Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 133 Let me train you well!

Chapter 133 Let me train you well!

Leng was descending rapidly. If Shi Chen hadn't asked her to wait and there was really something serious, she would have taken advantage of Lingxi's appearance and escaped.

But looking at Shi Chen's serious expression, Leng couldn't help but hold back for a moment, wanting to see what Shi Chen wanted to do, so as to keep a distance that she thought was safe.

She said nothing.

Shi Chen was sure that she had not escaped, so he turned around with peace of mind, spread out his strong arms, and waited for Lingxi, the little angel, to throw himself into his arms.

Snapped! !

The beauty entered her arms and the faint fragrance rushed into her nose, making Shi Chen want to take a deep breath. However, in order to maintain his own image, Shi Chen still resisted this exaggerated behavior.

"Girl, why are you so slow??"

"I took a bath." Lingxi chuckled. At first, she planned to rush over regardless of her safety, but when she left, she recalled that she hadn't taken a bath for a day.

In order to give Shi Chen a good image, she had to spend a lot of time dressing up and combing her hair.

This was delayed for a while.

However, based on her understanding of Shi Chen, she believed that Shi Chen would not be angry even if it was delayed for an hour.

Because of this guy.
Always so tolerant of yourself.

This is one of the reasons why I am so fascinated.

Hearing this, Shichen suddenly realized, no wonder.

This little girl went to take a bath.

In that case
"You've kept me waiting for a long time! What should I do?" Shi Chen pinched the bridge of her nose affectionately and looked at her with a half-smile.

Lingxi's face turned red, and she replied in a voice as soft as a mosquito: "How about I kiss you as compensation?"

"Just a kiss??" Shi Chen refused. A kiss would be too cheap for this little girl.

This little girl can be said to have ruined her chance to win over Leng Yizi.

Compensation for not leading by example.

It was impossible for Shichen to agree.

Lingxi also knew this. She blushed, lowered her head, and her limbs were very uncoordinated. However, she mustered up a lot of courage and whispered: "Can we wait until night? It's still very bright now." "

"Of course no problem" Shi Chen stamped his pretty face.

Lingxi snorted: "Bad"

"Men are not bad. It is bad for a woman not to love me, but I love you very much!" Shi Chen hugged her graciously and touched her long golden hair.

Lingxi did not answer, but turned his head.

Seeing her looking so shy, she turned her head uncontrollably, as if she was cold as before.

As expected, they are all high-level angels.

In some places, it is completely carved out of the same mold.

However, the formation of such an illusion is entirely Kesha's fault.

This bitch teaches the so-called 'just' order every day, causing these little angels to be full of ignorance about a happy life.

Shi Chen lifted her chin, turned her head to the right side, looked into her eyes, and asked with a playful look on his face: "Do you love me??"

"You bad guy!!" Lingxi snorted again.

Shi Chen rubbed his hands together and breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had cast a spell. Then, he scratched her armpit: "If you don't tell me, if you don't tell me, I'll scratch you to death!!"

"Pfft. Hahaha!! Bad guy Xiaochen, don't. Hahaha. I said, I said." Lingxi was suddenly at a loss. There was no longer any expression on his delicate face, only a smile.

And it’s a genuine smile.

But she is also stubborn.

Don't admit it in broad daylight.

However, Shichen's itching attack was extremely effective, so she could only compromise with a blushing face.

Only then did Shi Chen let her go and repeated again: "I'm very bad, you love me or not."


"How much love??"

"extremely love!!"

"How much love do you have??"

"I just met your name for the first time, but it has been in my heart for a long time. The world is interesting because of you."


Lingxi's words of love were very blunt. It was obvious that this was her first time. Even though she was a thousand years old, during this thousand years, she had been busy with various tasks and had long forgotten how to please the opposite sex. Now she can It can be said that even if it is not perfect, it means that she has been working hard.

Work hard to please yourself.

Shi Chen couldn't be happier.

Just when Shichen was about to teach her how to flirt further.

A cough interrupted and ended everything.

"Ahem. I said, if your apprentice doesn't come, then I will go back first!!" Leng coughed a few times, pretending to be serious. At this moment, she knew that Lingxi probably belonged to Shi Chen. .

