Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 117 116 The Natan star appears!

Chapter 117 116. The Natan star appears!

It’s different from the assistant’s anger at lying to fans about wanting to see Maya.

After hearing the news, Maya looked at Chu Bai with a look of surprise on her face.

The little girl she relies on is an only child. Normal people would never think of her brother, unless the other person is really her brother, a brother from an alien planet!

"I'll pick it up." Maya almost grabbed the phone from the assistant's hand.

Then, both sides of the microphone fell into silence at the same time, as if both parties had guessed the identity of the other party.

"Brother..." Finally, Maya broke the deadlock and called out first.

"Eh~" TPC Far East Base, team dormitory, Xincheng team member answered with a trembling voice, holding a phone in his hand.

"Maya, I'm my brother." He said in as calm a tone as possible.

"If you want to meet me, come to Tokyo Bay. I'll wait for you here."

After saying that, the Xincheng team members hung up the phone, took two deep breaths, dressed up, and prepared to go out.

As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into Da Gu.

"Xincheng, why are you still up so late?" Dagu asked deliberately yawning.

"I feel a little unhappy. I want to go out and relax." Xincheng looked at Dagu's familiar yet unfamiliar face and said meaningfully.

But at this time, Dagu said very considerately: "Let me go with you. I happen to be in charge of night patrol tonight, and we will go on the Shengli Feiyan No. [-]."

After hearing what Da Gudu said, Xincheng no longer shied away, picked up his equipment, and set off with Da Gu.

After a few minutes.

The cabin door of the Far East Base opened, and the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] rushed out.

Under the night sky, looking at the neon city with dense lights in the distance, Dagu couldn't help but sigh: "It's so quiet."

Xincheng: "Yes, there is such peace, hard-won peace."

Hearing this, Da Gu turned around and took a deep look at Xincheng behind him.

But at this moment, Xincheng spoke again: "Can you put me down in Tokyo Bay in front? I want to wait for someone there."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Dagu looked extremely enthusiastic.

Xincheng grinned and did not refuse.

Soon, Shengli Feiyan No. [-] landed in the open space on Tokyo Bay.

Dagu and Xincheng stood on the beach wearing Victory uniforms, their eyes far away, each with their own thoughts.

After a while.

Chubai and Maya arrive in Tokyo Bay.

It had just fallen into the night, and there were still many pedestrians on the road in Tokyo Bay, but Maya could instantly fix her eyes on the two figures on the beach.

"That's me..." Maya wanted to ask the little monster who acted as a messenger to confirm her brother's identity.

Just as he was about to finish his words, he realized that the little monster that was following him just now disappeared.

"It's strange. The person who was there just now probably didn't want to disturb my meeting with my brother... That means I didn't recognize the wrong person."

Thinking of this, Maya took a deep breath and walked towards the man's back with questions, complaints and expectations.

As soon as he walked behind the two of them, one of the men turned around as if feeling something.

Their eyes met, and the two sides confirmed each other's identity.


"elder brother!"

Next to him, Dagu looked at the two people who suddenly hugged each other and fell into confusion: "??" When did Xincheng have another sister besides Mayumi?
Wait a minute, this 'sister' looks so familiar!
Da Gu opened his mouth twice, driven by curiosity, he wanted to ask something.

But his reason told him not to disturb the reunion of the other brother and sister.

Just when Dagu was in trouble, Maya looked at her brother and asked her doubts: "Why, why do you want to leave me alone on the earth?"

Xincheng: "I'm sorry."

Dagu: "??"

What does this say?

Doesn't this mean that he admitted to his face that they are both aliens?
Dagu stretched out his hand to touch his lower back warily.

Although these two aliens don't seem to be aggressive, they should not lose their sense of caution.

Xincheng next to him obviously noticed Dagu's actions, but after reading the memory of the original owner, he knew the kindness of this Dagu team member.

So, after giving the other party a reassuring look, he began to explain to his sister the whole story...

"Years ago, the planet Natan, which was originally on good terms with our planet, suddenly launched an invasion against us. After the turmoil, my mother took the two of us and fled."

"Just after flying outside this planet, something went wrong with the spacecraft. We were forced to land on this planet. At that time, the life support system of the spacecraft was no longer enough to sustain the lives of three people."

"It happened that a car nearby had a car accident, so my mother and I asked you to use the body of the little girl who died in the car accident to survive on the earth..."

After hearing her brother's explanation, Maya nodded slowly: "Yes, it matches my vague memory."

"Then why was it me who was left behind, and why didn't you come to pick me up after so many years?" Maya continued to ask.

Why should you let yourself endure the loneliness of being in a foreign land?

Regarding this question, my brother was also stumped and couldn't give an answer for a long time. In the end, he could only bow his head and apologize: "I'm sorry."

"Brother is late."

"In these years, I have been on the run in the universe because of the arrests of the Natan people. Fortunately, I have successfully contacted other survivors some time ago. We decided to look for other places in this universe where we can survive together, so I Coming to pick you up."

"Maya, will you come with me?"

Xincheng spoke sincerely.

He knew that it would be safer for his sister to stay on Earth, but as a family member, he would still have to ask this question even if his sister chose to stay on Earth in the end.

Sure enough, after hearing this question, Maya fell into silence and thought: "I..."

Of course she wanted to go with her brother, the last family she had in this world.

But as soon as she leaves, this human body will lose all vitality in an instant, and many people will be sad for her death, including the grandmother who raised her and taught her the rules of this world.

"Didi Di-!"

While Xincheng was waiting for Maya's answer, the PDI communicator on his waist suddenly rang.

Xincheng turned on the communicator, and on the screen was the Yerui team member with disheveled hair and a very poor mental state.

"Delta Space Station sent the latest news. Three minutes ago, an alien spacecraft broke through the defense line of the space war and is heading towards the earth at extremely high speed!"

Yerui team members shouted nervously.

"I'll drive the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] over right away!" Dagu said proactively as he approached Xincheng's communicator.

"I'm coming with you! The person coming is most likely the spaceman who is chasing me!" Xincheng turned around and said.

"You don't want to reunite with your sister here, don't worry, I can handle this matter." The warm-hearted Dagu glanced at Maya next to Xincheng and patted her shoulder.

at this time.

A pedestrian on the roadside aimed at the Xincheng team members and raised an evil beam launcher!

(End of this chapter)

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