Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 105 104 Shadow: It’s about to burst!

Chapter 105 104. Shadow: It’s going to burst!

The neon tanuki is actually not a cat, but a canine raccoon dog, as can be seen from the two dark circles under its eyes that it often appears in film and television works.

Therefore, after Chu Bai extracted the opponent's olfactory ability, his olfactory sensitivity was close to that of a hunting dog.

Breathe in gently through your nostrils and feel the world become clearer.

He could smell the fragrance of green grass, the unique animal scent of the civet cat monk in front of him, and the people getting closer and closer to this place...

After smelling the human scent, Chu Bai frowned: "Shouldn't they leave..."

Then, he put down the civet cat monk tied by his tentacles: "People from the Earth Defense Force will come over later to investigate Master Ayan. Just say what you know, but don't say that I have been here."

Hearing this, the bespectacled monk looked wary: "Why should I help you? You just did that to me!"

"You must have spared my life because you were afraid of Ida Iryu, or the upcoming Earth Defense Force, right?"

Obviously, he didn't believe a word of what the little monster in front of him said about being friends with Ida Iryu.

"Move your head and think about it carefully. Do I need to take care of them when I kill you?" Chu Bai asked with a speechless expression.

The old monster has lived for so many years, why can't he still clear it up!

"Ida Iryu has long since died. It will take 2 minutes for the people from Earth to arrive. Do you think I can't kill you in 2 minutes?"

While speaking, Chu Bai's small eyes inadvertently revealed a bit of fierceness.

The civet monk was so shocked that he moved back.

Seeing this, Chu Bai didn't say anything more. He left a sentence of "You can take care of yourself" and left through the back door of the temple.

After confirming that the little monster was gone, the civet monk breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the direction the other party was leaving, his brows furrowed, and his eyes revealed confusion: "What a strange little monster, the domineering and ruthless look in his eyes just now, and some of the temperament of a demon king."

Not long after.

The members of the victory team who came to investigate arrived and knocked on the door of the temple.

The civet cat monk opened the door with a kind smile on his face: "You are here."

"Master, when you say this, you seem to have guessed that we would come." Dagu looked confused.

"The Obik incident has caused a lot of commotion nearby recently. You went to this inaccessible temple to investigate, most likely because of this matter, right?" The old monk looked enigmatic.

"Yes, we want to know what kind of existence he is. Last night he attacked a young man passing by. However, except for the young man's hair turning white and being a little frightened, his body functions were not affected in any way..." Dagu Go on.

Monk the civet cat: "Before Obik..."

After that, the monster monk who had lived in the mountains for hundreds of years began to tell the young people in front of him about Obik's deeds...


the other side.

After Chu Bai left the temple, he began to look for Master Ayan's hiding place.

After talking with the civet cat monk, he figured out how to help Master Ayan.

It was impossible for him to help Master Ayan get out of the past in a short time.

But it can prevent human development and help it retain a familiar environment to give it enough time to adapt.

As for what kind of economic losses this would cause to mankind, it was not something Chu Bai should consider.

Because he was once a human, Chu Bai often thinks about problems from a human perspective.

But this time, he chose to return to his monster nature.

Humans are not the only kind of creatures that live on the earth. There is no reason why only humans have the right to change the environment of the earth and let other creatures make way for their development.

Chu Bai also knew that the root cause of this phenomenon was the law of the jungle.

Humans are the most numerous and largest ethnic group on this planet.

To put it nicely, he is the primate of all things. To put it more clearly, he is the master of the earth.

And faced with the will of the master, the monster has a monster's response. "Master Ayan?"

"Master Ayan?!"

At this time, Chu Bai was calling the name of the monster in the corner of the house under the shade of the tree.

The opponent is a nocturnal monster who is extremely photophobic and has limited movement during the day, so Chu Bai only has to look for it in dark corners during the day.

But after searching around, no trace of the other party was found.

Instead, it turned around and turned to a cemetery.

"Why is there a warning sign next to this old cemetery..."

After seeing the conspicuous warning sign that was incompatible with the ancient and vicissitudes of the cemetery, Chu Bai had a strange expression.

He walked forward and briefly glanced at the warning message on the warning sign: "This place has been purchased by a developer. Residents are asked to complete the relocation of the cemetery within half a month...will you wait after the expiration date?"

"The reminder date was exactly half a month ago, which means the construction should start within these two days?"

"The construction schedule is so tight. It seems that the plan to expel humans cannot be carried out slowly. It is time to step up the action!"

Chu Bai murmured softly.

At this time, he thought of the fastest way to find Master Ayan!

That ancient well!

The well is connected to Obik's pot!

Hikono Street.

Inside a certain photo sticker machine.

Master Ayan, who was holding the pot, had just seen the shadow in the pot and scared away a girl who was trying to enter the kiosk to take pictures.

Seeing the little girl running away crying, Master Ayan smiled with satisfaction: "These humans are still as timid as before."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the glowing camera screen next to him and said with extreme disgust: "And they still like to invent such useless things as before."

The shadow in the pot poked its head out and echoed: "Obik, I hate light."

"That's right, the invention of so many messy machines must be aimed at me. I must make these humans suffer this time!" Master Ayan said bitterly.


"Bang, bang, bang—!!"

The dark shadow inside the pot suddenly began to stir, and it kept pushing up the metal pot lid, making a disturbing sound of collision.

"What's wrong with you?" Master Ayan asked strangely as he felt that the pot was getting heavier and heavier, so he put it on the ground.



A sharp claw stretched out from the pot!

Then, his claws suddenly grabbed the leg of Master Ayan next to him!

Seeing this, even Master Ayan, who is a monster, was a little panicked: "Shadow? Shadow, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"It's so big, it's going to... be stretched to pieces~" Shadow groaned in pain.

After a few seconds, the little monster about two meters tall crawled out of the pot and stared at Master Ayan in the small and crowded camera room...

"It's you rude little monster again!" Master Ayan pointed at Chu Bai.

"What's so rude? I'm here to help you." Chu Bai said dissatisfied.

"Help me? I don't need your help!" In the crowded space, Master Ayan turned his head.

Chu Bai sternly explained the seriousness of the matter to the other party: "The excavator will drive up the mountain tonight, let alone the village then! You can't even keep the familiar mountain top!"

(End of this chapter)

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