Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 11 11 Vicious stench!

Chapter 11 11. Vicious stench!
After hearing that Ultraman Tiga and that strange big-mouthed monster might be of the same species, the person who couldn't accept it the most was undoubtedly Dagu.

Diga has a slender figure, harmonious body color, and sharp facial features. How could he have an ugly relative like Monster No. [-]?
"Member Yerui, your joke is quite funny." Dagu laughed awkwardly.

At this time, the Yerui team member in front of the computer looked serious: "I'm not kidding."

As he spoke, his fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, synchronizing the content on his computer to the big screen in the headquarters.

"Look, this is the result I got after analyzing the skin of Monster No. [-] and Ultraman Tiga."

"Although there are huge differences in appearance between the two, their skin toughness and epidermal morphology are very similar. The skin similarity between Tiga and Monster No. [-] is even higher than that between humans and pigs!"

"So, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that the two have the same origin."

Xincheng next to him waved his hand after hearing this: "This explanation is a bit far-fetched. I have at least [-] reasons to refute you. They are not of the same race."

Ye Rui shook his head and called up a few more strings of data: "It's different. There have been so many monsters. Whether it's Gorzan, Melba, or Kiriellod, the structure of their skin is... , are far different from Tiga, only the No. [-] monster..."

"If Monster No. [-] and Tiga are really related, then many of Monster No. [-]'s abnormal behaviors can be explained." On the chair behind, Hui Jian held her chin with her slender fingers.

"Yes, in that glowing pyramid, I saw it rubbing the feet of the giant stone statue affectionately, just like a puppy seeing its master!" Lina showed a look of surprise.

"Maybe the No. [-] monster was Ultraman Tiga's pet back then?" the well-digger team made a bold guess.

"Ultraman Tiga's vision is quite strange." Xincheng complained casually.

"We can't draw conclusions so early on this kind of thing. Even if the two are really of the same race, it doesn't mean anything. Isn't there still a lot of harm done to others?" Vice Captain Zongfang said with a serious face.

Sitting next to her, Hui Jiaman saw Pigumon's big and honest face in her mind. She pondered for a moment and said, "As of now, although Monster No. [-] has many abnormal behaviors, it does not seem to be an enemy of mankind. In the future, If you see it again, you can use your discretion to decide whether to launch an attack."


While humans were discussing Chu Bai's identity, Chu Bai, a miserable monster, was still digging underground.

While digging, he used his underground radar horn to detect the surrounding area.

As a monster that is not that good-looking and has low strength, Chu Bai knows that he must seize the time to become stronger.

From the previous encounter with the Kirialodians underground, we can know that the butterfly effect has been triggered by his 'abnormal' appearance.

This world no longer follows the rules and develops according to the plot of Tiga TV!

For example, if the Kirialodians come again in the future, Tiga may not awaken in a powerful form like in the original work.

Or maybe in the final battle, something went wrong with a child, Tiga was unable to obtain the shining form, and the earth was eventually shrouded in darkness and destroyed.

Although these are just Chu Bai's small guesses.

However, things have begun to get out of control!
After digging for another long time, the panting Chu Bai lay down in the underground tunnel with his mouth wide open.

"The entire underground of Kumamoto City has been hollowed out by me. Why haven't the remains of Dark Tiga been found yet?" Chu Bai wondered.

"Why don't you go find Masaki Keigo and ask?"

"But...it's hard for me to communicate with him like this..."

"Just think about which other monster will appear in the near future..."

"Ligadelon? No, this is in outer space. I don't know when it will come back."

"Gadi? There seems to be more than one monster. The key is that we only know that it lives underground. The specific location is not good now."

"Is there any monster that will definitely appear somewhere in the near future..."

Just when he said this, Chu Bai, who was recalling the plot of the original work, suddenly slapped his big face with his armless paw in excitement: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that!"

"A super disgusting monster, Cilizan!" "A monster that has been dead for a long time, but can rely on cell regeneration to move back to life!"

"It died at sea and will eventually float to Kitagawa City in Shizuoka Prefecture... It should be in the near future. I can just wait and wait!"

"But, can dead monsters extract abilities... Forget it, I don't think so much. Giant stone statues can be extracted. A dead monster that can move must be no problem!"

After thinking about it, Chu Bai roughly identified the direction, and then accelerated towards Shizuoka County.


A suburb of a certain city.

The old man who was picking up cans was surprised to see the ground not far away from him rising and falling, rising and falling again, as if something was moving underground!
So, the old man who did not believe in evil picked up a stone nearby and threw it over!



Although the Ultra skin Chu Bai obtained is strong, it does not mean that it is not afraid of pain.

It still hurts to move close to the ground and get hit by a fist-sized stone.

"Who is so wicked!"

The angry Chu Bai stuck his head out from the ground.

Not far from him, the old man who had just thrown the stone looked at Chu Bai and was immediately frightened.

That red coral-like hair, that big mouth, and those nondescript horns on its head! !

"Ah ghost!! What an ugly ghost!!"

After shouting, the old man, who had a bad heart, fainted at that time!

Chu Bai: "..."

Lao Deng, it was obviously you who made the first move, why did you fall first? You want to blackmail the beast, right?

Just when Chu Bai was about to go over to check on the old man's condition, footsteps were heard not far away.

Chu Bai, who was afraid of being discovered by humans, went back underground again.

Subsequently, Chu Bai underground kept listening to the movements above. After confirming that the old man was sent to the hospital, he started his journey again.

But this time he learned wisely and dived deeper into the ground.

Neon's territory is not that big. The distance from Kumamoto to Beichuan is about 600 kilometers. With Chubai's current speed of moving through the ground, it can be reached in one day.

I don’t know the time underground.

By the time Chu Bai emerged from the ground again to explore the way, it was late at night and he had arrived at a certain beach.

Before he could check the surrounding road signs, a strong odor penetrated into his nostrils along the small holes on his face! !

The smell was like an old lady's feet soaked in a vinegar jar of pickled vegetables. It went straight to Chu Bai's Tianling Gai and even made him feel dizzy! !
"tmd! What a vicious stench!!"

Chu Bai cursed, but what followed was excitement!
Because the most striking feature of the zombie monster Cilizan is that it smells extremely bad!
Chu Bai: "It seems that the target is nearby! Finish the beating and leave immediately, the smell is unbearable!"


Happy National Day everyone!
anyone there?Please support~
(End of this chapter)

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