Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 300 Who allowed you to sit up?

Chapter 300 Who allowed you to sit up?

"He should have arrived at our capital, the Heart of the North!! He is a member of the Xiongbing Company. I hope you can give me a message."

"Let's just say that his stupid brother, his inconspicuous brother, died here today like an upright and passionate man."

"No longer a little gangster who only extorts money for cigarettes!!"

"Go quickly!!"

After explaining the funeral, Liu Delai stood up with difficulty. He waved the big red rotating ax in his hand, and without any hesitation or hesitation, he slashed at the first demon's claw.

Along with the scream, a bloody arm fell down, and the bones fell as brittle as thin ice.

"Ouch! Damn it, Liu Delai, don't toast and you'll have to drink as a penalty!!"

"Hold on, although Queen Morgana said that he must not be allowed to die like this. He has his value and is a good seedling, but she did not say that he must have sound limbs."

"His limbs have been crippled, let's see how he still struggles!!"

The first demon had his arm cut off and was very angry, but the demons behind him kept the matter uninterested and continued to respond to their missions.

This made the demon with a broken arm furious.

He rushed over like a madman, one arm was broken, he had another one, not to mention he was not without weapons.

He took out an ax made of pure iron and struck hard.

Liu Delai had quick eyesight and quick hands. He immediately adjusted the direction of his rotating ax and collided with the heavy ax head.

Ping Pong Pong!

The sound of metal friction was very pleasant, accompanied by sparks, and the two sides were evenly matched.

This made Qiangwei and Shichen on the side look at each other.

Isn't this right?

Based on their understanding of demons, they both knew that the demons in front of them were not traditional demons.

They don't even have the demon's dark red armor.

At first glance, it was the little devil who had just mutated.

Liu Delai should be a super genetic warrior, and from Liu Delai's last words just now, we can know that he is Liu Chuang's younger brother.

Same surname.

Maybe a biological brother.

Qiangwei has seen Liu Chuang's power and intensity before.

Before the war broke out, Liu Chuang was overthrown by Ge Xiaolun while preparing for the war.

Ge Xiaolun is still the power of the galaxy.

This shows that Liu Chuang is much more powerful than Ge Xiaolun, who is the force of the galaxy.

As Liu Delai's biological brother, theoretically there cannot be much difference.

It was actually difficult to deal with even a newborn little devil.

Isn't this a bit too general? ?

Of course, compared to these, Shi Chen looked at Liang Bing with a playful expression.

Liang Bing was also in a mess.

The few little devils in front of her were no strangers to her. They were indeed a generation of devils evolved from the devil virus.

The first generation of demons does not have strong recovery power, but only improved physical fitness, reflexes, and strength.

Although they can resist ordinary bullets, bullets above 7.62 will have amazing effects when hit on them.

Moreover, what makes Liang Bing confused is that he has issued an order to recruit Liu Chuang's brother into the demon civilization? ?

I really like Liu Chuang because that guy is tenacious and has unlimited potential.

The most important thing is that Liu Chuang is not afraid of death.

During the battle on the Juxia, she used the opportunity to lure the tiger away from the mountain, surrounded Liu Chuang in the cave, and opened the door to him.

Precisely because Liu Chuang was a good prospect worth developing, Morgana did some data analysis.

Liu Chuang belongs to the three major god-making projects, and is the one most likely to carry out beheading operations.

If he cultivates it well by himself, Atuo will not be his opponent for now.

As for Liu Chuang’s younger brother.

Liang Bing didn't know anything about this person, so it was impossible for him to issue such a ridiculous order.

Someone is causing trouble in her name.

At the same time, after this collision, Liu Chuang's younger brother found it difficult to deal with even a generation of demons.

What is the value of this?
Liang Bing sighed.

The demons had already pounced on Liu Delai, slashing at him.

Liu Delai swayed hastily, as if he was drunk, avoiding fatal injuries, but he also left a lot of bloody wounds on his body.

But he didn't scream, his eyes were red, and he continued to fight.

This made Qiangwei completely unable to stand it anymore.

Although there is a certain degree of disappointment, the attitude is the same as that of Liang Bing. It is difficult to accept that the gap between brothers is so big.

However, just based on Liu Delai's last words and identity, it was impossible for Qiangwei to ignore him.

Even though in Liang Bing's mouth, he is a self-proclaimed king, a heinous, self-centered little bastard.

Rose moved, and the micro-wormhole space transport technology was not subject to any restrictions. She bypassed these demons in one go and left a ten centimeter-deep incision on their necks.

The sound of the waterfall being torn apart came out. Just now, they were confident about destroying Liu Delai's limbs, their eyes widened, and they fell down one after another.

The neck was like a fountain exploding, splattering all over the ground. The blood dyed the sewer red, but not a single rose leaf touched the body.

The process is very fast. A mere demon with no equipment can be said to be worse than a Taotie.

Liu Delai stared at Qiangwei in shock.

