Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 10 10 Smashed to death!

Chapter 10 10. Smashed to death!
The fighting underground continues.


Everything is not good for the Kirialodians.

His strength is certainly very strong. In the original plot, he was able to put pressure on Diga and even injured Diga, which is substantial proof.

But the current situation is: even if he has great skills, he can't use them thousands of meters underground.

What's even more terrible is Chu Bai's petrified light.

Almost every shot can petrify a part of Kirialodian. Even if he desperately resists with the Hellfire bullets, he still cannot eliminate the petrified parts.

The Kirialodians are now filled with regret. Why the hell did they come to hide so deep underground in the first place? Wouldn't it be much better to just switch to a deep mountain and old forest?

As for Chu Bai.

He wasn't doing well either.

At this time, Chu Bai had already exited the cave and started repairing it in the outside world.


Chu Bai took a few long breaths and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although the Kirialodians have many restrictions in the underground, their strength is still first-rate.

His tricks are okay for the time being against the Kirialodians, but it can be said that it is difficult to kill the Kirialodians in one fell swoop!
But Chu Bai is also a bit of a thief.

By using the special effect of the petrifying light, he had completely petrified several parts of the Kirialodians' bodies, giving him a huge advantage from the front.

But problems also came one after another - Chu Bai had no energy.

As an ordinary Pigmon, even though Chubai can grow to giant size and possess various abilities far beyond those of his kind, his energy reserves are obviously insufficient compared to other monsters.

From the beginning to now, he only fired five or six petrifying rays and followed up with a powerful hand knife, and the energy had already bottomed out.

This made Chu Bai quite embarrassed.

The pull was enough to hold him back, but he couldn't be beaten to death!

By the time his energy is fully restored, I'm afraid all the Kirialodians' injuries will be almost healed!
"It seems like we have to rely on the help of others."

Chu Bai murmured.

He used the underground radar angle to sense his surroundings, and there was a deep cave and underground river not far away. It was obvious that the Kirialodians used this cave to get to such a deep underground.

"Maybe... I can try to suffocate him to death?"

As soon as this thought came to Chu Bai's mind, he immediately shook his head.

Putting aside the feasibility of causing cave collapse, it is still open to question whether the Kirialodians are carbon-based organisms!
After all, this guy comes from another dimension, which is a place that has nothing to do with reality.

Stop fighting and just run away?

That's not OK.

Kirialodians are different from weak monsters like Gakuma. Leaving him here to recuperate is tantamount to raising a tiger.

The only good thing is that when he left, he filled in the soil a little bit, forming a complete mound of earth to trap the Kirialodians inside.

"and many more!"

Chu Bai seemed to suddenly think of something, and couldn't help but turn around and look in the direction of the Kirialodians.

Maybe...he found a way.


The Kyriarodite was still sitting where he was.

It wasn't that he didn't want to take the opportunity to slip away, but the petrified parts of his body made it difficult for him to move, so he could only stay in place and defend passively.

What made him even more upset was that he could clearly sense that Chu Bai was nearby, and he was moving quite frequently, but he didn't have the ability to go out and attack him.

"Hey! Brother Ji, I'm here again!"

At this moment, the clod of soil above the Kirialode's head was suddenly shattered, and Chu Bai's face that needed a beating suddenly came into view of the Kirielode.

He didn't pause at all, and a huge boulder smashed down hard.

Throwing these boulders empowered by monsters is no less powerful than a small beam of light.


"Ah!" A dull voice sounded along with the screams of the Kirialodians, and Chu Bai became even more excited.

His idea was simple.

Since the Kirialodians can't escape and can only be locked here, why don't you just move more boulders and crush this kid to death?

If one doesn't work, then two, if two don't work, then four, if four doesn't work, then...

This place is thousands of meters deep underground, and there are inexhaustible supplies of huge rocks like the one just now!
And then there's some petrifying light from time to time.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Accompanied by bursts of dull sounds, the faces of the Kirialodians were filled with despair.

Who would have thought that after a lifetime of fame, he would end up trapped in such an underground cave and be stoned to death by a monster that appeared out of nowhere? !
However, at the last moment before his consciousness dissipated, he mobilized the power in his body and sent a message to another dimension.

He doesn't care about anything else, at least he has to send someone to kill this cheap pervert!

By the time the Victory Team's underground Pippa tank drove underground, it was already several hours later.

Hui Jian looked at the injured body of the Kirialodian not far away and said solemnly: "It seems to be over."

"That monster can actually kill Kirialodians. It's true that humans are not, no, beasts are not what they look like."

Tujing shouted at the top of his lungs: "Looking at him like that, I thought he wasn't good at fighting!"

"No, I'm really not good at it."

Dagu suddenly spoke, pointing to the countless bloody stones in the distance: "The Kirialodians seemed to have been killed by these falling stones."

"How is it possible? Where is such a confined space..."

Xincheng's expression changed as soon as he spoke out his opposition.

Following Dagu's raised finger, he looked up and saw the huge hole high above his head, which was obviously used for throwing stones.

Hui Jian frowned: "Oh, it seems that this monster is not very smart."

After a while, she waved her hand with a look of helplessness on her face: "Hurry up and clean the battlefield, we don't want to be trapped and die here!"

There was no way, the death of the Kirialodians was so tragic that everyone in the Victory Team looked at it with some pity.


a few days later.

TPC Far East Headquarters.

Everyone in the victory team is doing their own work.

Although no monsters have appeared these days, their official duties are still quite busy.

"Everyone, stop for a moment and come here quickly! We've made a major discovery!"

Ye Rui suddenly shouted loudly, attracting the attention of everyone in the entire command room.

Together with Director Sawai, everyone in the victory team gathered around Ye Rui.

Dijing curled his lips and said, "If it's nothing serious, I'll have to take care of you, kid!"

Jian Hui asked with concern: "What exactly is going on?"

"It's about the number one monster!"

Ye Rui shouted happily, and everyone opened their eyes wide.

These days, they have also named various monsters, and Chu Bai, as the most mysterious monster, was directly named the No. [-] monster.

"Don't be a fool, just tell me."

Dagu squeezed Yerui's shoulder and said eagerly.

As the human form of Ultraman Tiga, he was naturally very curious about such an unusual monster as Chu Bai.

Ye Rui took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "I found out that Ultraman Tiga and Monster No. [-] are likely to be of the same species!"


Everyone in the entire command room exclaimed almost in unison, with big question marks on everyone's face.

Looks like this...

How is it possible that such an honest No. [-] monster is the same species as Ultraman Tiga? !
(End of this chapter)

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