Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 132 A different kind of cold!

Chapter 132 A different kind of cold!
"Don't touch me! Get away!" Leng seemed a little emotional. As soon as Shi Chen raised her hand, she shrank into a ball, then waved her hands, like a frightened rabbit kicking.

Among them, he was also dancing like this, and he punched Shi Chen one or two times in the face, which caused Shi Chen's head to be covered with black lines. Fortunately, the force was not enough, otherwise, these few punches would be enough to disfigure himself.

Seeing Leng who was as timid as a mouse, Shi Chen was stunned. He couldn't figure out for a moment, what was this little girl doing? ?
She was not like this some time ago.

Even in the face of a powerful crushing herself, she did not show any fear and challenged herself to a sword fight again, although in the end she lost her temper and used the flaming sword.

But Leng at that time could be said to be very resolute, and there was no trace of timidity on his face.

I haven't seen you for a few days.

He became timid, almost like a different person.

Shi Chen couldn't understand, so he continued to raise his hand, but did not reach it immediately, because once he stretched it out, the girl would definitely punch him a few more times. Therefore, Shi Chen could only use the other hand to hug her small waist. Arm, pull it towards yourself, letting it roll into your arms.

Leng was still struggling and waving his fists. Shi Chen took the opportunity to lock her wrists with one hand and control her unable to move. At the same time, he carefully touched her forehead with the hand he had just raised.

Shi Chen was determining the temperature of her forehead.
Because, according to Shi Chen's understanding of Leng Xiaoniu, the reason why she is timid, talking nonsense, and dancing is that she must have a fever, and it is not serious.

Otherwise, this state would not be possible.

However, just after three seconds of being unable to touch her, Shi Chen was sure that she did not have a fever because the temperature on her forehead was very normal. Such feedback made Shi Chen even more confused.

When Shi Chen touched Leng's forehead, his breathing became faster subconsciously, and his heart rate doubled uncontrollably.

These were all captured by Shichen.

Because the two of them were very close, Fan Shichen could just lower his head and kiss her on the face.

However, Shi Chen has no such interest at the moment.

Lingxi will come soon.

Shi Chen was afraid of encountering a bloody drama.

That is when he took advantage of Leng, Zhenggong came out, and then ran away in a fit of anger, his eyes red from crying, and his little cherry mouth was full of crying thoughts.

For example.
"Whoa, whoa, big liar, I came at the wrong time. I shouldn't have come and waited."

Lingxi’s ideological work is not enough.

Especially after reading that novel.

This girl always likes to put herself on the weak side.

Therefore, to prevent accidents.

Even at this time, Shi Chen suppressed the urge to kiss this cold girl and became serious.

Therefore, Shi Chen just looked at her quietly.And Leng was stared at by Shi Chen's fiery gaze. Her pretty face was once again out of control. The redness of the sunset was once again transformed into a blood moon, and she subconsciously shrank her neck. Once again Turn your head to the side.

"What are you looking at??" Leng's voice was no longer arrogant, but a little gentle.

This made Shi Chen a little unexpected and very unaccustomed.

Is this still that hot-tempered and cold-tempered person? ?
Isn’t this Lingxi? ?
If he hadn't been familiar with every bit of Lingxi's body, Shi Chen would have definitely concluded that the coldness in front of him was Lingxi pretending to be playing a trick on him.

Suddenly, Shi Chen had a bold idea. He coughed a few times and asked tentatively: "Ahem!! Little cold girl, won't fall in love with me, will you?"

Based on the experience gained from Lingxi, the last time I took Lingxi to play in Juxia City, Lingxi also had the same expression under his romantic flirtations, and she fell in love with him.

Although Shichen didn’t believe that Leng would fall in love with him so quickly
But Shi Chen still had to ask deliberately.

"You are narcissistic!! You are talking nonsense!! Get out of here!!" Leng suddenly became more energetic, pushed Shi Chen away, and then tried to escape again.

