Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 107 106 Lord Bully, thank you for helping me protect the village!

Chapter 107 106. Lord Bully, thank you for helping me defend the village!

Back Mountain.

Behind Obik.

Chu Bai was talking to his two monster brothers.

"Although that small island in the Pacific is inaccessible, it is too lonely. You can live here in the future."

Chu Bai ordered his two younger brothers.

"But remember to dig deeper, so humans don't discover it."

"Also, have you seen that construction site? As long as there are construction workers wearing hats at that construction site, you will cooperate with Master Ayan... that bald man holding the pot. Cooperate with him to drive away those workers."

"It's very simple."

"What, are you afraid of Ultra Warriors?"

"It's okay. As long as you stay in seclusion, show your face less, don't hurt others, and be on the same page with Master Ayan, humans won't hurt you."

With that said, Chu Bai pointed out the general location of Tokyo City to the two younger brothers.

"By the way, look in that direction. That's where Tokyo is. From now on, if you see any big movements in that place, you have to go over and help. Do you understand?" Chu Bai's face was serious.

Hikoye Street is not far from Tokyo, which is one of the reasons why Chu Bai arranged his two younger brothers here.

Allowing them to take root here can not only help Master Ayan defend his homeland, but also support him at any time.

As soon as Chu Bai finished speaking, Jakuma β roared in confusion: "Ho~"

Chu Bai: "Don't understand what big movement is?"

After hearing this question, Chu Bai thought for a moment and realized that the summoning signals should be unified.

After thinking for a while, a black electric ball appeared in Chu Bai's mouth and a red hellfire bullet appeared on his hand.


Two energy balls shot high into the sky and exploded in the sky!

Black and purple electric arcs wrapped in red flames instantly lit up the night sky!

Chu Bai pointed to the exploding energy in the sky and introduced: "This is the signal. No matter where you see it, rush over to support as much as possible."

The two Kakumas nodded like garlic, obviously understanding.

Chu Bai nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, now you go underground and hide. It is estimated that TPC will intensify the search of the entire Yanye Street in the near future. Remember to protect yourselves."


The two Kakuma barked twice more to say hello to Chu Bai.

After that, he used all four limbs and got into the ground!

The mountain suddenly became quiet behind the two giant beasts.

However, Chu Bai knew that this kind of silence was short-lived, and the TPC would investigate soon.

They will try their best to help humans eliminate monster harm.

As for these actions of TPC, Chu Bai's countermeasure is to avoid their sharp edges and find opportunities to harass them frequently.

Monsters are notorious in the human world. As long as the news about the frequent appearance of monsters in Hikono Street spreads, not to mention the business district, not even a mental hospital will be able to be built.

Human beings are very good at weighing the pros and cons.

While Chu Bai was thinking, several flashing lights appeared at the foot of the mountain.

"It's time to avoid it."

Guessing that the victory team was investigating, Chu Bai kindly reminded Young Master Ayan who was sitting in front of him.

Young Master Ayan, who was holding the pot, turned back at this moment: "Thank you for helping me protect the village."

After saying that, he felt like something was missing, so he added: "Master Bully..."

When Chu Bai saw this, he smiled knowingly.

The name 'Lord Bully' was introduced when I first met him, but I didn't expect that this guy actually remembered it.

Chu Bai: "Don't mess with that useless thing. I told you that I have requirements for helping you. Now it's time for me to collect the debt."...

After a few minutes.

Everyone in the victory team came to the place where Chu Bai and Master Ayan had just stayed.

"There's nothing. That strange energy group obviously came from here..." Dijing said doubtfully, holding a gun in his hand.

"Damn it, I got tricked again!" Xincheng stamped his foot angrily.

"Although they didn't hurt anyone, their frequent appearance in human settlements is enough to cause panic."

"Next time I see Monster No. [-], I will definitely fire on his ass!"

Munakata: "Okay, let's continue the search. There is a monster that just showed its head and screamed twice. It's a bit inappropriate to sentence him to death directly."

"What's more, Monster No. [-] has helped us so many times, even the last crow man incident... Xincheng team member, don't you want to be a white-eyed wolf?"

"Am I that kind of person? I'm just angry this time." Xincheng calmed down and said.


the other side.

In the dark corner, Chu Bai's two paws were placed on Master Ayan and Shadow respectively.

[Obik is being extracted, please keep the host in close contact for 15 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Obik ability - Dark Stealth]

[Dark Sneaking: You have the same ability to move instantly in the dark as Obik, and the distance you move is affected by energy. 】

This extraction is a true extraction and is carried out on the basis of complete consent of both parties.

More importantly, the skills extracted made Chu Bai very happy.

Moving instantly in the dark, whether it's assassination or escape, is a top-notch skill!

After the extraction was completed, Chu Bai released his claws.

The shadow in the pot made a childish voice at this moment: "Friend, Obik's friend."

Chu Bai corrected him: "If you are not a friend, you want to call me a bully."

Young Master Ayan next to him was not annoyed and expressed his allegiance from the bottom of his heart: "Lord Bully."

Chu Bai: "Oh~~~"

This sound is different from the big brother shouted by the monster brothers. This call was made by Master Ayan in a human body. The sound contained gratitude, respect and surrender that only followed his own lead.

Chu Bai seems to understand now why everyone wants to be the emperor.

The taste of power, even if it is only tasted once, is addictive.

"From now on, you can just move around freely in this area. Remember to stay away from human beings during this period..." Chu Bai reminded.

Young Master Ayan is a smart monster and nodded in agreement: "Understood."

Afterwards, Chu Bai briefly introduced his two monster brothers to this subordinate, and agreed with him on a signal for support.

After doing this, Chu Bai felt that there was no need to stay here anymore and planned to leave.

Young Master Ayan watched the little monster walk away with extremely complicated eyes.

"Sir, I know that the old village can never come back."

In the silence, his eyes were dark, and he suddenly whispered.

However, the idea that appeared in his mind immediately made his eyes brighten again.

"I will definitely let you see the old village."

The telepathy came from Chu Bai, and this idea was more firm than ever.

In Ultraman's world view, many people have the power to travel through time.

As long as he can extract it, he can send Master Ayan back to the era in his memory!
Master Ayan: "I understand, thank you, sir!"

(End of this chapter)

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