Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 120 119 Chu Bai: I suck the magma energy!

Chapter 120 119. Chu Bai: I suck the magma energy!

Golzan still remembers how ferocious the little monster was when he talked to him, and he shudders every time he thinks about it!

Of course you can run, far away, but you don't have to gamble.

Moreover, the other party's attack was so heavy last time but it did not kill him, which shows that it does not want his life.

In fact, until now, Golzan has not figured out what the little monster's tricks are.

He was so inconspicuous when we first met him, but just a short time later, he was able to press himself to the ground with one paw and rub him...

Just when Golzan was thinking wildly and was about to continue on the road.


An invisible ripple suddenly appeared in the dark hollow.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of Chu Bai and Master Ayan appeared out of thin air in the cave!

Seeing this evil star suddenly appear, Golzan was so frightened that he suddenly realized what he was doing!
Then he clicked "Clang!" and nodded his huge head on the ground to show his allegiance.

At this moment, the ancient behemoth only felt happy in his heart!
How many days has it been since we last parted?
The little monster can even teleport, and it's so easy to use it!

In ancient times, even those super powerful giants of light were not so casual when using this skill!

Obviously, it's getting stronger again!
Fortunately, I remembered the harsh words it said that day and took the initiative to come over.

Otherwise, when it comes to find you, your end will definitely be miserable!

Looking at the discerning Golzan in front of him, Chu Bai nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, although it is a bit late, you are here after all."

Hearing this, Golzan trembled and felt cold in his heart.

Are you dissing yourself for being slow?
It is said that the stronger the monster, the more cruel it is. Is it going to kill itself because of this?

Cold sweat had begun to break out on the forehead of the giant beast Gorzan.

It can fight to the death with other monsters and giants of light.

But it really doesn’t want to experience this kind of psychological torture for a moment!
As the king of the ancient earth, Gorzan is still somewhat bloody. At this time, he is thinking about whether to fight to the death?
Think of this.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Golzan's monster's heart was beating faster and faster nervously.

Chu Bai also heard the strange noise and looked around in the dark cave curiously: "What is the sound? Who is playing the drum?"

Master Ayan and Golzan: "??"

Soon, Chu Bai locked the source of the sound on Golzan's chest, and he guessed at least half of Golzan's thoughts at this moment.

"Don't panic, keep your brother in mind, he won't step on you."

"Come with me, I will take you to your new place of residence."

After saying that, Chu Bai jumped on Golzan's head and showed him the way to Mount Fuji.

Soon, Chu Bai and Golzan left the cave, and Master Ayan returned to Yanye Street.

After a long time, Litmarus cautiously probed his head again.

No movement?

Humans didn’t come?

What was that thing that just came over?
There's a ghost!I have to report it to my brother immediately!
Wait a minute, which direction does the eldest brother live in?


Mount Fuji is [-] kilometers away from Tokyo. With Golzan's digging speed, he could reach the city at the foot of Mount Fuji in just half a day.

Fujiyoshida City, 500 meters underground in the city.

Sitting on Golzan's head, Chu Bai could feel the hot air coming from below.

"How about it? The magma energy in this place must be enough for you to suck it to your full capacity, right?" Chu Bai patted Golzan's head as he sat down. "Ho~" Golzan responded in a low voice, thanking his elder brother for his cultivation.

"No need to thank me, the stronger you become, the happier I will be." Chu Bai replied with a smile.

The two monsters dug forward for a while, and Chu Bai suddenly felt something strange above his head.

"Do you feel it? It's like there's a knife hanging above your head..." Chu Bai narrowed his eyes and turned on the underground radar angle.

Sure enough, at the edge of the radar's angle detection range, he felt a huge metal object!

"Your target is too big, just lie down here and don't move, I'll go up and take a look."

After comforting Golzan who was sitting down, Chu Bai jumped up and dug up.

A minute later, his little head pushed open a certain floor tile and looked at the location of the metal object sensed by the radar angle.

In front of him was a huge, empty square.

In the center of the square, stood a 30-meter-long sword that exuded a cold aura!
This big sword is extremely well made. The head of the sword is engraved with a huge and terrifying ghost head. The hilt is brown, and you can’t tell what kind of metal it is.

The sword grid under the hilt is the same metallic yellow as the swordsman, with mysterious inscriptions engraved on it, full of ancient atmosphere.

This sword looks a bit old, but the metallic silver blade is flawless, glowing with a faint cold light, and has a fierce aura!

With just one glance, Chu Bai could see the origin of this sword.

This was the huge sword that the ghost of Suna had pulled out from the mountain of Suna. Later, he caught it with his bare hands and threw it away. Unexpectedly, it ended up flying into this city.

"Bring this sword with you when you go back later."

Chu Bai had a plan in mind.

I guess he defeated the ghost himself, so of course this sword should be his trophy, but he always forgot to get it.

Moreover, if this sword is placed in this park, it will be of no use except for looking at it. It will also rust easily due to wind and rain, so it is better to keep it yourself.

Thinking of this, Chu Bai quietly returned to the underground.


After a while.

Golzan and Chubai came to the magma core under Mount Fuji.

"Just suck it here. The magma energy here should be enough for you to suck it for hundreds of years."

Next to the steaming magma lake, Chu Bai decided to designate this place as Golzan's residence.

"However, you should also know one thing. I'm keeping you alive and finding you a place to live. I'm not just giving you a living."

"What is eating dry food? You don't need to understand this."

"Just remember this for me. In the future, whenever someone or an animal asks you to help me under my banner, you have to go."

"Also, set a gathering signal...if you see this signal in the future, you have to rush over as soon as possible."

"This is 2000 meters underground. I guess you can't see it. So, you can report to Tokyo every two months or so."

"The rest is nothing. You have been in the human world for such a long time, so I don't think you need to teach me the extra rules."

"That's good."

"Wait a minute, where do you usually use to absorb magma energy?"

Chu Bai, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and looked at the magma in front of him, feeling a little moved.

Can my energy-absorbing claws also absorb magma energy...

My mind had hit a dead end before. Just thinking about extracting special individuals to improve their abilities, I almost forgot what the monster itself relied on to become stronger.

There are monsters that can eat nuclear waste and mutate, there are monsters that can absorb magma energy and become stronger, why can't I do the same?
Thinking of this, Chu Bai jumped into the magma and activated the 'energy-absorbing claw' skill under Golzan's puzzled gaze!
The orange-red magma energy enters its hands and slowly spreads throughout the body...

(End of this chapter)

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