Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 251 The dog is good, listen!

Chapter 251 The dog is good and obedient!

"Scream or not!!" Shi Chen forced her again.

Yan subconsciously shrank his neck and lacked confidence, but he still remained firm: "Don't scream!! What's wrong with the outside and the inside! From the beginning to the end, I, Yan, have been a man who cannot be surrendered by force, and who cannot be lustful if he is rich!"

"Kill me if you can!!"

"Anyway, the death of Queen Kesha left me with a lot of mess, and my sisters also died one by one! If I am left alone, I might as well be killed by you."

"That made everything easier."

"Oh!!" As soon as he said this, Shi Chen almost believed it. He said that one cannot bend with force, and one cannot be lascivious with wealth.

In Ya's original novel, Ge Xiaolun is not that tough at all.

Just that.

Persimmons only pick soft ones, right? ?

Shi Chen was angry.

However, there was no rush, and he knew that Yan's words were just a desperate attempt.

Her sense of responsibility can be said to be very deep, especially after the contact with the dark plane, she always records her next mission, and she must complete it even if she sacrifices herself.

This bitch.

It must have been because he didn't dare to kill her that he became so arrogant.

In other words, knowing the relationship between himself and Lingxi, he fell into a kind of self-revelation that if I kill her, it means pushing Lingxi into the abyss.

All I can say is, smart.

However, Shi Chen's guess was correct.

In Yan's mind, she insisted that Shi Chen couldn't really kill her.

If he wanted to kill her, it would be impossible to fight away Atuo who was about to hit her while she was unconscious and in contact with the dark plane.

Shi Chen knows too many things in advance, just like predicting the future. Following this logic, Yan made a bold guess. If Shi Chen can really predict the future, it means that it is also possible to know what will happen after the fall of Queen Keisha. What tasks did you give yourself?

In other words, the current angel civilization needs to stand up on its own.

Then it would be impossible for Chen to take action.

Because Lingxi is an angel, as long as she is an angel for a day, it will be impossible for Chen to do such crazy things that completely ruin the angelic civilization.

She was betting and testing.

She bit Shi Chen to death for being a soft persimmon.

"It's a pity that in a sense, Kesha may not necessarily die!!" Shi Chen smiled, turned around, and was not going to embarrass him, but planned to return to the original wooden house.

Just now, Shichen and Zero had collected Kesha's sacred atoms.

Use the same atoms to defraud a wave of big clocks.


The Great Clock is the ceiling of the known universe.

It's not an empty ceiling.

It is very easy for Void to inject viruses into the big clock.

No, in order to confirm that the big clock had been infected by the void virus, Shi Chen also left a time bomb. Now the time bomb has not made any sound.

This means that Karl did not notice that the sacred atom had been dropped.

That allowed Kesha to crawl out of the grave without even a basic question of time. As long as she wanted to, Kesha could be resurrected at any time.

However, if it is resurrected too early, it loses its value.

However, you can put out clues to get a big fish to take the bait.

"What?? What does it mean that Queen Kesa will not necessarily die??" Yan suddenly became excited. She knew that she had made the right bet.

Since Shi Chen had predicted in advance that Queen Kesha would fall.

That proves that Shichen's technology is very likely to resurrect Kesha.

Just like what Lingxi mentioned before in front of Queen Kesha above the Earth.

At that time, Yan had the same attitude as other angels, thinking that Shi Chen's words were nonsense, unrealistic, and just to disgust Queen Kesa.

Now that I reflect on it, the truth becomes clear in an instant.

Shi Chen shrugged, completely ignoring her inquiry, and yawned to himself: "Yawn, it's already dawn and I haven't slept all night!! I'm a little sleepy, so I'm going back."

As soon as he took the first step, Yan stood in the way of Shi Chen, put his hands on his hips, and asked again: "Let me ask you something!! Queen Kesa may not have fallen. What does this mean??"

"Yawn, so sleepy!!" Shi Chen still behaved like a pig that is not afraid of boiling water. He rubbed his eyes as if he was really sleepy. He treated her as air, turned a blind eye and continued on his way.

This made Yan immediately become anxious and took action decisively. He grabbed Shi Chen's arm and pulled Shi Chen back with brute force.

and many more? ?

Brute force? ?

How could I be stronger than this guy? ?

Suddenly, Yan realized something.

When she came back to her senses, Shi Chen knocked her over like a sudden disaster, and then pressed her heavily under him, using her delicate body as a cushion and letting her lie down on the yellow sand-like floor. And with one hand, she climbed the rock as if nothing had happened in a place that was different and proud of her.

