Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 109 Chapter 108 has come, let’s beat up Golzan before leaving!

Chapter 109 108. Come on, let’s beat up Golzan before leaving!

After leaving the cemetery, Chu Bai followed the plane in the sky.

However, his speed underground could not keep up with the plane in the sky.

So, in order to prevent losing track, Chu Bai jumped from the ground into the air and switched to an agile form!
Unlike the powerful form, Chubai's agile form did not copy the large wings on his back from the Kirialodians, but only slightly changed his body shape.

The overall outline has become smoother, and even the spines and protrusions on the back have become shorter, which reduces the wind resistance the body receives during exercise and increases the speed of movement.

Chu Bai's original flying speed can reach around Mach [-]. After turning on the agile mode, even if he cannot catch up with the two fighters in the sky, he will not lose them.

In the sky, Lina had excellent piloting skills. When flying a fighter plane, she looked around and quickly noticed the little red monster following the plane below.

"That's Monster No. [-]?"

Lina let out a light sigh.

Dagu, who was sitting in the back seat, reacted instantly: "Where is it? That red mass below? It's true. It's flying so fast, it's almost catching up with the fighter jet!"

Shortly after discovering Monster No. [-], the two immediately reported the incident on the team communication channel.

"Did you see it wrong? Why didn't I see it?" the well-digging team member sitting on another plane asked doubtfully.

"I didn't see anything red either. Are you two dazzled?" Xincheng agreed.

"It's not wrong. If you want to trust the vision of my fighter pilot, just..." Lina retorted to her teammates' distrust as she looked down.

However, mid-sentence, she also discovered that the No. [-] monster that had been following her just now had disappeared.

Lina frowned: "It's strange, I was following you just now..."

"I can testify for Lina, I also saw it." Dagu explained for Lina.

"As for why it suddenly disappeared, maybe it couldn't keep up?"

In the team communication channel, Captain Hui Jiajian did not delve into the matter: "Okay, I understand this matter. Monster No. [-] has been acting strangely recently. Please be careful when negotiating with it."



this afternoon.

The two planes of the victory team arrived in Hokkaido airspace and finally stopped at the foot of Kirimonzuki volcano.

At this time, a group of TPC staff were stationed near the volcano.

"How is the situation now?" Dagu asked the staff in charge after getting off the plane.

"The first signs of this incident were last night, when the Wumenyue volcano, which had been sleeping, suddenly erupted on a small scale. After receiving the news, TPC immediately evacuated the people, established shelters, and at the same time investigated the cause of the eruption. After investigation, we found an abnormal biomagnetic field response in the center of the volcano, and initially speculated that there are monsters living in the volcano..." the staff member wearing a helmet simply explained.

"This is not the most serious thing. The important thing is that according to the energy monitoring of the earth's veins, the nearby magma is gathering towards the Wumen Moon Crater."

"If they erupt together, it will be a huge disaster for the entire Hokkaido region!"

"This incident is so serious." Thinking of the possible terrible consequences, a faint fear appeared in Lina's eyes.

"Aren't we here to prevent the disaster from happening?" Dagu gently put his hand on Lina's shoulder and comforted her.

"The cause of the abnormal magma activity should also be the strange creature in the Wumen Moon volcano. Dealing with that monster quickly can prevent the disaster from continuing to expand." The well digging team member next to him held an analytical instrument in his hand and said seriously explain.

The staff member just pointed, turned and pointed to the rear of the temporary headquarters: "The Pippa tank has been mobilized from the headquarters."

"I apply to drive a Pippa tank into the underground of the volcano." Dagu volunteered on the team's communication channel.

When there are monsters in the volcano, Dagu feels that he must follow him, and it is convenient for Tiga to come to the rescue when encountering problems.

"Team Dagu is very motivated this time." Xincheng, who was next to him, raised his eyebrows. "I'm going too. I want to see what he is making trouble underground!"

10 minute later.

Dagu and Xincheng drove the Pippa tank that could penetrate the ground and moved underground bit by bit. …

On the other side, the north side of Wumenyue volcano.

Chu Bai arrived late.

When he arrived nearby, he roughly investigated the TPC mission.

It was finally determined that the victory team came in a hurry to solve the crisis at the Wumen Moon Volcano!
"It's a waste of time." Chu Bai spread his hands, feeling a little frustrated.

99% of the people who are absorbing magma energy under the Wumendake volcano are Gorzan who escaped last time.

And Golzan had already been extracted by himself last time, so this trip was not in vain.

Just when he was about to turn around, Chu Bai became hesitant again.


"I feel a bit unwilling to go all the way in vain."

"You're here now, let's go in and beat up Golzan before leaving."

"It just so happens that Golzan's strength has improved after absorbing the energy of magma. He is also a good warrior after taking him under his command."

Thinking of this, Chu Bai raised his claws and dug deep into the volcano...

After extracting the ability to move underground in Golzana half a year ago, burrowing into the ground became Chu Bai's main method. Over time, Chu Bai became more skillful in his movements and moved extremely fast.

This time, it took Chu Bai just a few minutes to drill from the surface into the underground cavity of Wumenyue Volcano.

"Whoa whoa-"

The boiling magma illuminated the entire underground cavity orange-red.

In the light, Chu Bai easily found Golzan's big head.

"What kind of posture is this? With your head down and your body up, are you preparing to wash your hair with lava?"

Chu Bai pointed at Golzan, who had half of his head exposed outside the rock wall.

"It must be You Geerzan who works so hard."


After hearing this unpleasant monster cry, Golzan immediately stopped absorbing the magma energy, opened his copper bell-like eyes, and looked at the location where the sound came from with a little doubt...

After half a second.


This giant beast let out a roar that made the earth tremble!

Chu Bai was so dizzy by the sound wave that he covered his ears with his paws speechlessly: "Stop barking, stop barking, there's no need to be so excited even if you see an old friend."

As he spoke, Chu Bai stretched out two fingers: "Golzan, there are two roads before you now."

"One, let me give you a good beating, and then you will be my little brother."

"Two, let me beat you once. If you don't behave well, then spank me again. If you still behave badly, keep beating me... until you are willing to be my little brother."

Gorzan: "???"

Second Olympics.

Although the little monster was mean when we met before, it wasn't this mean, right?
It has only been less than a year, but my strength has not improved much, but my tone has improved!

(End of this chapter)

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