Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 250 Outside you are King Tianrun, but inside you are a dog!

A fist as big as a sandbag appeared in front of him. Shi Chen also had a look of helplessness on his face. He made a decisive move and grabbed it: "Hey! How come you are so irrational? If it weren't for me, you would have been killed by Atuo. Stabbed to death."

In the original plot, Atuo did not completely kill Yan. Even if he killed Yan once, Atuo, Liang Bing, and even Karl did not know Yan's physical condition.

It just so happened that when Yan was re-docking in the dark plane, he knew what happened to the Earth planet, and also knew about Kesha's death and the sacrifices of his sisters who lived and died together.

Regarding this result, Yan also felt a certain amount of astonishment. He did not expect that the demon would actually grow to this point and be able to destroy their belief in the Holy Kaisha.

Without Kesha, they were like fat sheep left to be slaughtered.

This was beyond Yan's initial preparation, but compared to this, Yan still had a more important thing to deal with, and that was to reopen the pair of black wings of Ge Xiaolun, who came to Fraser with him and was seriously injured. , and used all the energy to send Ge Xiaolun to the earth planet.

Because the Earth planet also fell.

Requires galactic power.

Atuo was also dumbfounded by Ge Xiaolun's sudden takeoff towards the Earth. He knew that the future development of the power of the galaxy was most likely to be the supreme god. Under Liang Bing's instructions, he was ready to solve it together with Ge Xiaolun.

Therefore, Atuo chased after him and ignored Yan who was dying.

Yancai got up again. He originally planned to return to Mero Heaven to recuperate, but there was insufficient dark energy, so he could only use the Earth as a transit station like Ge Xiaolun.

Thus bumping into Rose.

Then it emerged.

Yan, Qiangwei and Liang Bing are in a cheating situation.

Liang Bing prepared to modify Yan's concept to make him forget about himself and prepare for the attack on Rose, but he was careless and was reversely modified by Yan. He forgot what Yan was and subconsciously thought that Yan was just an ordinary little angel. Yan escaped.

Then comes the Black Armor chapter.

Yan bumped into another god from Lieyang Star.

Pan Zhen.

After a while of greetings, Pan Zhen replenished Yan's energy, allowing Yan to fully recover, and immediately took charge of the Earth Star's front.

The moment this scene appeared, Liang Bing suddenly realized that something was wrong with him and was about to kill Yan, but it was too late.

Yan activated the secondary biological engine and inherited the sacred knowledge treasure trove of holy Kesha. He took out Kesha's silver wings and directly inflicted heavy damage on Atuo.

He even had a back and forth fight with Liang Bing.

In the end, Liang Bing was more experienced and superior, but Ke Yan also relied on flying out of the earth planet, preparing for a big trial and withdrawing his whole body.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to Merlot Heavenly Court, accepted the assessment of another king, Tianji King Hexi, and upgraded his body to a pseudo-fourth generation divine body.

Why the pseudo-fourth generation divine body? ?

Because Yan was only a third-generation divine body, a sacred body, Hexi still had the help to let him perform the same operation as Kesha on his physical body, using sacred atoms as the main body.

But compared to Kesha, it is still slightly inferior.

Immediately, Yan directly sent the dowry, Tianren 7 to the North Star on the Earth, and cooperated with Ge Xiaolun in all aspects to protect the Earth first.

Who knows, at this juncture, the old king, a scumbag who was exiled by Kesha and could only eat and die every day, took advantage of this loophole, which made the plot more complicated.

Ge Xiaolun was sent to the planet Earth. After Atuo caught up with him, he ran into him and learned that he had destroyed everything and became the evil god who caused such disasters to the earth civilization and the angel civilization.

Reina frightened Atuo and scared him away, allowing Ge Xiaolun to escape.

Then comes the meeting.

This is a plot that Shi Chen knows. Currently, Ge Xiaolun has not come to Fraser, so the plot will definitely change qualitatively, and there is no need for Chen to continue to follow it.

Wouldn't that look stupid? ?

"Die!!" One arm was grabbed by Shi Chen, but Yan still didn't give up because she still had another hand and punched Shi Chen in the head again.

Shi Chen turned his head sideways, dodged lightly, and grabbed the dishonest Yan.

Immediately after

Shi Chen used the same trick he used on Lingxi and Qilin.

That is.

Itching attacks.

"You bastard!! Let me go, don't touch me! Hahahaha!" Yan Ye laughed uncontrollably. Now that she has a sacred body, tickling attacks are ineffective under normal circumstances.

Because her body is very hard.

But Shi Chen is different.

Shichen's itching attack had special attack effects this time.

That is void energy.

This directly wears away the hardness of the sacred body, making it similar to Lingxi's level.

And Yan gradually lost control, laughing loudly with a blushing face.

After a while, about five or six minutes passed, Shi Chen stopped Yan Yan from being completely twisted and collapsed by the cheerful smile.

And Yan, who was freed from the laughter, slumped uncontrollably on Shi Chen's lap, panting, but she still didn't give up and continued to curse: "You bastard. You are such a scumbag. You can't be good." die!!"