"You are so weird, why are you so strong??" Before Yan could say anything, Shi Chen directly complained to a wave of villains and threw all the blame on her head.

Yan also froze immediately and looked at Shi Chen in confusion.

She had seen shameless ones.

I've seen debt.

But this was the first time I had seen Shi Chen act so owed and shameless.

How could my own strength be comparable to his.

This bastard.

Do it on purpose! !


He also touched himself.

"You!! Go to hell!!" Yan Yi was cruel and didn't even look at it, but based on her actual combat experience, she had realized that the target of her knee would be any man's weakness.

She is ready for a violent cock! !

Unfortunately, Shi Chen was already prepared. The moment she raised her knees, she opened her legs and then tightly controlled them, using a clamp to prevent her from moving.

"No, what do you want to do??"

"You dragged me so hard that I fell down, and now you want to hit me hard?? King Tianrun, are you really going too far? Or are you treating me like a weakling and ravaging me casually??" Shi Chen said with a look on his face Said seriously.

Yan looked at Shi Chen with disgust and spat fiercely on Shi Chen's face: "Bah!!"

"." Shi Chen was startled and spat? ?

What the hell.

It’s so infuriating! !

Thinking of this, Shi Chen also got angry. While restraining her thighs, he locked her wrists with one hand and pressed them to death in a wall-dong position.

However, she was lying down now, so it wasn't considered a wall-dong.

If I had to describe it, it would be Di Dong.

"What do you want to do?? Let me tell you!! Don't mess around, you are forcing yourself to bully the small!!! Wait for me... Ugh!!" Yan became nervous and knew that he should not go towards Shi in anger. Chen spat, because now she was so fragile that she could collapse in the wind.

He was severely injured by Atuo, and he had just connected to the dark plane.

Her dark energy has been completely exhausted to the point where not a drop is left.

This is why she knew Shi Chen was a hungry wolf, but she didn't run away. Instead, she only dared to have sex with Shi Chen.

It's not that she doesn't want to slip away.

But it can't escape.

Of course, there is also an element of fear.

I'm afraid that Atuo hasn't gone far yet and will fight back with a kill or something.

After she returns to Merlot Heaven to recuperate, she will avenge the holy Kesha who dedicated her whole life, including her life, to the angelic civilization.

However, unexpectedly, Shi Chen revealed that Holy Kesha would not necessarily die, giving Yan hope again.

However, Shi Chen was not prepared to tell the truth.

Could it be

Is this guy lying to himself? ?

lie? ?

It's really possible.

Her mind was in a mess, foggy, as if she was extremely drunk.

When she woke up a little, she felt her lips were filled with moisture.

Shi Chen spoke up.

Yan widened his eyes, arched his nose, and performed an operation that Shi Chen knew every girl was good at.

That is.

Take a serious bite.

"Hiss! Holy shit, you are such an undisciplined dog!!" Shi Chen had to get up from Yan, the pain from his tongue was a bit deep, Yan's strength was many times greater than Qilin's.

Yan blushed, took out the flaming sword with difficulty, and rushed towards Shi Chen: "Bastard!! I'll kill you."

With the same ending, Shi Chen stretched out two fingers to clamp the flaming sword. With a little force, with a click, the flaming sword instantly shattered. "You" Yan couldn't help being slightly stunned when he saw this, his anger could not be released, but he also knew that there was a huge gap between him and Shi Chen, especially when he was still overdrawn in dark energy.

and many more.

Overdraft? ?


Yan realized something was wrong, and she reflexively took out another flaming sword and swung it hard at Shi Chen.

In an instant, a fiery red shock wave flew out.

Fire bombardment.

Unfortunately, Shichen had already seen through it and relied on his own arm to turn Yan's flame bombardment into nothingness.

"Have I recovered??" Yan was shocked.

She can use flame bombing, which means that her dark energy has just been restored.

What's going on? ?

She looked at Shi Chen unclearly.

Shi Chen continued to yawn and said: "Ha~ cherish it!! This is your queen's current role."

At first glance, what Shi Chen did just now was just a unilateral attempt to take advantage of Yan, and it was Yan's first time talking.

But in fact, Shichen injected the sacred atoms he collected into fingernail-sized void energy to replenish Yan's energy.

Sacred atoms can restore Yan's injuries.

Because from the moment Yan connected to the dark plane, Yan had been upgraded to a sacred body.

The relationship between the sacred atom and the sacred body is equivalent to myself and Lingxi.

It can be said like this.

As for void energy as a supplement, ordinary angels cannot withstand it and will collapse instantly.

But, you can.

