Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 9 9 Battle Underground

Chapter 9 9. Fighting Underground
The Kyriarodians were depressed.

As a pioneer sent by the tribe to regain the earth, he originally thought that these stupid humans would treat him with respect and begging for mercy like a pug.

But the facts gave it a blow.

When the Kirialodian himself showed up and was about to use hellfire bombs to teach humans a small lesson, an electromagnetic gun hundreds of miles away had already locked onto his body.

The defense of the Kirialodians in disguise was not very high, so they were almost sent home after being bombarded like this.

This makes the people of Kirialod so angry!
But there was nothing he could do.

If he continues to stay where he is, he will inevitably be bombed by the earth's armed forces again. It is impossible for him to defeat Tiga despite being huge but injured.

After weighing the two factors, this arrogant cosmonaut chose to hide and recuperate first, and continued to vent his anger through remote mind control.

However, when he finally recovered from his curse and returned to his true form, the Kirialodians discovered...

Feeling the warmth around his body and the rough touch coming from his waist, the Kirialodian's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Who the hell is this?!"

While my body was recuperating underground, I was actually eaten by an underground creature. Who would dare to believe this?

A handsome and beautiful boy encounters a perverted uncle while surviving in the wilderness?
No matter how you look at the unfolding of the plot, it’s not very serious!

What made the Kirialodians even more uncomfortable was that the bastard behind him was swiping oil everywhere, and moans could be heard from time to time.

What do you think you are doing?

You feel good about it, right?
It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!



A loud shout was heard, and the blazing flames instantly illuminated the dark and deep underground cave.

The Kirialod man slowly turned back to look at Chu Bai behind him. The two looked at each other, and Chu Bai's big and honest face, which belonged to Pigmon, immediately caught his eye.

"Woo... um!"

The Kirialodian's stomach suddenly turned upside down, and an unstoppable feeling of nausea flooded his mind, completely wiping out any trace of reason left in his brain.

He was silent, with endless anger hidden deep in his cold face.

Such an ugly person still dares to touch and rub oil on such a noble body as his own?

It's just... looking for death!
And opposite.

Chu Bai's face was full of embarrassment. He thought about it for a long time before he said, "Hi, how are you?"

However, this simple sentence became the straw that broke the camel's back. The long-simmering anger in Kiri Elod's heart completely exploded, and they wanted to tear Chu Bai into eight pieces on the spot.

But how could Chu Bai get what he wanted so easily?

Those big hands grabbed the Kirialodian from behind like lightning, making the Kirialodian unable to move even if he wanted to.

"do not move!"

As he spoke, Chu Bai opened his mouth wide, and blue light burst out at the neck of Kirialodian for the first time.

He doesn't expect effective communication. Actions are far more important than words at this time.


At that moment, the Kirialodian felt his throat sting like a needle, and even turning his head became so difficult.

What was even more unacceptable to him was that the petrification had spread to his cheeks in an instant, and was about to invade his eye sockets.

At this time, even the thinking of the Kirialodians became extremely slow.

But the panic deep in his soul and the desire to survive finally gave him the motivation to fight desperately.


As the Kirialodian roared, strange flames burned all over his body, even suppressing the process of petrification.

Feeling the burning sensation coming from his hands, Chu Bai reluctantly let go of his hands.

Although he has the same skin as Ultra Warrior, he obviously has to guard against the Hellfire Bullet, which can even damage Ultraman Tiga.

However, Chu Bai was not idle either.

With his hands flashing, Chu Bai quickly cut through the soil and left the area first.

At least he knows one thing - underground, his agility is many times higher than that of the Kirialodians!
..."ha! qia!"

Kirialod was particularly happy to feel that his limbs were free again, but his anger not only did not subside at all, but only got worse.

He couldn't accept that such a weak monster dared to attack him!

What a shame!

He quickly turned around, preparing to twist off Pigeon's big head and use it as a ball to avenge his previous shame.

But when he turned around, the Kirialodians were stunned.

There is no Pigeon behind him!
There was only a dark hole in front of him, which seemed to be mocking him.

At this time, the Kirialodian had already been blinded by anger. Without thinking, he immediately headed towards the hole, but he did not realize that a furry creature suddenly stretched out from behind him. hand.

"Powerful hand knife!"

A hand knife shining with dazzling light struck the middle of the Kirialodian's head. Accompanied by a sound of bones breaking, the Kirialodian fell to his knees in response.

Chubai didn't stop there. He knew that he could never defeat the Kirialodians with just a powerful hand sword.

He moved forward, straddling the Kirialodian's shoulders with all his strength, holding the head in his hands and twisting it hard!

A loud noise spread throughout the space.

The head of the Kirialoid man was twisted out nearly 90 degrees, but it was still not broken.

In the final analysis, Chu Bai's strength is too weak, and even if he can create opportunities, it is difficult to kill him with one blow.

At this time, Kirialodian's eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire. He violently burst out, and with his anger, he directly overturned Chu Bai who was pressing on his head, turned around and punched Chu Bai straight in the face!
Chu Bai sighed deeply and quickly took a few steps back.

He understood one thing - this protracted war must be fought at least once!

TPC Far East Headquarters.

Everyone in the victory team huddled together and watched the image projected on the big screen.

"What's going on now? Did I see it wrong?"

Xincheng looked up for a while, but still didn't understand: "I just saw two figures, one blue and one red, close to each other. Why didn't they move at all?"

He really couldn't imagine what these two behemoths were doing under the ground for so long.

It’s so strange no matter how you look at it!

Yerui shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "No, you read that right, that monster has maintained this sticking posture ever since it met the Kirialodians!"

Kazui hurriedly said: "On Kura Island, that strange monster also did this to Gakuma. Does hugging mean anything to him?"


Hui Jian narrowed her eyes, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Move! Move!"

At this moment, Xincheng suddenly shouted loudly again, and everyone's eyes turned to the big screen again.

I saw three consecutive strong energy reactions burst out on the screen, and the two figures, one blue and one red, separated at this point, but only a moment later they fought again.

Just by looking at the intersection of energy, everyone in the victory team could see the intensity of this battle.

Dagu asked in confusion: "Why did the fight suddenly start?"

"Look, he seems to be helping us deal with the Kirialodians!"

Xincheng's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly: "And it seems that the weird monster has the advantage!"

Dijing also added: "It seems that he is really a kind monster."

Compared with before when everyone was still suspicious, now that Chu Bai has clearly done many good deeds, everyone already believes in Chu Bai's "identity as a good citizen".

Hui Jian nodded and continued: "It's time for our victory team to do our part. We will do our best to protect the home of mankind!"

"Victorious team, attack!"


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! !

(End of this chapter)

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