By the time he came to his senses, the battle was over.

Qiangwei teleported back to Shi Chen's side, and Shi Chen immediately followed, holding her slender hand as usual, and said: "Bao, are you okay??"

"A few bastards are worthless!!" Qiangwei replied domineeringly.

Shi Chen chuckled and joked: "What I mean is, leave this little piece of garbage to me, but don't get pregnant!!"

"!" Liang Bing's beautiful eyes widened.

Liu Delai's face was confused and his mind was in a mess.

Fetal gas? ?
Is this still a pregnant woman? ?

Are you kidding me? ?

Are you not as good as a pregnant woman? ?
Liu Delai couldn't accept it, but thinking back carefully, his brother said that although you had awakened your superpower.

But with your kind of superpower, you can't even beat the soy sauce in the Xiongbing Company.

The younger brother among younger brothers! !
Play less, so as not to get burned.

No, Qiangwei has confirmed all of this.

However, Liu Delai felt that his eyes were very tired and his breathing was no longer smooth. He was just about to say thank you.
Unexpectedly, he was exhausted and lying in a pool of blood.

"Don't make trouble! What's the fetal gas?" Qiangwei stamped her feet, a little angry at Shi Chen's joke.

It is clear that there is a powerful enemy in front of him, yet he is still so old and dishonest.

However, this also reminded her in disguise that she must wear a small umbrella next time.

Maybe it suddenly enters the soul, and the earth planet is still so complicated and chaotic.

She didn't want to fight aliens with a big belly.

If you are not careful, you may kill two people.

Shichen smiled stupidly, it was self-evident.

When it comes to making Qiangwei a mother, it only takes a matter of minutes.

However, with Qiangwei's personality, becoming a mother would actually hurt her.

Because Qiangwei cannot survive in a national crisis.

She also didn't want to be a mother when she met her comrades.

That's too twisted.

When Liu Delai fell, Qiangwei walked up to check the injury.

Liang Bing followed closely behind, and when passing by Shichen, Liang Bing said, "You bastard!"

"Did you really take action??"

"Ah? I don't know." Shi Chen laughed and immediately denied it.

No, Shi Chen's denial made Liang Bing grit his teeth.

She tried again: "Do you dare to do it or admit it??"

"What? Why can't I understand??" Shi Chen just pretended to be stupid and got through.

Because this is the method that Shi Chen thinks is the most tortured to Liang Bing.

She considers herself an old pervert, but she also thinks Qiangwei is a very traditional person.

It's like knowing that the lottery is a scam, but still joining in tirelessly.

Because she always takes chances. I always feel that it will be the same as I expected.

Or maybe you can't accept the fact that goes against you.

"You" Liang Bing was so angry that his chest trembled, and the rolling mountain peaks seemed to have encountered a crustal movement that was rare in a thousand years.

Shi Chen: "You can ask her. Why do you have to ask me?"

"I" Liang Bing really wants to say something. If Qiangwei answers, do I need to ask you? ?
Liang Bing also couldn't figure out why Qiangwei was vacillating like Shi Chen.

Don't give an accurate answer.

hum! !

"Xiao Chen, come here quickly! Something happened, he has a chest injury." Just as Liang Bing was trying his best to use his brain to come up with a way to achieve his goal, Qiangwei's anxious voice interrupted everything.

Qiangwei turned over Liu Delai, who was lying in a pool of blood.

There was a bloody hole in his chest that resembled an eye socket.

It was empty, without blood vessels, as if it had been eaten.

In addition, just when Qiangwei was about to check the blood hole with her face, a disgusting looking bug like blood maggots came out of it.

The insect spun out and pounced towards the rose.

This caught Rose off guard.

Fortunately, Shi Chen had quick eyes and quick hands. He stood in front of her, grabbed the fat insect, and squeezed it hard.


Black blood exploded, falling from the gaps between Shi Chen's fingers and blending into the pool of blood, staining it black.

"Don't touch! This kid is the one Morgana likes. He is poisonous." Shi Chen glanced at Liang Bing behind him and reminded Qiangwei.

Qiangwei's face changed drastically. She looked at the fat insect and said angrily: "Asshole!! Damn Demon Queen."

"." Liang Bing lay down with his gun, his head covered with black lines, and immediately said: "Ahem, Qiangwei, I think there is a misunderstanding."

"Morgana would not do such a heartless thing."

"some of"

"How do you know she won't?? Everything is going smoothly for our planet Earth. Even if we are targeted by other civilizations, there are still ups and downs."

"It wasn't until that ugly woman destroyed the Juxia and cut off communications that we were in such a difficult situation." Shi Chen immediately pointed at Sang and scolded Huai.

"Especially, he killed our commander Dukao."

"You are just a social butterfly, what do you know??"

Liang Bing was speechless for a while.

She really wanted to say something, your mother-in-law really understands me, she understands me better than I do myself.

Depend on!
However, what Shi Chen said was all true, and she was unable to refute it.

