Lao Wang said awkwardly, and then poured the flour into the basin with some distress: "Master Li, can this only be washed with flour? Can I use something else?"

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the flour usually used as staple food has now become a tool for washing water. Shopkeeper Wang felt that his heart was bleeding.

Li Fei nodded seriously and said: "That's right, at least there is nothing else that can replace it now. This thing is inherently dirty. If you don't handle it cleanly, it will be a trivial matter for you to eat shit."

"If there is a problem with the guests' food, you will be overturned, right?"

After hearing this, shopkeeper Wang and the waiter could only bury their heads in tears and wash the fat intestines one by one with flour and water.

"When is your son going to leave?"

While busy, Lao Wang asked about serious matters.

The ingredients will be processed later, and after Li Fei demonstrates it to the two of them, the rest will depend on the two of them.

"Well... in about two days!"

After calculating the time, if the news is flowing smoothly and Chang'an is not too stupid, there should be news in two days.

Li Fei could think with his toes that for such a big thing, at least a wanted order would be issued.

When the time comes, if I remain stubborn and stay in Liangzhou City, I'm afraid I will get into unnecessary trouble.

Hey, why do honest people bother honest people?

"Then Young Master has already thought of where to go?"

Lao Wang observed the words and expressions, and after thinking for a while, he hesitated to ask.

He could feel that this talented Mr. Li seemed to be avoiding some trouble, so he came to this remote Liangzhou City.

The simplest situation is to offend someone who shouldn't be offended. Maybe that's the case.

"Where to go? I haven't decided yet. What suggestions do you have?" Li Fei was also thinking about this and asked casually.

Seeing this, Lao Wang thought about it seriously and suddenly said: "I wonder if you want to continue to stay in the Tang Dynasty, or if everyone in the world can go?"

If you stay in the Tang Dynasty, there is probably no difference. Some of them are remote places.

But the more remote it is, the more bandits and bandits there are. Moreover, transportation is inconvenient and it is far away from bustling towns, making everything inconvenient.

"Well...I'll think about it."

"If you leave the Tang Dynasty, where is the best place to go?"

Anyway, Li Fei has already started a wandering life, and Li Fei doesn't mind going a little further.

This was also his original plan. He planned to take Persimmon on a trip to the mountains and rivers. The most comfortable days were free and unrestrained.

But at present, it is impossible to be unfettered in Datang for the time being, and at most, you can only go unpunished.Li Fei felt uncomfortable when he thought that he might have to be careful about being caught by officers and soldiers while traveling around the mountains and rivers.

"Well...if it weren't for the Tang Dynasty, the best and safest place nearby would be the Xiliang Kingdom."

"Xiliang Kingdom is the closest to Liangzhou. If you have a good horse, you can reach it in half a day. Moreover, Xiliang Kingdom has only one big city called Molan, which is quite prosperous."

"The forces of Tubo and Tuyuhun are turbulent, and they are often at war with the Tang Dynasty. It is not an ideal place."

"If the young master has the idea of ​​going to Xiliang, I have a land deed to Molan City here. It is a small teahouse. Some days have not passed and it has been left to my servants to take care of it."

Lao Wang wiped his hands, then went to the counter and rummaged around, finding a piece of yellowed kraft paper.


Li Fei took it and looked at it. After a while he nodded and said with a smile: "It looks good. How much does this small teahouse cost?"

You can visit the Xiliang Kingdom's industries in the future. A place like the teahouse is quiet and worry-free, which is more suitable for Li Fei's personality.

"Young Master is joking. The recipes of these two things are enough to be worth Yunlai Restaurant. A small teahouse is nothing."

"If the young master likes it, this teahouse will belong to the young master."

Lao Wang smiled nonchalantly, then stood up and said, "These should be enough, shall we start?"

After handling almost ordinary ingredients, Lao Wang was already eager to start learning how to cook.

"Well, let's get started."

"I got these spices from merchants in the Western Regions. Among them, you can't find much of the chili pepper in the entire Tang Dynasty. You can use it sparingly..."

"The first step is to stir-fry the ingredients until fragrant..."

Putting aside the trivial matters on his mind, Li Fei began to teach apprenticeship experience for the first time.

"Ding! Mission released: teach cooking skills."

"Task reward: A certain amount of reputation will be awarded based on completion. Skill: Disguise."


Late at night, Persimmon was already asleep.

Li Fei lay beside Shizi, looking out the window in a daze.

After traveling through time for a year, he has become accustomed to a relaxed and quiet life, but recent events always make him a little awkward.

My golden finger is neither strong nor weak, but I am just too lazy to develop it.

Moreover, he also knows the truth that there is no turning back when you shoot a bow.

If we really want to fight against the Tang Dynasty or Tibet, it will definitely be endless and cause endless troubles.

Why bother?
In modern times, he has to do trivial things for money, rush around to socialize every day, and constantly want to climb up.

Nowadays, money is not a problem at all, so why bother with a hammer?

Enjoying life is the most important thing.

Therefore, Li Fei chose to apply oil on the soles of his feet. At worst, he could find another place to stay, and he had never been there anyway.

After listening to Lao Wang's words, Li Fei planned to go to Xiliang to have a look, but he suddenly got the skill of "disguise", so he was not in a hurry.

"Forget it, let's stay in Liangzhou for a few days first and see how Li Er will arrest us..."

Turning over, Li Fei fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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