Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 104 103 Super sense of smell!

Chapter 104 103. Super sense of smell!

The hill behind Yanye Street.

I didn't find anything unusual in the new city and dug a well while walking slowly in the mountains.

"Bang bang——"

Suddenly, there was a strange movement from an ancient well nearby!

The cold wind blew by, and the well-digger team members felt their hearts tingling: "Did I hear that right?"

"You heard that right, it's just the sound of the wind blowing through the branches. There's nothing to be afraid of. You just like to scare yourself." Xincheng walked to the ancient well without taking it seriously.

at this time.

"Bang bang——"

There was another unusual movement in the well, and this time the two of them heard it for real!

At this time, even Xincheng, who did not believe in evil, felt a little panicked. He raised his hand and clasped the gun on his waist, ready to attack at any time!

Just when Xincheng was looking at the dark wellhead, he was waiting.

A ghostly voice sounded in his ears: "Isn't it Obik who is here?"


Xincheng was frightened by the movement and turned around and almost shot.

After reacting, he looked at Chujing angrily: "No, just say it properly. Why are you lying in my ear and whispering so low?!"

"Didn't you say you're not afraid of me?" Tujing smiled mischievously.

Xincheng felt a little embarrassed on his face and was about to change the topic: "I didn't originally..."

The voice did not fall.




A series of strange sounds came, causing the two experienced victorious team members to scream in fright.

When the two of them reacted, they discovered that there was an extra man beside the ancient well!
"People seem to fly out of the well."

The well-digging team members had frightened eyes. While urging Xincheng to go over and check it out, they took out their PDI communicators and connected to the headquarters...

Some time later, Shengli Feiyan [-] and Shengli Feiyan [-] arrived.

"This is what happened. Xincheng and I were... in short, it was very scary!" Dijing vividly told the whole story to his teammates.

"So, people were spat out by this well? Could this well be the legendary Obik?" Dagu pointed the Shengli Haipa gun at the mouth of the well with a wary face.

"Even if it wasn't, it must be inseparable from Obik! I knew there must be something going on where Monster No. [-] came from!" the well-digging team member said categorically.

"Monster No. [-], has he appeared near here again?" Zongfang raised his forehead.

"Yes, I forgot to report this. An eyewitness claimed to have seen a little monster. Based on the image description, I guessed it was Monster No. [-], but I couldn't find it..." Tujing replied.

"Since the No. [-] monster is here, the rumors about Obik are most likely true." Lina guessed.

The deputy captain ordered: "Okay, let's organize it. We work in pairs and search the mountain tonight. If you see anything unusual, report it immediately."


The next morning.

Chu Bai's figure appeared outside a temple at the back of Yanye Street.

Probably because no one has visited it all year round, this temple looks very old.

Perhaps it is because the monks in the temple are diligent, so although the temple is old, it is still clean.

Chu Bai had just emerged from the ground, and the people in the temple seemed to have sensed something. They opened the wooden door of the temple with a "creak~" sound.

Standing inside the door was an old monk with a square face wearing monk's robes, hanging Buddhist beads, and wearing glasses.The old monk looked a little surprised when he saw the little monster standing outside.

"Are you here to worship Buddha? Or are you here to ask for help?"

The old monk adjusted the glasses on his face and asked with some doubts.

After seeing the old monk's actions, Chu Bai strengthened his suspicion - this old monk, like Master Ayan, is a monster in this area!
There aren't many scenes about the old monk in the original work. They just appear to introduce Obik's life experience. However, there is a scene at the end where the old monk reveals his civet cat tail.

Therefore, Chu Bai estimated that this old monk was most likely a monster friend of Master Ayan.

Since I want to help Master Ayan come out, I naturally need to consult his old friends for their opinions.

"It's a request for help." Chu Bai said telepathically.

The old monk was a little surprised when he discovered that this little monster actually communicated without using sounds: "You are also an amazing little monster."

Chu Bai did not deny it, but pointed to some temple doors: "Won't you invite me to come in and sit down?"

The old monk spread his hands in a dignified manner: "Please."


inside the temple.

The little monster and the old monk wearing monk's robes sat opposite each other.

After listening to Chu Bai's story, the old monk let out a sigh of relief: "Master Ayan, I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people, ah no, there are other monsters besides me who remember him."

"I'm very happy that you want to help him, but I want to remind you that he is trapped in the past, and no one can help him except himself." As he said that, there was a trace of pity in the old monk's eyes, as if I feel sorry for my old friend.

"There's nothing you can do?" Chu Bai asked.

The old monk shook his head helplessly: "There is no way. I have tried it over the years, but most of it was in vain."

"There is a way to alleviate his symptoms, which is to stop the development work on Hikoye Street. If the familiar environment is still there, the guy will feel more at ease, and the changes can be carried out slowly..."

"It makes sense." Chu Bai nodded.

Confusion appeared in the old monk's eyes: "There is one thing I don't understand. I never knew that Master Ayan had a friend like you. Why are you willing to help him?"

Chu Bai smiled and replied: "Just think of it as an act of kindness from the bully, and I hope that Master Ayan can do things for me in the future."

"Is that so? I'm here to tame him." The old monk just thought the little monster was a joke.

On the opposite side, Chu Bai changed the topic: "By the way, senior monster, I can read palms."

The old monk frowned, sensitively sensing that something was wrong.

But it didn't wait for him to react.


The little monster's fingers turned into tentacles and wrapped around his body!
"What are you doing?!" The old monk said in a panic, and the civet cat tail on his butt was exposed due to nervousness.

"I am a monster that even Ida Iryu has spared. I have protected the temple for so many years. I am a great benevolent monster! If you touch me, you will be punished by God!"

Chu Bai: "..."

That guy Ida Iryu has indeed traveled a lot, and there are actually traces of his visit even here.

"Old senior, don't panic, I just want to see your palm, I won't hurt you, and I'm still a friend of Jingda Jinglong, so you can rest assured." Chu Bai comforted.

Naturally, he caught this civet cat monk to extract his skills.

If a full-level human, Ida Iryu, can lift it, so can a monster!

[The civet cat monk is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for ten seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the civet cat monk's ability - super sense of smell]

[Super sense of smell: You have an olfactory ability no less than that of a civet cat]

(End of this chapter)

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