In response to Shi Chen's speech, Qiangwei clenched her fists and her face was as cold as an iceberg: "I will deal with this scumbag."

"As long as there's a chance."

"." Liang Bing's heart tightened.

She wanted to greet Shi Chen's parents.

I was also troubled by why Shi Chen, a bastard, found Qiangwei before he did? ?
It was obvious that he was knocked into the bottom of the sea by his control of Reina.

It's impossible to be faster than yourself.

Moreover, Shi Chen also hindered her original plan to clear Angel Yan in Fraser.

Shi Chen destroyed it and touched the rose faster than himself.


It must be the so-called Gate of the Void.

Liang Bing wants to bite someone.

"Xiaochen, in this case, he...didn't he?" Qiangwei no longer continued to criticize Morgana, but looked at the dying Liu Delai worriedly.

Qiangwei didn't know that she was the team leader in the Xiongbing Company and was also one of the people who formulated the tactics.

Now, he subconsciously wants to rely on Shi Chen.

She couldn't figure it out.

But this is what instinct drives.

Maybe it's that sentence, women always have to rely on men.

And because of her dependence, he is her man.

Shi Chen took a deep breath, bent down, and picked up Liu Delai who was only breathing out: "Just give him a blood change!!"

"He is a super soldier, but he is also Chuangzi's biological brother."

"The Nuoxing God of War is no joke. Maybe he is inferior to his brother, but this garbage virus will not kill him."

"Just like those demons said, their queen wants to control this person and then force Chuangzi to submit."

"There is a high probability that nothing will happen."

"Take him with you and try your best to get to the Heart of the North and hand him over to Aunt Lianfeng. She should be able to handle it."

"I hope so!" Qiangwei nodded and agreed with this plan.

After all, Lian Feng is responsible for the black armor and super genes.


Shi Chen raised his head and looked deep into the sewer: "It seems that the matter is not over yet, someone is coming."

"The real devil!!"


Shi Chen threw Liu Delai to Qiangwei and prepared to take action.

Qiangwei picked up Liu Delai and grabbed his collar to prevent him from continuing to soak in the pool of blood.

at the same time
On the other side of the sewer, several heavily armed demons were chatting happily.

"To be honest, we worked so hard to get here just to bring that boy back to Queen Morgana. Isn't this a bit overkill?"

"What a waste of overqualified talent!! Labor and management must break out of the world. Now the whole earth is in war. Although we are demons, we are directly subordinate to Commander Mengqi."

"But, we are just little minions who are smarter than those silly dogs."

"We came here from the border without telling Meng Qi. Don't we just want to capture super soldiers and give them to Morgana?"

"When the time comes, Morgana gives us fire breathing, control of thunder and lightning, etc., then we can stand up, otherwise we will be cannon fodder for the rest of our lives, do you understand?"


"Boss, there is a reaction from the front. Liu Delai is right in front. He should have passed out."

"That's good! We only have one shot of the God-killing No. 1 virus projectile. If Liu Delai hasn't been invaded by the genetic virus, we can't do it at all."

"Huh?? What is that??"

"What the hell?? It's light!!"

Boom boom boom!
There was a loud noise, and a golden light annihilated them, turning them into ashes. Before that, they didn't even know where the light came from.

Shi Chen fired a shot here and felt comfortable all over.

Qiangwei also had to praise: "Your dark energy output is more powerful than before."

"Hehe! Isn't that because he has tasted the sweetness??" Shi Chen grinned and said shameless love words.

Qiangwei glared at Shi Chen angrily, but didn't mind: "Poor talk!!"

"Let's go."

"go back."

On the outskirts of Nanhu City, Shi Chen and Qiangwei returned here, bringing Liu Delai and Liang Bing with them.

It is late afternoon now.

When I got back here, I didn't find any changes. Everything was normal. It seemed that the entire Nanhu City had become a quiet city.

Liu Delai was placed in a military tent and guarded by several heavily armed Chinese soldiers.

In Shichen's RV.

Qiangwei went to explain the harvest situation. Although she was equivalent to the highest commander in this unit, she was not vague about the work she should do, so as not to cause uncontrollable trouble.

But when she left, leaving Liang Bing and Shi Chen behind, another thing happened.

"Not bad! There is such a big guy! On Earth, tourism is still very developed." Liang Bing was not polite at all. He came to the RV, looked at the soft big bed in the car, and lay down decisively. .

The charming fragrance made Liang Bing turn over and over, because she knew that this smell was of roses.

She loves it.

But Shichen didn't like it, and Shichen also came to the bed, and grabbed her wrist, forming a cross lock.

Shi Chen's face was almost pressed against hers, making Liang Bing unable to move: "Shao Niang, who allowed you to sit up here??"

 In the next chapter, let Liang Bing pay back a hundredfold! !

  Don't miss it.

  4495 words.

  The protagonist's protein has been charged! !
(End of this chapter)

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