Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 301 Why don’t you surrender to me?

Chapter 301 Why don’t you surrender to me?
"Hey!! I sit, I sit! Not only do I sit, I also ride, and I also roll away. What?? You have the ability to come up and hit me!!" Liang Bing was startled by Shi Chen's cheek. For some reason, she felt as if a bighorn bull was charging madly, but she quickly realized that this was because the bed had the scent of roses.

And looking at Shi Chen's solemn expression, there was also an unquestionable tone.

Liang Bing was cruel and charged into Shi Chen's face with his own head.

Shi Chen was caught off guard, or in other words, he didn't expect Liang Bing to be so strong this time.

Although time dust is an energy body, it is only energy and not composed of matter. For example, sacred atoms are known to be the hardest in the known universe.

Therefore, Liang Bing's bull collision still had a certain effect on Shi Chen.

No, Shi Chen was hit and his whole body tilted. Fortunately, his waist was strong enough and full of resilience. Otherwise, this time, his whole body would be in a breaststroke posture.

However, this also gave Zu Liangbing a chance to break free from Shichen's restraint.

After breaking free, Liang Bing ran around on the big bed of the RV, completely lacking the maturity that an adult woman should have and acting like a cynical naughty child.

Not only that, she also deliberately shook her sinful buttocks, taking the provocation to the fullest, just short of writing the words "come on me".

Faced with such a provocation, Shi Chen would definitely not be able to swallow his anger.

We must strike hard! !
Because no man can bear it.

Shi Chen was not polite, and used his waist elasticity, which could be said to be second to none in the known universe, to launch himself like a cannonball.

Liang Bing looked at Shi Chen flying over, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The bed of the RV was touching the iron wall of the trunk of the RV. Liang Bing turned around and touched the airtight iron wall, preparing to decipher it, open it, and let Shi Chen fly out in embarrassment.

With the computing power Liang Bing currently has, it may not be effective against Shi Chen, but a mere RV is more than enough.

But when she stretched out her hand and touched the cold iron wall, she was dumbfounded.

Because she couldn't analyze this iron wall, nor could she let Shi Chen fly out.

"Depend on!!"


"This wall was also wrapped by you with your damn void energy??" Liang Bing turned around and cursed.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, what she got was Shi Chen who was already in front of her.

This made Liang Bing's heart tighten. She looked around and found that she was in a blind corner with no way to hide.

This is just an RV and has limited space.

Unless wormhole technology is used.

However, Liang Bing knows that the wormhole technology will probably fail.

The car walls were blocked by the damn purple unknown void energy, which proved that the space she was in should also be isolated.

Liang Bing realized it.

You are a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

The moment she realized it, it was too late. Shi Chen pressed her down on the bed and pressed her whole body against her. Even her hands were pressing Liang Bing tightly. The biggest evil in the known universe. place.

"Huh?? Not bad!!" Shi Chen felt the elasticity of jumping on a trampoline and couldn't help but praise it.

Liang Bing turned her face sideways. She didn't want to breathe face to face with Shi Chen, because she would most likely taste the disgusting carbon dioxide in Shi Chen's mouth.

"Get away!! Now!!" Liang Bing shouted stubbornly.

But how could Shi Chen obey so simply.

It was she who provoked him.

It was her who was rude.

Now she is the one calling out.

That’s really all.

The fever was getting worse, and I was shouting in private chat to get out.

Shichen is not used to it.

"Hey, are you mistaken?? This is my RV. You want me to get out?? Are you a little rebellious??" Shichen continued to press her, enjoying her softness and body Exuding charming fragrance.

very good.

Even more exciting than Kesha.

However, Shi Chen did not let this go to his head.

Because Qiangwei might not know when she would come back, and if a bloody scene happened, she might not be able to escape it in this life.

Now is not the time.

But Shi Chen couldn't be timid for a second because of this: "We have kissed and touched each other. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are close to each other on the skin. There is an old saying on Earth called old husband and wife."

"Stop pretending to be reserved."


"Bah!!" Before Shi Chen could finish speaking, Liang Bing blushed and spat at Shi Chen.

Shi Chen turned his head and avoided her saliva.

"Who's married to you?? Don't be too arrogant! Believe me or not." Liang Bing scolded Shi Chen angrily, wishing to tear Shi Chen into pieces, but Shi Chen looked out of her pupils. , noticed that her attention had been diverted to other places.

That's the pair of beautiful legs wrapped in thin black stockings.

She raised it fiercely.