This scumbag! !He is really good at it! !
"Sister Leng Leng!!" And Ling Xi also noticed that Shi Chen was not the only one here, but Leng was also there.

To this little guy, he nodded calmly.

Lingxi, like a frightened little white rabbit, took Shi Chen's arm, hid behind Shi Chen, and looked at Shi Chen.

When Shi Chen saw that everyone had arrived, he was no longer immersed in the short-lived gentleness.

Because the coming gentle land will only be longer.

"Open the door!" Shi Chen gave the order to Ling, who had been watching the show.

Although Zero's face was impatient, he took the initiative to open the door to the void, and then he jumped up and jumped towards Lingxi.

Lingxi did not refuse, and quickly let go of Shi Chen's arm and hugged the little guy.

"Long time no see, little one!!" Lingxi touched its little paw and greeted with a smile.

Zero also liked Lingxi very much and squeaked with joy like crazy.

"Let's go!" Shi Chen shouted.

Leng didn't move, and asked confusedly: "Let's go? Where to go??"

"Star Earth!!" Shi Chen calmly spat out three words.

Leng was confused again: "The Earth star?? Is it the Earth star with the power of the Milky Way??"

"Yes!" Shi Chen nodded.

Leng asked again: “Where are you going and what are you doing??”

"Let you see my apprentice!!" Shi Chen glared at her angrily.

Leng: “Why don’t you let her come over??”

"Nonsense, of course she can't make it, because her home is being invaded by Taotie. The reason why I asked you to train her is just for this moment, understand?" Shi Chen was a little impatient.

A cold sound.

The screen turns.

Shi Chen, Ling Xi, and Leng came to Angel International.

And Zero's transmission accuracy is also [-]%.

Several people were sent directly to the top floor.

This is not
As soon as he emerged from the Void Gate, Shi Chen heard the sound of AWM gunshots. He looked up and saw, good guy, it has only been an hour, and Qilin has already managed to separate the birds in the air from 800 meters apart. Then one was shot down.

Shi Chen couldn't help but sigh.

This girl's talent is really extraordinary.

Just when Shi Chen was about to go to praise them, Su Xiaoli and Li Feifei were lying on the sun loungers, basking in the sun, drinking juice, wearing sunglasses, and enjoying the bird hunting show performed by Qilin for them.

This made Shi Chen's head full of black lines.

Depend on! !

These two chicks really know how to enjoy themselves and have no sense of danger at all.

Not only Shi Chen, but also Leng couldn't stand it and asked: "Who is your student??"

"Ahem. That's the one with short hair!! What about that, please be gentle." Shi Chen pointed at Li Feifei.

"There is no word gentleness in my dictionary!! Only try your best." After the words fell, Leng turned into a white flash of light, approaching the position of Li Feifei and Su Xiaoli.

This speed was so fast that Su Xiaoli and Li Feifei didn't react at all.

When they came to their senses, they were greeted by Leng raising his sword and slashing it down.

Fortunately, both of them are super genetic warriors, or in other words, Leng didn't kill him.

This slash did not cause any energy fluctuations, it was just a normal blow.

This gave them both plenty of room to cope.

Su Xiaoli and Li Feifei rolled from the sun loungers to the ground in a funny manner, using the sun loungers as their substitutes to take the violent blow on their behalf.

While dodging, the two of them did not act foolishly. Among them, Li Feifei was more sharp.

She kept paying attention to the Western sword placed on the table. She rushed over and held the Western sword in her hand. Then, she punched Leng and used the opportunity to return the sword to Leng.

Unfortunately, her speed was as slow as a snail in Leng's eyes.

Leng knocked Li Feifei's Western sword away with a slight challenge. Then, she was very fierce and kicked Li Feifei in the abdomen without any tenderness.

This kick was quite powerful and knocked Li Feifei back more than a hundred meters. Fortunately, the top floor of Angel International is a sky garden with a diameter of about 400 meters. This prevented Li Feifei from falling from a 30-story building. Fall, causing secondary damage.

But it only left deep ravines on the ground of the sky garden.

"Let me train you well!!" He shouted coldly.

 One more! !

  terribly sorry! !

  Today’s fifth update is no longer possible.

  There may only be two updates in these three days.

  There are a lot of things.
  When a friend gets married, I will be the best man.
(End of this chapter)

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