Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 118 117 What kind of justice is trampling on freedom!

Chapter 118 117. What kind of justice is trampling on freedom!
"call out!"

A blue-green light pierced the night sky and shot straight towards the bodies of the New City players.

Just before the light was about to hit, a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded!


An indescribable object stood in front of the Xincheng team members and took over the glowing line for them!
Just when everyone was stunned by the unexpected incident, a red figure came out of the darkness, with yellow eyes shining.

The yellow light, like a high-beam headlight, instantly locked onto the person who had just launched the assault.

The confused Da Gu first glanced at the No. [-] monster that walked out of the darkness, and then looked at the civilians targeted by the No. [-] monster: "What's going on?"

"Natan people."

Xincheng on the side reacted very quickly. He looked at the human who had just launched a surprise attack on him and gritted his teeth.

Opposite, although locked by the light, the man did not panic at all, and even selectively ignored Chu Bai and Da Gu, only staring at Xincheng, showing an evil smile: "All the survivors on your planet have been eliminated, and now only You brothers and sisters.”

"I will execute the justice of Natan Star and hunt you down!"

After hearing the other party's self-introduction, Dagu probably figured out the context of the matter.

The Natan aliens are the aliens who invaded the Maya home planet, and now they have come to eradicate them!
At this moment, Dagu finally understood why everyone in TPC was afraid of alien wars.

Different from the wars between various countries on the earth, aliens not only have a completely different outlook on life from the earth, but also have advanced technology. The key is to be able to do it.

Those who directly destroyed a planet will be chased after those who sneak out. Their methods are so ruthless that if the Earth were to confront them, earthworms would probably be split open vertically!

What's more important is that they are so shameless, even after doing this, they still call themselves "just".

Dagu took out his gun and aimed at the Natan people who were attached to the people on earth.

Then, Dagu said: "Wanwan..."

Before he could finish his words, a voice first sounded in his heart: "Trampling on freedom wantonly, what kind of justice is this?!"

Dagu was stunned.

Who steals his own lines? !

Soon, he set his sights on the No. [-] monster next to him with a happy face.

Chu Bai at this time: (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Sure enough, you still have to say this kind of pretentious line with gusto.

On the other side, Xincheng and Maya, who also received Chubai's telepathy, looked at the little monster.

At this moment, they were in awe of this humble little thing!

Under the monster's body is an irrepressible soul of justice!
"I never thought there would be such a knowledgeable beast on this planet." Xincheng praised.

Maya: "Ah? Brother, isn't it a messenger sent by you?"

Xincheng was confused: "Send a message? If I can send you a message, why should I risk it myself?"

Maya was stunned: "Hey, but it was..."

Just when the disguise was about to be exposed, Chu Bai changed the topic in time: "Don't be distracted, be careful when dealing with the Tan Star people!"

After saying that, Chu Bai exchanged glances with Da Gu who was not far away, and they nodded in tacit understanding!

Then, just like comrades who have fought side by side for many years, one man and one beast launched an attack at the same time!

"call out!"

Chu Bai stretched out his tentacles, and Dagu tapped the trigger of the Victory Hypa Gun!
After half a moment.


The light from the Hypa gun hit Chu Bai's tentacles.


Although the tentacle was not interrupted directly, the sudden severe pain made Chu Bai subconsciously shrink the tentacle...

The Natan star took advantage of the attack flaws exposed by these two idiots, jumped back suddenly, and successfully distanced themselves.

Tokyo Bay, seaside, under dim street lights.Chu Bai looked at Da Gu with resentment on his face.

What's the matter?

After fighting side by side so many times, there is no tacit understanding at all, right?
His tentacles are so thin, and he can still hit him with one shot. It's hard not to make the beast suspect that he did it on purpose...

"Accident, completely accidental." Being locked by the gaze of Monster No. [-], Dagu showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"call out!"

At this moment, another luminous line came from a distance!


Chu Bai knew without looking that it was the Tanxing man who did it. He raised his hand and used his tentacles to help Dagu block the blow. His movements were steady, accurate and fast!

Then, he raised his eyebrows at Dagu. The action was simple but full of provocation, as if to say: You, a victory team soldier, are not as good as a monster like me in terms of combat literacy.

Dagu: "..."

Dozens of meters away, seeing that his attack was blocked again, the Natan star yelled angrily: "Damn monster, why do you want to stop my execution of justice!"

The voice just fell.


A small bulge suddenly appeared on the cement floor under his feet!

Half a second later!

A not particularly thick, but extremely tough tentacle emerged from the ground and tied his legs!
The moment the earthlings' bodies were restrained, the ugly and evil bodies of the Tantans jumped out and then became huge!
Next to him, Dagu fell silent as he looked at the humanoid, ugly alien with a square face in front of him.

This alien really fits his stereotype of evil space beings.

"Report to the headquarters quickly!" After reminding the new city around him, Dagu found a corner and prepared to transform.

However, as soon as he took out the magic stick from his arms, he saw the No. [-] monster next to him shaking his head at him. The meaning was obvious: don't transform here.

Dagu was puzzled, but guessed that Monster No. [-] wanted to solve the problem, so he put away the flash stick again.

Not far away, after stopping Dagu's behavior, Chu Bai used gigantism.

As for why Da Gu was prevented from transforming, the reason was simple - there was no need for him to do anything to defeat the weak Natan star.

In the original work, Diga didn't even give a red light when he killed the Natan people, so Chu Bai wanted to try how long it would take him to eliminate him.

In Tokyo Bay shrouded in darkness, two huge creatures stood opposite each other.

Chu Bai took the lead in launching an attack after becoming huge, stretched out his tentacles, and wrapped around the body of the Tan star man from all directions!

The Tan star wanted to resist, but the yellow destructive light he emitted had no time to clean up so many tentacles.

Therefore, it didn't even take five seconds from the beginning to the end of the battle before he was captured.

[The Natan people are being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for 15 seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Natan star ability - energy improvement]

[Energy enhancement: Increase the maximum energy reserve in the host body]

After the extraction was completed, Chu Bai opened his mouth!

The black electric ball shot out close to the face, hit the body of the Tan star, and exploded!

Huge explosions echoed across Tokyo Bay.

The man from Natan died.

After doing this, Chu Bai no longer needed to stay here. He turned around and jumped into the sea next to him.

On the street, Xincheng and Maya looked at each other in disbelief.

"This is the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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