Super Seminary: He comes from the void

Chapter 302 The unrecorded angel!

Chapter 302 The unrecorded angel!
"Bah!! Make love to your uncle!!" No matter what the topic was, Shi Chen would always mention protein, which made Liang Bing spit at her fiercely.

Shi Chen ignored her, but as if there were a pair of eyes on the back of his head, he tilted his body slightly and walked towards the fire with the pure white saliva that was as thick as syrup sprayed from her mouth.

"Old Qi, how does it taste??" Shi Chen looked at the fully armed Chinese soldiers surrounding the fire. Some of the faces were familiar. For example, the man who took off his helmet and sat closest to the fire was the same man who sat at the beginning. Chen's co-pilot is also the Earthling who has been accompanying Qiangwei in the original work.

Wei Laoqi.

Wei Laoqi looked at Shi Chen walking over with a smile, took the initiative to give up a seat, and said: "Brother, it can be said that this is the richest meal we have had in the past six months!!"

"We used to eat almost everything we caught along the way."

"If you can't catch it, dig up wild vegetables."

"Although we occasionally notice some abandoned supermarkets, we are not the only ones who go to supermarkets to fill our stomachs."

"The whole city is in chaos."

"Small problem!" Hearing this, Shi Chen smiled faintly, then turned around and shouted to the other soldiers: "From now on, as long as I am here, you can only eat more abundantly than you do now!!"

"For example"

After saying that, Shi Chen snapped his fingers, and a micro-wormhole gradually opened. Countless bottles and cans of beer fell like raindrops and fell on the grass, making a loud and exciting sound.

And when everyone saw that there was still beer, their eyes widened.

Without any hesitation, he jumped directly onto the grass and made a mess.

"I'll go?? Beer??"

"It's still Frost Flower!! One of my favorite big brands. The last time I drank beer was a year ago, and there was no war at that time."

"Who said there was no war?? There was at that time, but it was only supported by a company of heroic soldiers!! Although it suffered a lot of damage, it was still acceptable and it did not affect the normal life of other cities."

"It's different now. Not only our China, but the entire planet Earth has fallen. Where can anyone still make such good things??"

Beer is equivalent to edible gold in the military area. No soldier will not drink beer unless you are a completely impure soldier.

But no one thought that in such a war-torn environment, there would still be beer to drink.

Wei Laoqi saw the soldiers being so unruly and with black lines on their heads, and shouted: "What are you doing??"

Wei Laoqi's voice was very loud, which made the atmosphere freeze. Everyone couldn't help but look at him, even though he was still holding several cans of beer in his hands.

This shows that he still has a certain degree of persuasiveness among this group of warriors.

"Put them all down!! One can per person!! In this chaos, are you still Chinese soldiers? Have you forgotten the rules?" Wei Laoqi looked at everyone seriously.

Only then did everyone realize how ridiculous their behavior just was.

They quickly put down the hard-won beer in their hands, slapping and apologizing to their comrades who had just extended their claws without mercy.

Seeing Wei Laoqi's speech, they restrained themselves, and then he took a long breath: "Sorry, I made you laugh! Although they are soldiers, they have not been in the army for more than one and a half years, so they are still considered new recruits. ”

"Indeed, it can be seen that many people are no more than twenty years old." Shi Chen nodded. Shi Chen did not feel anything wrong with the unexpected situation.

Because for this world, the current situation is equivalent to the end of the world.

As China is the main battlefield, it is already extremely difficult to have so many soldiers come forward.

It's only reasonable to make some mistakes occasionally.

Otherwise, it will just feel suffocating.

"Xiao Li, Lao Zhao, please help give them out. One can per person, don't waste it. You can only get the second can after drinking it!! And you must not get drunk." Wei Laoqi looked at the two bearded men beside him, The veteran who looked very vicissitudes of life gave orders.

The two veterans looked at each other and nodded.

Ever since, Shi Chen saw a scene that appears in many military programs.

That's the queue to get food in the canteen.

It’s just that today’s rice has become beer.

Shi Chen has sprinkled enough beer. Based on the current number of soldiers in the military camp, it can be said that each soldier can receive three bottles.

In fact, Shi Chen can take out as much beer as he wants.

Because these beers are all composed of particles that exist in the air, as well as invisible plankton.

However, Shi Chen was not prepared to take charge because he did not want to see Qiangwei come over and ask him angrily why he got them drunk, why he indulged them, etc.

Although Nanhu City is calm, it does not mean that you must relax.

Taotie and other forces are watching eagerly.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that the team will be destroyed.

