Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 88: Does the young master have any useful weapons?

Chapter 88: Does the young master have any useful weapons?
When I woke up, it was already bright.

In the yard, with sweat dripping from Li Fei's forehead, he followed several movements in the "Extreme Training Method" and regarded it as a morning exercise.

The body is the capital of revolution, it has always been so.

Although the system has various attribute enhancements, there are still some tricks on how to develop the treasure of the body.

Nowadays, Li Fei's force value is no longer comparable to that of ordinary people, but to a practical extent, what he can exert is only [-] to [-]%.

There is no brute strength, which means that you can do more work and have more strength.

Lao Wang also got up early and was busy, and after breakfast was ready, he also came to the yard.

"Young Master is amazing!"

"Such a move looks murderous. Could it be that Young Master was a member of the military before?"

Lao Wang looked at it carefully for a while, and his expression became more and more surprised.

Li Fei's movements can be described in three simple words——

Quick, accurate, ruthless!
Hearing Lao Wang's voice, Li Fei also stopped and said with a smile: "That's right. Get up early and exercise. After sweating, you will feel refreshed and comfortable!"

Since he started practicing "Extreme Training Method", Li Fei feels that he has been in good condition.

Lao Wang walked up to Li Fei, looked around him, and after a moment he said doubtfully: "I think so. With such martial arts skills, the young master must be the best in the army. May I ask what weapons the young master usually uses?"


Li Fei was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "There are no weapons. Do I look like someone who often fights with others?"

The martial arts in the Tang Dynasty were not strong enough, but in Liangzhou, a place where such forces converged in a complex manner, the martial arts prevailed.

First of all, there are constant frictions in this place, and most people have to bring a sword to defend themselves.

Even young men and women who have never practiced martial arts still have swords as decoration.

If you encounter any situation at ordinary times, it is better to defend yourself with a sword than with bare hands.

"Hey, that's a coincidence."

Lao Wang squinted his eyes and smiled, then came to Li Fei's side and said: "Young Master is so skilled in martial arts, but if you don't have a weapon, it will be useless. I just heard someone at the door say that a weapons shop in the north of the city had prepared one." Divine Weapon, why don’t you go over and have a look later?”

Divine Soldier?

Li Fei almost thought wrong, but he heard Lao Wang say: "There are not many weapons made of meteorite iron in the entire Tang Dynasty. This magic weapon may cause a sensation!"

In the Tang Dynasty, only weapons made of meteorite iron could be called magic weapons.

In the past, the most famous magic weapon was the weapon of Li Yuanba, the fourth prince of the Li Tang royal family who had been killed in battle, called the Drum Urn and Golden Hammer.

The two lifting hammers are said to weigh hundreds of kilograms, and they can be wielded with great force on people.

"Is there such a thing?"

Li Fei also became curious and nodded: "Okay, there's nothing to do anyway. You go and do your work first, and call me when you go out later."

Lao Wang smiled and nodded, turned around and entered the restaurant, which opened for breakfast.

Just like yesterday, as soon as shopkeeper Wang opened the door of Yunlai Restaurant today, he saw the dark crowd outside and was shocked.

Fortunately, his restaurant does not only have one waiter, but also a handyman who cleans the house, and the original cook.

"Why does it open so late? We've been waiting for a long time..."

"That's right. I waited for a long time yesterday but didn't get the red-oiled haggis or fried dough sticks. I'm worried about whoever doesn't line up today..." "There's no point in being anxious. Hurry up. Everyone has been waiting for a long time..."

The enthusiasm and complaints from the diners were heard, and Lao Wang quickly ordered people to bring out the red-oiled haggis and fried dough sticks and start business.

Soon, another hour passed.

The red oil haggis in the four large wooden basins was sold out, and the fried dough sticks were already in short supply, and almost all of them were sold out.

The satisfied diners wiped their mouths, smiled happily, and boasted to the people around them as they walked.

Those who didn't eat could only sulk and stare into the restaurant for a long time before leaving dejectedly.

Not long after, Li Fei and Xiao Persimmon also had breakfast and were playing in the yard.

Lao Wang tidied up, handed over the affairs of the restaurant to the waiter, put on a pair of clean clothes, and walked to the yard.

"Master Li, let's go?"

"It should have started over there. After all, magic weapons are rare. If you go there late, you probably won't even be able to see them."

Lao Wang said with a smile.

Li Fei nodded, tidied up a little, and took Little Persimmon and Lao Wang out.

At the north gate of Liangzhou City, there are mostly blacksmith and craftsman shops, and few people usually come here.

However, today, the news of the appearance of the magic weapon had already spread like wildfire. On the road, Li Fei saw many pedestrians in various costumes running to the north of the city, as if they were going to the market.

"There is only one magic weapon, so many people are running towards it. What do they want to do?" Li Fei couldn't help but asked a little strangely.

Lao Wang was walking in front. When he heard this, he turned around and smiled and said, "Master Li, you don't know something. This Song Laosan's blacksmith shop is different from ordinary blacksmith shops."

"Back when His Majesty had not yet ascended the throne and His Royal Highnesses were still alive, the pair of drums, urns and golden hammers contained the craftsmanship of Song Laosan. The pair of axes owned by Duke Lu today were also made by Song Laosan."

"If you want to get something from Song Laosan, it's not enough to have money. You also need to have a good fate. Otherwise, no matter how much money you have, you won't be able to get it."

Li Fei was amazed when he heard this. Did Li Yuanba's double hammers flow out from here?
And Cheng Yaojin’s axe?

A little more curious, Li Fei had not really paid attention to the forging technology of the Tang Dynasty, but judging from historical records, it was concluded that most of it was still based on pig iron.

Not long after, a sea of ​​people appeared in front of them, and Li Fei saw the ancient blacksmith for the first time.

"Ding! Found the weapon Yuan embryo, the mission is released: Obtain the meteorite weapon Yuan embryo!"

"Task reward: 1000 reputation points, skill: modern forging technology."

Li Fei, who was walking forward, was suddenly startled. Hearing the sound coming from the system, the curiosity deep in his eyes couldn't help but increase.

Extraterrestrial meteorite?

This thing is really normal. Most of the magical weapons in ancient times were forged from meteorite iron.

With the technology of this era, it is simply difficult to generate enough high temperature, and there are many impurities in ordinary ores that are difficult to remove.

Arriving at the outskirts of the crowd, Li Fei looked at the dense crowd of people in front of him with a helpless expression.

Lao Wang smiled and was not at all anxious, and said: "Master, don't panic, Song Laosan will cast it himself this time, just wait and see."

Sure enough, a voice soon came from the front.

"Guests who are confident of their own strength and weigh at least 300 pounds, please come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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