Prepare to give Shi Chen a try, a skill that any girl is good at running into gangsters and perverts.

Unfortunately, she underestimated Shi Chen.

Shi Chen is a gangster among gangsters.

When her eyes moved downward, Shi Chen already knew what she wanted to do, and he expanded his muscular thighs first, firmly fixing her plump thighs so that they could not move.

"You!!" This made Liang Bing lose his temper and could only widen his eyes.

Shi Chen chuckled: "What's going on?? I'm not stupid."

"Haha. Aren't you stupid?? I think you are hopelessly stupid. So what if you control me?? Is it possible that you dare to do it to me right here??" Liang Bing looked at Shi Chen and said with certainty, She couldn't help but want to stimulate Shi Chen.

She has lost now.

Physically and technically.

Therefore, her mouth must not lose.

That is to be stubborn to the end.

She didn't believe that Shi Chen dared to be so bold and start her dirty behavior here.

Liang Bing acted like a pig and was not afraid of boiling water, which also made Shi Chen a little shocked. This girl was not in a mess, and her mind was still very clear.

Others can't, but, let her face be filled with her own saliva, that's no problem.

Shi Chen stretched out his hand, held her chin, gently lifted it, and corrected it.

This action was done in one go, which also made Liang Bing secretly think something was wrong.

"you dare!!"

"Asshole, Qiangwei came in and saw you, eh!!" Liangbing snorted, but only half of the words came out before his mouth was blocked.

Immediately afterwards, there was silence for three minutes.

In fact, Liang Bing has been waiting. As long as Shi Chen dares to stick out his tongue, she will let Shi Chen's tongue come back.

But this time, Shi Chen wiped out his past operations and only scratched the surface.

This didn't give Liang Bing a chance for revenge.

Liang Bing was completely dumbfounded and doubtful about life.

She doesn't doubt that Shi Chen has changed his mind and started a new life.

Because it's not practical.

She could only suspect that Shichen knew what she wanted to do and did not give her a chance.

This made Liang Bing very angry.

But her strength was too small in front of Shi Chen. She couldn't push it away at all, and eventually, her entire face was soaked.

She wanted to cry.

But I couldn't cry.

Shi Chen seemed to be tired and no longer bullied her.

Instead, he stood up after being full of wine and food, and burped: "Not bad, it still smells as good as ever! Sweet! It's a pity, I only like salty!!"



"I don't want to die a good death!!" Liang Bing looked at Shi Chen's face that was drifting away and gnashed his teeth angrily. Shi Chen didn't take it seriously. He took out a bottle of soda from the hanging cabinet of the RV, opened the lid, drank it all, and took a long breath: "Soda?? It's so good!!"

"To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine the culprit who turned a blue planet full of hope into a planet filled with only war and shrouded in the breath of death."

"You actually call me a scumbag and a scum."

"He shot the father of his beloved, separated his comrades, and said others would not have a good death."

"Xiao Liangbing, are you a little unaware?"

"." Liang Bing was silent.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

Because she couldn't find any words to answer Shi Chen.

In desperation, she could only change the topic, which was why she had to follow Shi Chen instead of doing the reporting work with Qiangwei.

"Did you attack Qiangwei??" Liang Bing looked at Shi Chen solemnly.

Shi Chen did not answer, but asked: "Is protein delicious??"

"You" Liang Bing was speechless for a while and his face turned red.

Shi Chen shrugged: "Yes, what about me??"

"I am asking you."

"I'm asking you too."



"Bastard! Tell me what you have to do before you answer me." Liang Bing sat on the bed with his hands on his hips and looked at Shi Chen firmly.

Shi Chen touched his chin and looked at her carefully.

"Don't be delusional!! I tell you, I can't be that mean." Liang Bing subconsciously protected his chest and looked at Shi Chen as if he was dead.

Shi Chen shook his head: "Hey!! Look, this is a misunderstanding."

"I'm just curious about what protein tastes like."

"You" Liang Bing clenched his fists.

Shi Chen: "That's fair. You have one question, and I have one question. It's impossible. I'll pay unilaterally, right?"

"I don't want to answer!!" Liang Bing turned around.

Are you kidding me? ?

Of course she knew what Shi Chen wanted to know.

Let her say such words, why don't you kill her.

Seeing that Liang Bing refused to speak, Shi Chen imitated her and said, "Then I don't want to answer either."

"Whatever you want!! Anyway, I will know sooner or later." Liang Bing also became stubborn.

“And you want to know, you don’t know how to produce and sell your own food??”

