Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 103 102 Obik: It hurts my heart!

Chapter 103 102. Obik: It hurts my heart!
"Why are you laughing?" Chu Bai pretended to be fierce and asked with bared teeth.

Young Master Ayan suppressed his laughter and covered his face: "It's nothing, Shadow, Shadow, he gave birth to a child..."

Chu Bai: "..."

"Is he your shadow or your wife? Why does he have children?"

Realizing that his lie was too clumsy, Master Ayan corrected him: "Shadow's wife gave birth to a child."

After saying that, he couldn't hold it any longer and finally laughed out loud: "Pfft~ Hahaha..."

Chu Bai: "..."

"That's unreasonable. You guys haven't stopped laughing from just now! You are clearly laughing at me!"

"No, no, it's because you don't look that aggressive." The shadow in the pot tried to smooth things over and said.

Chu Bai lowered his head and looked at his body.

Thick thornskin armor, reinforced fangs and sharp claws...don't I look ferocious enough?

"I'm angry if you do this again?" Chu Bai, the bully, said with a pulled face.


Master Ayan and Shadow's laughter still didn't stop.

So, the clever Chu Bai came up with a plan.

"Master Ayan, I can't come back to my old village~"

Master Ayan, Shadow: "..."

It is better to attack others than to prove yourself.

Seeing the two people's smiles disappear instantly, Chu Bai smiled with satisfaction.

The smile will not disappear, but it will shift, just like the smile of these two guys, it moved to his face at this time.

Obike, known as 'Master Ayan' in ancient times, is a neon monster who lives in the darkness of Hikoye Street.

However, as things changed, modern civilization and development destroyed the previous buildings.

Gradually, even the name 'Master Ayan' was forgotten by mankind.

The disappearance of the village due to construction changes, or the era that can never be returned, is the eternal pain in Master Ayan's heart.

"The village has not disappeared!" The sad young master Ayan yelled angrily at Chu Bai.

Master Ayan insisted: "The village will never disappear, I will make the village come back!"

Chu Bai looked a little helpless: "Hey, you just laughed at me, and I didn't say anything. Why did you get so anxious when I just said a word to you?"


Can this be the same.

The little monster's words were like a knife, striking right in the center. It would be strange for Master Ayan not to feel sad.

Opposite him, Master Ayan turned his head.

He looked through the shadowy forest to the brightly lit construction site still under construction at the foot of the mountain.

The old Hikoye Street has been bought by developers and is ready to be bulldozed and built into a commercial district and health center.

The expression on Master Ayan's face became firm at this moment, even a little more fierce: "In short, I will never let those humans destroy the village!"


"Clang clang-"

He ran away with the pot in his arms.

Behind him, Chu Bai looked helpless.

No matter how strong an individual's will is, it cannot withstand the development of the times.

Master Ayan is a person abandoned by the times.

In other words, he gave up on the present and was trapped in the past.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and the village of the past will never come back.

Chu Bai knew that if he could not be allowed to accept the change, then when he realized that he could never go back to the past, the only thing waiting for him would be death.


Chu Bai's fingers turned into tentacles and bound towards Master Ayan!Although he looks like a bald middle-aged man, Master Ayan's movements are extremely flexible.

He shook the pot in his hand and made a "clang~" sound.

Then, when Chu Bai reacted, his body had disappeared on the spot!
Chu Bai was not surprised by the other party's disappearance.

Master Ayan is originally a monster living in the darkness and has the ability to move freely in the darkness.

"Things are difficult to handle."

Chu Bai stood there, thinking about how to save Master Ayan from the fate of death.

Although the other party is a monster, he has never harmed anyone, and Master Ayan's persistence in the past will move anyone who sees him.

Chu Bai still remembers the regret and sadness he felt when he first saw Obik accepting death calmly on TV.

Therefore, Chu Bai wanted to help him, which could be considered as helping his childhood self.

After firming up his thoughts, Chu Bai suddenly said without any clue: "I don't know if it's because of the influence of my happy mind, but I've been a little sentimental lately."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you help him once, just think of it as earning merit for yourself."

Chu Bai murmured and suddenly heard several unusual noises.

So, Chu Bai got into the ground vigilantly.

A few minutes later, Xincheng and Dugjing arrived with flashlights and wearing Victory uniforms.

"Are those residents on Hikoye Street okay? First they said there was a monster named Obik, and now they said they saw a little monster with red hair on the mountain. How is that possible..." Xincheng looked to the left with his flashlight. Look to the right and you can’t help but complain.

"Don't rush to deny others, what if it's true." The well digging team members have different views on this matter.

"After all, according to the descriptions of those witnesses, it is very likely that the one who appears here is Monster No. [-]."

"We both know the urinary properties of Monster No. [-]."

"Wherever it appears, the monster will appear, so maybe the urban ghost stories in Hikono Realm are true..."

"It's not rigorous at all for you to engage in scientific research like this." Xincheng was speechless.

"I'm too lazy to explain to you idiot." Dijing rolled his eyes at him.

"If Obik is real, why hasn't there been a single incident of hurting anyone? It's obviously everyone's fabrication." Xincheng said stubbornly.

"It's no use talking so much, let's check first." The light of the flashlight in Dijing's hand kept shaking in the dark night.


Chu Bai silently listened to the conversation between the two smart men of the Victory Team, thinking about whether he should ask them for help in this matter.

But think about it.

Although the people in the victory team are kind-hearted, in the final analysis, they still view the world from a human perspective, and it is difficult to empathize with monsters.

And it seems that they can't help much in this matter. On the contrary, staying here will easily cause harm to Obik.

Therefore, in order to let the victory team go back early, Chu Bai quietly dug away underground.


the other side.

A hungry young man was standing in the cold wind when he suddenly discovered a soba noodle stall on the roadside.

So, the young man got in decisively and ordered a bowl of signature noodles.

The stall owner was an eccentric middle-aged man with a stubborn look on his face. He asked the young man: "Have you heard the story of Obik?"

"Of course I've heard of him. Who wouldn't have heard of him living in this area of ​​Hikoye Street?" the young man said while rubbing his hands.

"Then have you seen him?" the stall owner asked again with a strange expression.

"I've seen him. Do I still have the life to come over and eat noodles?" the young man replied half-jokingly.

The stall owner smiled mysteriously: "Well, do you want to meet me?"

next moment.

"Bang bang bang!"

The pot next to it made a weird noise, and then, a black object came out of it: "Come and play with Obik~"

(End of this chapter)

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