"Enough! You are a scumbag in one mouthful. Do you really think I have no temper??" Hearing this, Shi Chen frowned, gained some temper, and slapped her round butt.

Yan's delicate body trembled and her pupils shrank: "You"

"Don't forget our bet!! Your queen is dead, and you were killed by Atuo once. If it weren't for the sub-biological engine, would you be able to stand up??"

"So, in the bet, you failed miserably!!"

"From today on, I am your master!! Lingxi is your mistress."

"Master, please train the puppy. This is only natural!! Do you understand??" Shi Chen said it with reason and no mercy at all.

For a proud and arrogant person like Yan.

You have to destroy her self-esteem first. Otherwise, she will ride on top of you.

Of course, Shichen didn't mind being ridden by her.

However, rather than being ridden all the time, Shi Chen also wants to be a rider.

There is not a man without riders.

That kind of speed and passion, with the strong wind caressing the cheeks, no man can refuse.

Yan's face turned slightly red, but he retorted dully: "Bah!! Call you master?? It's a dream!!"

"Hoho?? Are you planning to cheat?? Turn your back and deny it???" Seeing this, Shi Chen picked her up, almost pressed his face against hers, and cast a ferocious look.

Yan didn't know which muscle was wrong. Seeing Shi Chen's face suddenly so close, her heart beat faster and faster unknowingly. However, she didn't lose her composure. Instead, with a cruel heart, she locked onto Shi Chen's nose. Take a bite.

"Hiss!!" The pain in his nose made Shi Chen's mouth twitch violently, and he immediately pushed him away.

Ye Yan was able to escape and stayed aside.

Shi Chen looked at her again: "You little brat, you can't afford to play with me!! You are indeed a puppy that needs education from a trainer!!"

"Bah!!" Yan spit out decisively.

And Shi Chen couldn't help but stood up and leaned towards her, half-smiling.

Shi Chen's smile looked like a devil in Yan's eyes. She wanted to run away, but in fact she knew she should run away. However, in her current state, she couldn't run away at all.

He may even be caught by Shi Chen immediately.

Then the nature changes.

For this reason, she can only play it by ear.

For example, Shi Chen's so-called title of master was actually just a joke he made? ?

Although Yan knew that Shi Chen was a scumbag, he obviously had a perfect partner like Ling Xi, and he still had an unclear relationship with Leng.

Guys like this should be cut into pieces.

But she could only think that Shi Chen still had a trace of humanity.

Because she has no choice.

She lost.

Likewise, she is also preparing to use something to awaken Shi Chen's only humanity.

However, Shi Chen smiled like this, which made Yan shudder, and he immediately said the words that he thought could arouse a trace of Shi Chen's humanity: "Don't mess around!! I'll be more polite to you in the future. But calling you master is impossible!!”

"It's impossible for Lingxi to allow it."

"Besides, my identity is different now."

"Different identities?? You mean, Kesha passed the throne to you, right?? Until Enisid can stand alone?? From tomorrow on, you will be King Tianrun." Shi Chen asked.

Yan's face changed slightly and his tone was a little nervous: "How come you know everything? You guy, what's going on? And, King Tian. Tianrun, you guy, don't go too far."

"What's too much?? I'm just telling the truth. And, I'm sorry, as to why I know so much, it's my secret!! Just like your angels' little secrets, if you want to know, or get This technology, in your words, should be our fusion!! If we are fused, we can know everything."

"How??" The corners of Shi Chen's mouth turned up slightly, recalling the original work, where Yun Shiji had been teasing Ge Xiaolun in Fraser, but now he didn't expect that she would have such a timid expression.

Don't tell me yet.

If you look closely, you can see that her face is red, which is a bit cute.

After all, not just anyone can make Yan blush.

Hearing this, Yan felt that this passage was so harsh. Although she couldn't figure it out, she would naturally reject it immediately: "You are dreaming!!"

"Also, if you put it this way, are you really not worried that Lingxi will cause trouble for you??"

"Or do you really have no guilt at all?? Lingxi is so perfect. You are eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. Are you a little unaware??"

"Oh! If you're worried about this, there's no need to do that, because that girl in Lingxi knows that I'm spying on you!! She also agrees, as long as you don't affect her status."

"That's why I play such a bet with you!! Calling Master and Mistress means that outside, you are the arrogant King Tianrun, but at home, you have to call Mistress Lingxi. And he took the initiative to carry water for his feet." Shi Chen held his chin in a serious manner, as if everything had been arranged.

Yan was dumbfounded by Shi Chen's arrogant remarks.

She also realized that she had done something wrong.

That was trying to save Lingxi.

After what Shi Chen said, Yan knew that Lingxi was hopeless.

How could he indulge Shi Chen like this?

And yet he fell into such a trap.

No wonder, when Shichen initiated the bet, Lingxi didn't say a word.

It turned out that he was waiting for me here.

This little girl.

Completely bad learning. (End of chapter)

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