Shi Chen smiled faintly: "Have you ever seen a chef who can eat his own food??"

Buzz! !
As Shi Chen said these words, the door of the RV was opened, and Qiangwei walked in with a serious expression.

She first glanced at Liang Bing on the bed, and breathed out slowly: "What chef are you talking about??"

"." Liang Bing said nothing, not even daring to look at Qiangwei, and reflexively touched his face, as if this could cover the saliva mark left by Shi Chen.

Shi Chen didn't mind, and immediately replied: "Oh!! She wants me to be her cook. That means she is hungry."

"Are you hungry?? Then, let's eat! Together with everyone, the fire has been lit outside, the pots are set up, and it's time to put in the vegetables." Qiangwei didn't think too much, after all, today's experience was indeed a bit complicated.

First, he noticed the survivors in Nanhu City, and then the survivors started fighting among themselves, trying to stab a social butterfly to death.

Then, this social butterfly awakened her super gene when she was about to die.

Become a genetic warrior.

Although, Qiangwei still doesn't understand what type of Qiangwei's genes belong to.

However, she saw with her own eyes that Liang Bing was not dead and that his power had become huge.

Immediately afterwards, there is Nanhu City's equivalent of a militia organization, the Delai Alliance.

Unfortunately, it was infiltrated by the devil.

There are not many humans left.

What Qiangwei didn't expect the most was that the leader of the Delai Alliance, Liu Delai, was actually Liu Chuang's biological brother.

This made Qiangwei unable to absorb the changes that had occurred in the past few days.

Fortunately she has a big heart.

"Okay!! I'm hungry too. Let's go together. Who is that?" Shi Chen did not refuse and stayed in the RV, which was not good for the soldiers.

After all, they camped on the spot and slept in the open air.

But he relied on his own strength to enjoy all kinds of luxuries.

Even these soldiers, Shi Chen could see, would not protest because of this.

But for the sake of future cohesion, such behavior should be minimized.

Liang Bing followed closely behind.

Suddenly, only Qiangwei was left in the RV.

Liang Bing stopped immediately and looked at Qiangwei with a puzzled expression: "What about you??"

"Me?? I'm going to take a bath and I'll be here soon." Qiangwei smiled lightly.

Liang Bing froze immediately, and the legs that had got out of the car walked back uncontrollably: "Then so do I."

"You're a fool too! This car only has room for one shower room, and it takes at least half an hour to boil water. Why are you giving me food?"

"You just kept shouting that you were hungry." Shi Chen didn't give her a chance, grabbed her arm and forced her out. If she and Qiangwei were left alone, Shi Chen suspected that Liang Bing would definitely try his best to get in and use various excuses to have a love bath.

Yes, mandarin duck bath, not mandarin duck bath.

Because none of them belong to Yang.

But Shi Chen still has to prohibit this kind of thing.

Because of this little girl Liang Bing, the officially designated neodymium copper.

Even though there are countless fans who help her clear up her innocence and shout about the love between mother and daughter.

But in fact, I understand everything.

In order to avoid being put on a light green hat, Shi Chen must decisively end all possibilities.

Qiangwei watched the two of them leave.

The scene changes.

Shi Chen took Liang Bing to the soldiers' "canteen".

They built a fire in the wilderness and gathered around the fire. There were branches with fish on them around the fire.

There is also a hanging pot of hot soup.

This was their unpretentious dinner.

There is no big fish or meat, and there is no full banquet between Man and Han.

Keep everything simple.

Because no one can be sure when the enemy will attack.

Even before Shi Chen came here, they almost always dug wild vegetables and tree fruits to stew soup to satisfy their hunger.

It was Shi Chen who brought a cart of food that changed their diet.

"Isn't it?? The food is so bad??" Liang Bing looked at this situation and couldn't help but complain.

Hearing this, Shi Chen couldn't hold back and hit her hard on the head: "You still have the nerve to say that?? Isn't this a gift from you?? Do you know how many people are not full?"

"It's none of my business?? This is the nature of war. If they surrender to me, take me as their master, and only recognize Morgana, there won't be so many troubles!!" Liang Bing curled his lips.

Shi Chen rolled his eyes at her and slapped her round butt hard: "The essence of war?? If you don't start a war, there will be so many things?? And, surrender to you?? How can you Don’t you surrender to me? ? I think you just don’t eat enough protein.

"Need more replenishment."

 It's a bit sloppy, 4266 words.

  Continue tomorrow.

  There is a high probability that Liang Bing will recreate Xue Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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