Because the sub-biological engine has been activated in Yan's body.

That is the void engine.

Although it is not the most advanced version, it is certainly not bad.

No, just by talking, Shi Chen realized that Yan's secondary biological engine was very advanced, because the internal core of the engine was actually the void crystal that he had given to Kesha before.

Although it is only the size of eye droppings, it is indeed a crystal of void.

The current Yan and the original Yan are completely different.

Hexi, a science student, is really great.

Not long after he handed it over, he had already used it in a novel secondary biological engine.

Therefore, Yan can receive a small amount of void energy into himself.

In fact, his own void energy is simply delicious and the most needed existence for Yan.

After saying this, Shi Chen stopped talking nonsense and teasing this time, and continued to walk slowly back to the cabin. He gave her a mouthful of energy and ate her mouth once. This deal was not excessive at all.

Yan Ye followed closely and realized that Shi Chen was not simply taking advantage, but was trying to restore her and bring her back to life, and finally had a slight change towards Shi Chen.

"Hey, scumbag. You haven't said yet that Queen Kesa may not have died." Yan wanted to know more.

Shi Chen's face darkened, he turned his head and looked at this girl's delicate face, which was much more beautiful than Lingxi's. He couldn't help but say, "I've helped you enough."

"Don't push yourself too far."

"Don't forget, what is your current status?"

"What is my identity??" Yan didn't take it seriously and continued to rub his nose and face, as if he didn't know how to write the word "death".

The corner of Shi Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly turned around and grabbed her cheek. The smooth and tender skin made Shi Chen admire it in his heart.


Still top.

No wonder it attracts so many novel fans.


My mouth smells a bit bad.


However, you can brush your teeth.

"Girl, you seem to be confused about the situation!" Shi Chen looked at her fiercely.

Yan slapped Shi Chen's extra hand away with a slap, and said with great momentum: "Don't talk like a chick!! My name is Yan!! From today on, I am the Heavenly Blade King."

"The new king of angelic civilization."

"Please give me some respect."

"Huh?? King of Heavenly Blades?? I told you, your name is King Tianrun!! Do you understand??" Seeing her so smug, Shi Chen couldn't help but take a blow.

Yan's face darkened: "Are you not able to speak?"

"It's you who can't speak first, Your Excellency Prince Run!!" Shi Chen smiled contemptuously.

"Why can't I speak?? I have been polite from the beginning to the end. It's you." Yan immediately refused.

A scumbag like Shi Chen is already very kind.

If it were Queen Keisha.


Queen Keisha can't stand him either.

However, if it was Queen Keisha's character, she would definitely tear him into pieces.

Every behavior, including character, is full of anti-justice.

Simply an extremist.

Just like that Morgana.

Shi Chen: "It's a pity that words don't count!! I can't afford to be fooled. I'm just a little brat. That's it. I'll be the king again. I'm still a bitch!! So don't bother me."

"If you don't want to get spanked."

"Hey" Hearing this, Yan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air: "Isn't that what happened!! Isn't it okay if I call you?"

Shi Chen stopped and looked at her with some disbelief: "Huh?? Are you awake?"

"What kind of words are you talking about? What kind of awakening!! I am just willing to admit defeat, but my status is a bit special. However, if I am not the queen, in private, it is okay to reluctantly say it once or twice." Yan shrank subconsciously. He shrunk his neck, kept a distance from Shi Chen, and smiled awkwardly.

This little girl is still playing tricks on herself.

Do you think you are a fool? ?

For such a shockingly bad reason.

However, she may not know that when it comes to routines, it is not an exaggeration to call herself the king of kings.

Shi Chen took a deep breath and said: "In fact, if you give in, I originally planned to help you. Let the queen you miss come back to life."


"It's a bit unrealistic, but that's what it is because it's not that bad."

"Master!!" As soon as these words came out, Yan shouted out decisively, even though she felt that these two words were very embarrassing and embarrassing for her to say.

But compared to the current situation Angel is facing, it is much easier.

Especially Yan didn't know if he was qualified.

Of course, for a warrior, death is a kind of belonging, and living is a shame.

But Holy Kesha was never a warrior from the beginning to the end.

She is the king! !

Queen of Angels, King of Gods.

She shouldn't have gone offline like this.

So, she took the risk.

However, something she never expected happened.

"Ahem!! What's that? Be a good dog and listen to your master. Regarding Kesha, let's stop here!!" Shi Chen coughed a few times and stroked her head, which was very shameless.

"You bastard!!"

 One more update! !

  4324 words! !

  One more update.

  About 2000-3000 words.



(End of this chapter)

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