Just like the Delay League.

Almost all the survivors in Nanhu City were transformed into first-level demons by those demons, turning the entire city into a city of death.

Crackling! !
The dead wood crackled as the fire burned, and Shi Chen slowly sat down.

Liang Bing on the side also followed closely behind.

After Wei Laoqi almost finished distributing the beer, he returned here.

He threw the two cans of beer to Shi Chen and Liang Bing, then opened the easy-pull ring and took a swig: "Phew!! To be honest, I also find it unbelievable."

“We’re also lucky enough to have something like beer.”

"Is this kind of thing difficult to get?" Before Shi Chen could open his mouth, Liang Bing took over the conversation and took a sip in a decent manner, speaking in a familiar manner.

Wei Laoqi looked at Liang Bing and laughed: "This kind of thing used to be everywhere and you could buy it. Maybe even Sister Bing, you won't even take a bite."

"Why??" Liang Bing looked stunned for a moment, with a confused look on his face.

Wei Laoqi smiled and said: "It's not of high quality!! With your status, what you taste more or less should be red wine, right? No matter how bad it is, it's Wuliangye, Zhoulaojiao or something like that, right?"

"." Liang Bing was silent.

Well, she forgot her identity on Planet Earth.

Although looked down upon by Shi Chen and Qiangwei, she is a social butterfly.

But in a hierarchical environment like the Earth Planet, she also belongs to the people who are superior to others, while Wei Laoqi has almost no chance of being superior to others.

Especially once you get out of the military.

Wei Laoqi asked again: "Sister Bing, what does Wuliangye taste like?"

"Have you never drank??" Shi Chen couldn't help it.

Isn’t that enough? ?

Although Wuliangye is a famous wine, there are not many people who have never tasted it.

Wei Laoqi smiled awkwardly: "What, don't laugh when I say it. It's not just me, but everyone else here has not drank either."

"Guys, what do you think???"


"Does it taste good?? It is said that the taste can only be found in heaven."

"One time I wanted to have a taste. Our old squad leader worked hard to get a bottle, but the company commander took it away directly as a private bottle of wine. Originally, the old squad leader said that one day he would be lucky enough to have a bottle. A glass of it.”

"Damn!! So are we. However, we are not the company commander, we are the squad leader. Once when we were on the field, we all pooled our money to buy a bottle of Xifeng. Unexpectedly, when we bought it, the squad leader intercepted us before we could even smell it. "

"Then it disappeared."

"Damn, what a dog??"

"That's not true!!"

"However, we have also tasted the famous baijiu and often taste it!"

"Oh?? Often?? Rich second generation, right??"

"Ahem, that's about right!!"

“What kind of wine??”

“Erguotou!! Isn’t this famous??”

"Fuck your uncle's Erguotou?? According to what you said, I've even drank Xijiu."

"Just tell me whether it's famous or not?"


Everyone drank beer, responded to Wei Laoqi, and joked. At this moment, the atmosphere here is no longer tense, only relaxed and friendly. Everyone is like a family, until the broth on the fire makes a gurgling sound, accompanied by the rich smell of meat, everyone can't bear it. Keep your mouth open.

This time, without waiting for Wei Laoqi to speak, they allocate the work independently, one person per person, no more, no less.

The military canteen effect also really appeared.

"So, Sister Bing, what does Wuliangye taste like?" Wei Laoqi was still struggling with this topic.

Liang Bing sighed and shook his head: "Actually, it's almost the same as the Erguotou you mentioned."


"That white wine will always taste the same!! Hahaha."

"No, the main ingredient is spicy and pungent."

"Beer is better. While it quenches your thirst, it's less likely to cause sin and less likely to delay things."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

As he said that, all the soldiers raised their beers. Although there was no collision, they also indicated their current actions.

The others responded, gulping down the drink.

The sound of footsteps came, and Qiangwei was already here.

The appearance of Qiangwei made everyone become serious, and their big mouths that spoke freely were firmly shut.

"No?? Am I that scary??" Qiangwei frowned involuntarily when she saw that the fiery atmosphere just now was solidified by her arrival.

Her words still did not change the atmosphere. Instead, everyone looked at her again without saying a word.

This made Qiangweina angry.

Although she knew that she was usually very strict with these little brats, almost to the point of not being able to get a grain of sand in her eyes, but she wasn't so cold, right? ?
These guys are a bit stereotyped.

Until, the frozen atmosphere was broken by Shi Chen's words, which also made Qiangwei realize how serious and meticulous she was in the eyes of these brats.

