Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 110 Chapter 109: Brother Monster

Chapter 110 109.Gadi: Brother Monster~~

TPC Provisional Headquarters.

After Golzan's roar, everyone in the temporary headquarters became extremely nervous!

Vice Captain Zongfang, who was in charge of on-site command, ordered: "Lina, dig a well, you two are on standby in the Victory Feiyan No. [-], the monster might be coming out."

Lina was ordered to dig a well and climbed onto the plane immediately.

Just at this moment, the PDI communicator hanging on the vice-captain's waist rang.

Turning on the communicator, the anxious face of team member Yerui appeared: "Vice-captain, I just analyzed the voiceprint of the roar of Wumenyue Volcano, and found that it matches the voiceprint of Golzan who appeared half a year ago!"

"The monster under the Wumen Moon Volcano is most likely the escaped Gorzan!"

"That's it. It's really a reunion of old friends..." The vice-captain nodded.

Afterwards, he asked in the team communication channel: "Xincheng, is there any news from you?"

A voice came from the communication channel, and it was from Xincheng: "It's almost there. Pippa Tank shows that the ambient temperature around it is getting higher and higher. Currently, Dagu and I have reached 1000 meters underground..."

The voice did not fall.

"Bang, bang, bang—!"

Suddenly there was a burst of noise from the Xincheng side!
Then came the surprise report from the Xincheng team members: "It worked!"

"Dagu and I drove the Pippa tank to a huge underground cavity. In front of it was a huge magma lake. The test temperature was [-] degrees..."

"Okay, use the freezing light immediately to calm down the restless and boiling magma." Zongfang ordered calmly.

In the communication channel, Xincheng replied: "Yes... Dagu, look at what's in front of you?"

"On the other side of the magma lake, there is a huge monster eye!"

In the communication channel, Xincheng's voice became more and more excited: "Something's wrong. There's a human-like creature standing over there. Because its body is as red as the magma, I almost didn't see it...Monster No. [-]! It's Monster No. [-]. Monster! I will send the captured images to the past now!"

Just as I said this, the communication stopped abruptly!

Instead, there was the tremor of the Wumendake volcano!


under the volcano.

As the ancient lord of the earth, Golzan had never suffered such injustice.


After letting out another terrifying roar, its huge body moved slowly in the mountain, raising its legs to step on Chu Bai's position.

The last time it lost to this little monster was entirely due to carelessness.

This time it has an increase in magma energy. Isn't it possible to capture this cheap little red monster?

However, just when Gorzan's big feet moved to the top of Chu Bai's head, Chu Bai's claws stretched upward, and then he used the giant!
"Boom——!" With a sudden sound, Golzan's fallen foot was pushed away by the huge Chu Bai, causing his body to fall uncontrollably towards the rock wall next to him!

Seeing this, Chu Bai let out a disdainful laugh: "Huh, you're useless even if I give you a chance."

"With this little strength, the force I use to pick my teeth is greater than this."



Chu Bai's claws turned into tentacles and grabbed Golzan's ankle.

Then, he pulled back.


The magma lake rippled, and Golzan was pushed in by Chu Bai.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, Chu Bai could not wait for Golzan's scream.

Only then did he react: "Well, now that you have absorbed the energy of magma, you are not afraid of getting burned, right? But I ignored this problem."

"Okay, the place here is too small. Let's go out and fight. Today we will let you understand why the lava is so red!"

As he spoke, Chu Bai's tentacles swung upwards.


Golzan's tied body was like a chicken caught in a steel clamp, and was pushed towards the crater by the tentacles.A few seconds later.


The huge Gorzan was thrown out of the crater by the tentacles.

And Chu Bai, who was in the huge hollow at the bottom of the mountain, also followed him out!

Underground, next to the magma lake, in the Pippa Tank, Dagu and Xincheng glared at each other.

After a long silence, Xincheng asked: "What is the hatred between the two of them?"

"Who knows, they didn't deal with each other when they first met in the pyramid. This time they are enemies." Dagu guessed with a frown.

At this time, Xincheng discovered a blind spot: "When we rushed here before, didn't you say that you saw Monster No. [-]? Could it be that you came here to seek revenge on purpose?"

"It's possible!" Dagu nodded in agreement. Then he heard unusual noises and turned to look at the boiling magma lake in front of him: "Fortunately, both monsters are out now. Let's deal with them with freezing light first. There’s a volcanic eruption crisis.”


Wumenyue volcano, at the foot of the mountain.

Golzan's body was thrown from the mountain pass by Chu Bai and rolled all the way down. With each roll, the humiliation in Golzan's heart increased!
After a few seconds, Golzan finally stabilized his body and let out an extremely angry roar: "Ang——!!"

Damn little monster, it’s just too much!
Just now, the place was narrow in the mountains, and I was careless and was attacked by it.

Now that we are in the clearing, we will press it to the ground and blast it later, and then eat it.

At this time, the anger in Golzan's heart had reached its peak.

Not far away, the crater.

Chu Bai used his tentacles to support his body and climbed out of the crater.

"Don't tell me, entering a volcano is like taking a sauna. Why do you still feel refreshed when you come out." He said to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the underground radar horn above his head suddenly reacted.

Chu Bai: "Huh?"

"I sensed familiar biological fluctuations..."

"This feeling, is it Gadi?"

Chu Bai's big eyes were full of doubts.

He didn't expect that he would meet two 'old friends' at the same time while following the Victory Team.

After using the radar angle to roughly monitor the location of Ga Di, Chu Bai stood on the crater and looked to the northwest.

Sure enough, from the ground over there, Gadi's horn emerged.

Soon, the huge Ga Di appeared.

This Gadi was the one that Chu Bai met in the magic mirror of Shilbagon's rainbow half a year ago.

At that time, Chu Bai didn't have the concept of centralized management of monsters, so after extracting it, he released it and let it walk around the earth more to find out information about monsters for himself.

But for such a long time, this kid didn't send him a message...

Opposite, Ga Di, who had not seen him for a long time, became visibly excited after seeing Chu Bai.

Ga Di: "Ho~~ (Monster Brother~~)"

Chu Bai: "What did you call me??"

"Big brother, let's be big brother, why are you shouting so disgustingly?!"

Chu Bai had reason to suspect that Gadi had gone through some things in the past few months, and there might be something wrong with his orientation...

Well, when we met before, it was already showing signs of it!

Opposite me, Gadi looked a little aggrieved: "Ho~"

At this moment, at the foot of the mountain, the neglected Golzan roared.


Chu Bai turned around and looked at Golzan: "I'm sorry, I was just here to say hello and I forgot to hit you!"

(End of this chapter)

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