Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 111 110 Ga Di: My eldest brother has the appearance of a beast king!

Chapter 111 110. Ga Di: My eldest brother has the appearance of a beast king!
As soon as Chu Bai finished speaking, the angry Golzan tilted his head slightly forward.


The enhanced orange-gold ultrasonic rays were shot towards Chu Bai's location.

At this time, Chu Bai was no longer the Pigumeng he had been back then. The moment Golzan's ray emission was completed, he reacted early and dodged sideways.


The ultrasonic rays hit the volcano and immediately triggered a small earthquake.

On the other side, Chu Bai opened his mouth wide after avoiding Golzan's light attack.


A black electric ball spurted out!
Although Golzan was unhappy with the little monster, he had not lost his mind enough to attack him head-on.

It turned around quickly and swept towards the electric ball with its strong and powerful tail.

"A stupid monster is a stupid monster." Chu Bai was happy when he saw this.

Golzan didn't think he was playing baseball with it, and wanted to use his tail to knock the electric ball away, which was a bit whimsical.

Sure enough, the moment Gorzan's tail came into contact with Chu Bai's electric ball.


The dark electric ball exploded, and countless electric arcs attached to Golzan's body like dexterous little snakes!

The super strong electric shock instantly paralyzed Golzan's body.

At the same time, Chu Bai seized the opportunity and stretched out his tentacles.


Six tentacles bound Golzan's body at the same time.

After that, there was a brutal and brutal beating.

"哐! 哐! 哐——!!"

Chu Bai's tentacles swung continuously, tying up Golzan's body and smashing it from one side to the other, then turning his head and smashing him back again, and so on.

The scene was outrageous and explosive, like the Hulk hitting Loki with his leg.

During the collision, the ground cracked, and the entire vicinity of the Wumen Moon volcano was affected, causing small-scale earthquakes.

Not far from where the giant beasts fought.

TPC temporary command post.

Seeing this scene, Zongfang's muscles on his face twitched: "I never noticed before that the No. [-] monster is already so powerful..."

"Yes, last time it fought with Golzan, it just barely suppressed Golzan. This time it can carry Golzan and throw it casually." In the sky, the voice of the Lina team member who was flying the plane was filled with joy. .

She is the person in the victory team who communicates with Monster No. [-] the most except Dagu, and she knows that Monster No. [-] is kind in nature.

Therefore, she was sincerely happy that Monster No. [-] had become stronger.

In the team communication channel, Xincheng, who was driving a Pippa tank, asked in panic: "So what happened outside?"

"It's okay, it's just a simple monster fight." Dijing said casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed Ga Di appearing on the other side of the volcano: "Huh? There must be immortal energy under Wumenyue, and it actually attracted three monsters at once."

"Look, is that Gadi?"

"It's coming! It's coming towards the location of Monster No. [-]!"

The sound of digging a well became louder and louder.

Just when Dijing thought that the battle between the No. [-] monster and the two monsters of Gorzan would evolve into a melee of group monsters with the addition of Gadi.

A scene that almost made his eyes pop out happened!
"Gadi! Climb down in front of Monster No. [-]!"

The sound of digging a well was surprisingly loud due to shock.

The team members who received this message felt that their eardrums were about to be burst!

"Keep it down, keep it down, we can see it." Lina held her helmet in discomfort.

"I'm sorry." Dijing felt a little ashamed, "I was so excited just now."

the other end.

Wumenyue volcano, at the foot of the mountain.

While Chu Bai was repairing Golzan, he looked at Gadi who was lying on the ground next to him: "It's okay, don't panic. I only repaired Golzan if he disobeyed me." "You are obedient, you are my good little brother... It would be better if you could change your disgusting tone."


After hearing his elder brother's lesson, Ga lowered his posture and responded softly.

It had been beaten a long time ago and had seen the power of its elder brother, and it was also at that time that it was impressed by his beastly character.

But today, seeing Big Brother teach other monsters a lesson refreshed its understanding of Big Brother's strength.

The eldest brother beat this red monster like a chicken, leaving it unable to fight back.

This is the true style of a beast king!


In order to change the bad impression in the eldest brother's heart, Gadi roared again.

After understanding what Gadi meant, Chu Bai glanced at Golzan who was tied up by him: "What do you mean, you come to fix it?"

"Okay then, I'll let you enjoy it too."

After saying that, Chu Bai let go of Golzan who was thrown to pieces by him.

"hold head high…"

At this moment, Golzan let out a weak roar.

Accepted, this time it was completely convinced!

This little monster doesn't know what to eat to grow up, and it is surprisingly strong. It feels like playing when it throws itself.

Not only that, but judging from the fact that the opponent can knock him down for such a long time without taking a break, his endurance is also very strong.

The strength of his body seems to be quite high. The tentacles that he just tied up were not broken by his own bites.

Chu Bai: "Golzan, what are you talking about? Please speak louder!"

Golzan: "..."

After being tortured for so long, it’s good to be able to speak out, but why?
Not getting a second response from Golzan, Chu Bai just thought this guy was still dissatisfied.

"Okay, it seems it still refuses to accept it, Gadi, it's up to you to do it."

After giving these instructions, Chu Bai stepped aside and watched the show with his paws in his hands.

He was even afraid that the battle between monsters would affect humans, so he thoughtfully deployed a transparent barrier...

After that, Gadi, who was in full health, faced off against Golzan, who was disabled.

The strengthened Golzan may be stronger than Gadi, but in his severely disabled state, he can only be manipulated.

"bang bang bang-"

Within the barrier, there was another brutal and brutal ravage...


Outside the barrier, even the humans who saw this scene felt a little unbearable.

"Golzan is so pitiful. Looking at it this way, Monster No. [-] is simply the devil."

"Yes, only half of them are left...wait, why is Gadi sitting on Golzan's waist? What are they doing?"

"No eyes, no eyes..."

"What do you think? If you sympathize with the monster here, when it tramples your house into ruins, I guess you won't be able to say these words!"

In the sky, the pilot piloting the plane guessed: "Looking at it this way, what Gadi did just now was a pledge of allegiance to Monster No. [-]?"

"Most likely, it is. I didn't expect that the No. [-] monster, which seems harmless to humans and animals, is quite capable and can win over the beast's heart..." Zongfang was a little surprised.

"We have already realized how extraordinary Monster No. [-] is," Lina said with a smile.

"I just don't know what they will do with Golzan in the end..."

The voice just fell.


A dragging sound could be heard from within the barrier surrounding the monster.

Everyone looked closely and found that Gadi was dragging Golzan's body underground under the instruction of Monster No. [-]...

(End of this chapter)

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