And such a reaction gave Shichen the final word.

this chick.
I really feel for myself.

How could it have changed again? ?
She was soft and weak just now, but now she is irritable again.

It's like having a schizophrenia.

The only thing that can create schizophrenia is love.

Shi Chen hurriedly chased after her and hugged her again.

And Leng struggled again, widened his eyes, and asked fiercely: "What are you doing?? You are so annoying! Let me go!!"

"Look into my eyes and answer me!!" Shi Chen also widened his eyes and tried to look at her.

Ke Leng didn't do as she was told, and turned her head again.

This once again confirmed Shi Chen's suspicion.

Shi Chen quickly reached out his hand, held her handsome chin, and forced her face to straighten, forcing her to look at him.

Leng couldn't resist this domineering behavior at all, so she had no choice but to look at Shi Chen's eyes, but the eyes in her eyes were still moving crazily instead of calming down to achieve the effect of staring at each other.

"You" Shi Chen can't handle this.And Leng snorted softly: "Huh? What's wrong with me??"

"Look at me!!" Shi Chen suppressed the anger that was about to burst out and once again maintained a friendly attitude.

Leng also had a stubborn temper, no matter how much Shi Chen scolded her, she would not obey.

"If you don't dare, then you just like me!" Shi Chen said to himself.

And also stimulated by Shi Chen's move, she aimed her gaze.

However, after holding on for less than three seconds, her gaze shifted uncontrollably again, accompanied by her salivation.

Shi Chen suddenly laughed.

There is indeed something wrong with this little girl.
This performance clearly shows that there is something wrong with him.

Although Shi Chen is very sober and thinks that this shouldn't be the case, it is the fact.

"Pfft, hahaha! Little Leng, you really like me!!" Shi Chen couldn't help laughing.

Leng immediately changed his mind: "You can't be!!"

"Then why are you nervous?" Shi Chen asked.

Leng turned his head sideways: "Why am I nervous??"

"Then why did you look away within a few seconds?" Shi Chen asked again.

Her cold eyes suddenly became erratic, and she couldn't help but pout: "There are no flowers in your eyes!"

"Three seconds aren't enough??"

"I have read psychology! Only emotions such as love or fear can last less than three seconds while looking at each other."

"Bah, bullshit psychology! If it weren't for that dream, I wouldn't be the one"

When Leng tried her best to deny Shi Chen's so-called psychology, she accidentally revealed the secret she had hidden in her heart.

Even though she reacted quickly, this had already become Shi Chen's breakthrough.

Shi Chen raised her chin again, and then, Shi Chen pressed her face against hers.

This made Leng Na reject him, and the intensity of his struggle became stronger.

"He won't kiss me, will he? No, I don't want it."

"I do not want."

"He has Lingxi! Moreover, this bastard is a scumbag. He even took over my first kiss domineeringly."

"But, this bastard is really handsome, and"

"No, no, no! It's not handsome, it's fake, it's just a dream!"

Leng felt uneasy and asked questions about his soul.

But her subconscious mind had already given the answer. She swallowed again and muttered subconsciously.

It seemed like I was expecting something, waiting for something.

Unfortunately, Shi Chen didn't give her the answer she wanted.

Shi Chen just put his forehead against hers, because in this way, no matter how Leng diverted his gaze, he would only see himself.

"What dream??" Shi Chen asked softly with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"I" stammered for a long time and was speechless. My face was as pale as a boiling kettle, my heartbeat accelerated again, and my breathing became rapid again.

"Husband!!" Suddenly, another sweet voice interrupted Shi Chen's interrogation, which also made Leng's heartbeat, blush, and breathing return to normal.

And there was enough power to push Shi Chen away from her and aside.

"Fuck!" Shi Chen couldn't help but cursed.

What a coincidence.

 Today’s update is over
  excuse me!

  Fixed five updates tomorrow.

  He also said that the Battle of Tianhe would begin today.

  Some special circumstances arise.

(End of this chapter)

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