Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 119 118 Little brother Golzan, come and report!

Chapter 119 118. My little brother Golzan, come and report!

The TPC Far East Base was established near Tokyo Bay, so after the two giant creatures appeared, the TPC army rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

It's a pity that it came to nothing.

"Where are those two giant creatures?" Vice-captain Munakata, who came with a large team, looked at Oko and Shinjo standing on the beach of Tokyo Bay.

"It's Monster No. [-] and an unknown alien. Monster No. [-] took that alien..." Dagu said, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

It was not once or twice that monster No. [-] acted before the human defense team, so after hearing this, Munakata had no doubt that he was there.

"That guy's movements are faster than ours. If this continues, TPC should be disbanded."

Zongfang's voice was filled with self-deprecation. As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed Xincheng standing with Dagu: "I remember you were not on patrol duty today."

"Isn't it very tiring to test the new machine during the day? Go back and rest early."

With that said, the vice-captain turned around and prepared to fly the plane back to the base.

Just as he was halfway through turning around, he locked eyes with Maya and frowned slightly, as if he realized something.

Next to him, Xincheng's heart suddenly rose to his throat!
This human being is so perceptive, can he see the true identity of the Mayan aliens?

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Munakata took out a pen and paper from the pocket of his combat uniform, and approached Maya with an excited expression: "You are Chris Maya, right? I am your fan, can you sign your name for me?"

"Of course, you are a warrior of the victory team who protects the earth." Maya smiled and nodded in agreement.

Soon, Vice Captain Zongfang left with his people.

Dagu and others on the streets of Tokyo Bay breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it time for you to return your body to Xincheng's teammates?" Dagu looked at Xincheng beside him, or rather at Maya's alien brother inside Xincheng.

'Xincheng' had an apology on his face: "Please don't be anxious, I will leave after Maya finishes giving me the answer."

After saying that, he turned his questioning eyes to Maya.

"Give me some time." Maya looked at the sea level in the distance with complicated eyes...

At a certain moment, a ripple suddenly appeared on the sea level.



A flesh-colored tentacle stretched out from under the sea and bound the body of 'Xincheng'.

Dagu recognized the tentacle, so he didn't rush to attack with his gun.

On the other hand, Maya next to her shouted excitedly because she was worried about her brother's safety: "Let go of my brother! Let him go!"

About ten seconds later, the tentacles were released, and the 'New City' was returned to its original position unharmed.

After that, there was no movement in the sea.

After the small storm, Maya and her brother hugged each other and cried, and finally made up their mind: "I'll go with you, brother."


the other side.


Chu Bai, who had transformed into an aquatic form, swung his body, and fish moved out of his way, just like the overlord in the water.

The tentacle that just stretched out of the water was his, naturally for the purpose of extracting Maya's brother.

It was only after he got into the water that he remembered that he almost missed mentioning an alien as soon as he finished the operation.

Although ordinary aliens don't have any good skills, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

"My intelligence has been slightly improved. Do I need this ability? Isn't my brain the best it can be?"

At this time, Chu Bai was slightly dissatisfied with the skills just mentioned.


Time flies, and several days have passed.

The cave where Chu Bai lives is fully equipped with lights, TVs, sofas, and all basic living facilities. It really feels like home.

At this time, Chu Bai was sitting on the sofa, carving a small stone statue of the monster with his little claws.

On the large bluestone coffee table in front of him, there was a rough map of Tokyo and its surrounding areas drawn.On the map, several carved miniature monster stone statues have been placed.

"Litmarus should be placed here... This would be great, this bully's strategic deployment map."

"If there are new monsters in the future, they will be deployed outward with Tokyo City as the axis."

As he said that, Chu Bai raised his head: "It's been a few days, and it's time for Golzan to come to Tokyo... then we'll place it in Mount Fuji."

"Mount Fuji..."

Reciting the name of this place, Chu Bai slowly raised his head and his eyes fell on the long knife on the wall.

The most out of place decoration in the entire cave is the knife hanging on the wall.

This sword was brought back by Chu Bai from Mount Shuna near Mount Fuji. Its former owner was Ida Iryu.

After Chu Bai came to this world, his younger brother accepted a lot of friends, and he really didn’t have many friends.

Human Ida Iryu counts as one.

Thinking of that human being who kept his words, Chu Bai suddenly let out a 'tsk~' sound: "Speaking of which, in that battle with the ghost, did I leave something behind?"

Just after he finished speaking, there was a fluctuation in the space in a shadowed corner of the cave.

Soon, Master Ayan appeared holding a pot.

"Sir, the giant beast you asked me to keep an eye on a few days ago has entered the underground area of ​​Tokyo City and is about to encounter Litmarus."

Hearing this, Chu Bai stood up with satisfaction: "We're finally here."

"Let's go together."


Northeastern suburbs of Tokyo.

Underground in a tunnel.

In the huge underground cavity, Litmarus greedily sucked in the car exhaust.

While sucking, he let out a soft hum of pleasure.

Follow the boss and eat nine meals in two days!
The exhaust gas in this place is so dense and pure that it is simply my own paradise!

It's much better than the small mountain car in Toma City!

In the future, if big brother needs to go out on his own again, he will do his best and never give up!
While Lithmarus was enjoying the delicious food.


On one side of the cave, there was suddenly a sparse digging sound.

Litmarus immediately became alert.

The boss came over some time ago and said that he has been discovered by humans, but humans are currently in the wait-and-see stage and have no plans to take action against him.

So I can lie down here honestly and create the illusion that I won't harm humans, and I can live here safely.

The boss said this is called 'If you don't seek death, you won't die'.

Now, there is the sound of digging outside. Are humans preparing to do something to themselves?

Should I call him directly?
But the boss has specifically said that when communicating with humans, you can tolerate it as long as you can.

After thinking for a long time, Litmarus gave up the idea of ​​confronting humans head-on, and chose to listen to the boss and hide.

We can endure the calm for a while, the world is so big, why worry about having nowhere to stay?
So Lithmarus began to dig deeper and hide deeper.

Shortly after Lithmarus disappeared, huge beast claws ripped through the wall of the cave.

Then, Golzan poked his head out of the hole: "Hoar?"

Is there such a big hole under the city?Which giant beast's lair is this?
But what about the beast?
Golzan was puzzled, but he had no intention of stopping digging.

The little monster must be found as soon as possible!

It saved itself a life last time. If it failed to report in time, it might not save itself this time!

(End of this chapter)

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