"What Qiangwei means is that everyone should not be nervous. Today is the day off. Let's relax and play!!" Shi Chen shouted.


"I see!!"

"Sure enough, let me tell you, Brother Xiao Chen is our savior."

"No, not only will we drink beer, but Qiangwei will also give us a day off!!"

"That saying is true. A ferocious tiger will become docile when it bumps into its mate. It's true!!"

Everyone shouted Shi Chen’s pseudonym.

This made Qiangwei's whole face sink.

For a moment, Qiangwei seemed to return to her previous cold expression and put an end to all the actions of these guys.

Why does a ferocious tiger become docile when it bumps into its mate? ?
I'm sorry, in your eyes, I am such an unreasonable and hard-hearted person who only wants you to work non-stop and does not allow you to relax? ?

Compared to Qiangwei, Liang Bing also felt uncomfortable.

Everyone's reaction, especially the last sentence, seemed to establish that Shi Chen and Qiangwei were together and a couple.

That's not what Liang Bing wants.

Wei Laoqi also noticed the change in Qiangwei's expression, and immediately smoothed things over, saying: "Ahem, Qiangwei, what about that? These guys are ignorant, don't be ordinary."

"In fact, in our eyes, you are not that exaggerated."

"You're just more serious."




Wei Laoqi said almost all the complimentary words that came to his mind.

This made Qiangwei roll her eyes for a while, but she didn't take it seriously with him. After all, Shi Chen had said it out and let everyone relax for the night. If she insisted on being serious about this, it would only be counterproductive.

Qiangwei sat next to Shi Chen, looked at Wei Laoqi, and asked, "Okay. Let's not talk about this. Have you contacted Beihu City today?"

The topic changed from relaxed to serious.

But compared to everyone else, Wei Laoqi is the only one here.

Wei Laoqi no longer refused, because this was a job he had always insisted on.

Wei Laoqi shook his head: "No. We couldn't get in touch. Even today I formed a team and headed to Beihu City, but we came back when we reached the border."


Wei Laoqi sighed: "There are many demons and gluttonous warriors hiding around."

"We have been cautious, but we still lost one person."

"Who??" Qiangwei's eyes became firm.

Wei Laoqi: "Yang Dingbing. But it's not as serious as expected. It's just that the back was burned and we evacuated in time."

"Back burn?? This"

Shi Chen couldn't help but interrupt. Although Shi Chen knew he shouldn't say this, the technological level of the two sides was very different. Once these soldiers were targeted by Taotie, they would be vulnerable without Qiangwei and himself.

Can't even escape.

It's completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

But today I didn't receive any call for help from them.

this means.
It's really not serious.

"Did they really evacuate in time??"

"Uh-huh." Faced with Shi Chen's question, Wei Laoqi was speechless for a while and remained silent for a moment before replying: "Actually, unless we retreated in time, our retreat would have almost no effect given the opponent's equipment."

"The other party didn't pursue us."

"After we made many inquiries, we realized that there are angels in Beihu City. We are most likely afraid of this."

"There is an angel?? This is good news. Let's pack up and go to Beihu City to meet this angel tomorrow." The sound of angel made Qiangwei's eyes light up.

Although Qiangwei didn't want to admit it, angels were much better at fighting such a high-level war than they were.

Although I don't know who this angel is.

Is it the high-level guard who negotiated with Reina? ?
Or is there someone else? ?
However, with such a number one person, they will definitely be able to bring reliable news.

This is what Rose needs most right now.

Otherwise, it would be like they have been in jail for decades and finally got to the end of it. When the incarceration ended, they just walked out of the prison door, only to find that the world was no longer the way they lived in the beginning.

But Shi Chen froze.

Angel? ?
Recalling that in the original work, Yan was the only angel who had contact with Qiangwei.

However, Yan returned to Merlot Heaven.

So who is this angel? ?

Lingxi, Lengdu is in the North Star.

The remaining high-level guards were dying and injured.

who is it? ?
Shichen couldn't think of it.

Wei Laoqi nodded seriously: "I will make arrangements later. They are all in high spirits now. In addition, the wounded person you brought woke up just now. However, I asked them to calm down."

"Because he has been clamoring to find Liu Chuang. Xiongbing Company."

"Although we tried our best to explain that we have you and brothers Chen from the Xiongbing Company here, he refused to comply and even injured our guard."

"It's just that he collapsed less than one meter out of the tent."

"We wanted to help, but we found him glaring at us with red eyes, as if he would bite if we help him. Qiangwei, how about you go and deal with it? You can't just turn a blind eye, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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