Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 108: Is the relationship between monsters and humans so deep?

Chapter 108. Is the relationship between monsters and humans so deep?
After leaving the range of Yanye Street, Chu Bai began to test his dark stealth skills.


In the darkness, the figure of the little red monster flashed continuously.

However, after just a few dodges, Chu Bai headed toward the power plant with a weak look on his face...

"The teleportation skill is good, but it consumes too much energy. Teleporting a few hundred meters consumes nearly one-fifth of my energy...but it's still within the acceptable range."

"If this skill is used flexibly in actual combat, it will become a winning move!"

In the power plant, Chu Bai said while extracting electric energy.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

Just as Chu Bai expected, under the continued pressure of capital, TPC continued to search for traces of monsters in Yanye Street.

And the monsters that Chu Bai had warned them were hiding underground one by one, living in seclusion.

But as soon as the construction team starts work, they will appear briefly like a demonstration.

On the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], team member Lina looked at the excavator crushed by the monster below, and suddenly realized: "I figured it out, they just don't want the construction site to start."

"Monsters will defend their homeland in this way again." Dagu nodded in the back seat, acquiescing to Lina's statement.

"Yes, humans are not the only kind of creature on the earth. They wantonly encroach on the living space of other creatures. Human beings are indeed not doing well in this regard." Lina reflected emotionally on herself.

"It would be great if everyone had the awareness like Lina." Dagu smiled.

"Dagu, your mouth is so sweet." Lina smiled sweetly.

"I said..." While the two were chatting, the sound of digging a well suddenly sounded on the team's communication channel: "Why don't you persuade the boss to give up this piece of land."

"With monsters like this appearing frequently, even if the commercial district is built, no one will come."

"What if he suddenly changes his mind and plans to build a monster-themed park?" The voice of the New City team members followed closely.

"You are still smart, so you should be the boss." Dijing replied in a sly tone.

"How can you say that?" Xincheng was dissatisfied.

In the communication channel, Lina interrupted her two teammates: "Okay, okay, let's not argue for now. Actually, I still have a question in my head about this incident."

"In the past, Ultraman Tiga would appear as soon as a monster appeared. Why did the monster in Hikoye Street appear so many times, but Ultraman Tiga never appeared once?"

While speaking, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Lina looked back at Dagu sitting in the back seat.

When Dagu saw this, he immediately panicked: "Aha, maybe... then what... maybe it's because Ultraman Tiga has been sick recently?"

"Can giants also get sick?" Dijing asked as if he had discovered a new world.

"It's just a guess...people can get sick, and giants might also get sick, and their illnesses are more serious." Dagu explained stutteringly.

"What you said is true, Dagu, you are not Diga." Xincheng hit the nail on the head.

Dagu's face turned red from nervousness: "Xincheng, you are really good at joking."

Just when Dagu was nervously and awkwardly digging into the magic castle with his toes in his shoes, Lina's voice sounded like the sound of nature: "I think Diga also has his own code of conduct."

"He will not blindly help humans. After all, he is not a robot that only cleans up monsters."

"Many people say that Tiga is the savior, but he does not necessarily have to be the savior of mankind. He may also be the savior of the earth."

"It's just that he's more human-oriented most of the time."

Hearing Lina's words, Dagu's eyes lit up!
This girl had unique insights and helped herself change the topic.

At this moment, Lina's back seemed to be plated with gold in Dagu's eyes!

“Lina is right!”

On the team's communication channel, the captain's voice sounded at this time: "Have you caught the monster on Hikoye Street?"

"No." Da Gu replied honestly. "Then let it go first. Those monsters won't hurt anyone anyway. You go to the Kirimondake volcano in Hokkaido first. There is a strong biomagnetic field there!" Governor Yoshioka's majestic voice suddenly appeared.

The victorious team members received the order and immediately changed their course and flew towards the Kirimondake volcano.


Tokyo city.

In the cemetery, a little monster with red thorns gently placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums in front of a tombstone.

This is Grandma's tomb, and Chu Bai came here specially to see her.

"Grandma, I bought these flowers. Of course, some of them were given by the flower shop owner because he thought I looked cute. I don't know if you like them." Chu Bai said nonchalantly in monster language.

"If you don't like it at night, you can leave your dream to me and I'll change it for you."

"By the way, grandma, I helped a monster some time ago and harmed the interests of mankind. Grandma, don't you blame me? You blame me for giving me dreams at night. I also want to meet you, grandma."

"Grandma, it would be great if every human being I meet could be like you."

It was dozens of meters away from Chu Bai.

At the entrance of the cemetery, several people who came to mourn their relatives were waiting in horror.

"Why didn't I know that this cemetery also contains the ashes of monsters?" a middle-aged Mediterranean man said in surprise.

The woman next to the man folded her hands and looked wary: "If this is really the case, I will have to move my father's ashes out."

"Don't you recognize this little monster?" Next to him, the young man with a shaved mushroom head looked a little surprised.

"It's Ada. Its deeds have been reported in the news, and it was almost selected into the top ten outstanding people who moved Neon."

"It's a pity that we were eliminated in the end because we were not human."

Several people next to me: "Huh?? Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?"

The mushroom-headed young man explained: "I thought you knew... A simple summary is that a wandering little monster met a kind-hearted grandma, who took the little monster in. The little monster was very humane and attended the grandma's funeral... …”

"The most important thing is that, seemingly to repay grandma, the little monster often helps humans fight other monsters."

"I didn't expect there to be such a touching story. I'm just being shallow." After listening to the young man's story, the expression of the Mediterranean man who had just been dissatisfied softened.

The emotional woman next to her started wiping away tears: "So, the little monster is paying homage to grandma now? Wow, oh, oh, it makes me cry."

young people:"……"

There is no need to be so exaggerated.

While a few people were chatting, Chu Bai stood up after paying homage and was about to leave.


At this time, the roar of fighter jets suddenly came from overhead.

Chu Bai looked up and recognized that what was flying in the sky were Shengli Feiyan No. [-] and Shengli Feiyan No. [-].

Chu Bai: "On patrol?"

"No, the patrol should be for two planes to spread out, gather together like this, and fly with a clear target. There must be another accident somewhere!"

"Follow the past and have a look!"

In the blink of an eye, the little monster got into the ground of the cemetery.

At the entrance of the cemetery, several people were stunned.

"Vocal! Are the feelings so deep? Did you go directly to accompany grandma?!"

(End of this chapter)

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