Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 125 124 Someone robbed TPC, bad!

Chapter 125 124. Someone robbed TPC, bad!
After hearing the discussion among the escorts, Chu Bai immediately became interested.

Weapons sent by aliens?

Since I can't sleep, I might as well go up and take a look.

So, Chu Bai got up from the bed and dug upwards, finally reaching the ground.

It was already early morning, the sun was rising in the distance, and the morning light was dim.

In order not to attract attention, Chu Bai swung out his tentacles and hooked them to a big tree nearby, and then climbed to the top of the tree like Spider-Man spinning his web.

The view from the top of the tree was wide, and Chu Bai could easily see the road a few hundred meters away.

The most conspicuous vehicle on the road at this time was undoubtedly the escort vehicle with a huge cargo box and a 'TPC' logo.

Chu Bai was originally interested in the special objects mentioned by the escort. After seeing the TPC logo, he felt that there might be something special in the car.

"How do you get in?"

"Just intercept the car? Then the image of a friendly monster that I have managed to maintain will collapse on the spot."

"Not good, not good."

After standing on the tree and thinking for a while, Chu Bai had a plan in mind.

He can move in the dark. It must be dark inside the truck compartment. He can teleport directly there!

The only problem now is that the truck keeps moving, and I am not very skilled in using Dark Forward, so I am not sure...

"Anyway, let's stop that car first."

Thinking of this, Chu Bai wrapped his tentacles around a small stone on the ground.

After a simple aim, the stone was thrown out by the tentacle!


The monster threw it with great force, and the small pebbles flew faster than bullets and instantly flew in front of the moving truck!

Chu Bai originally wanted to blow out the tires with stones and force them to stop.

Unexpectedly, the throwing angle was a little off, and the stone ran towards the side glass of the car!



Accompanied by two sounds of glass breaking and two sounds of stones cutting flesh.


The TPC escort vehicle carrying special items braked suddenly, and the rubber tires drew a long black mark on the ground!

When Chu Bai saw this, he felt guilty.

"You won't hit anyone, right?"

"Isn't he going to die? I'm not going to commit a murder, am I?"

A series of questions appeared in Chu Bai's mind.

Just when Chu Bai wanted to step forward to check on the two escorts.

From the front driver's seat of the escort vehicle, howls like a slaughtering pig erupted.


"Who! Who dares to attack TPC staff!"

"That's right, intentional murder! It deserves the death penalty!"

"Get out of the car with a gun and investigate carefully! Don't let me catch you! Otherwise I will send you to a cell for the rest of your life!"

The two roars came from two different people, with the same number of escorts.

Hearing that these two people were still shouting, Chu Bai knew that there was nothing serious about their health, so he stopped worrying about it.

After that, Pigu, who was as tall as a potato, rolled down the tree and found a dark place. He aimed at the carriage of the escort vehicle in the distance and used darkness to sneak!


Highway, TPC stopped the rhyme car on the side of the road.

The two escorts wearing TPC work clothes took off their hats and touched their heads with lingering fear.The stone just entered through one side of the car window, passed over their heads, and then flew out of the other side of the car window.

It's really dangerous!

"Brother, do you think I can still grow hair after the scratch on my head?" One of the escorts stroked the '[-]' shaped scar on his head with a sad expression.

"You still have time to worry about this? It would be great if you can save a life! If the stone flies down half a centimeter, it can lift our skulls!"

"It's a good thing we are about the same height, otherwise one of us would have died and the other would have been injured today..." Another escort held a gun in both hands and pulled the car door warily.

"Get out of the car and check. Maybe the other party's goal is to find something inside the carriage!"

"Weird things have happened frequently since this thing was mined from Antarctica! We have to be on guard!"

Soon, the two escorts got out of the car and walked around the car to check.

"The tires are fine and the rear compartment is fine. Could it be an accident? For example, a passing car just hit a stone and it crashed into our window?" Escort Person A breathed a sigh of relief.

Escort B is relatively more cautious: "Open the carriage and check. This kind of thing cannot be done carelessly."


Seeing his colleague's insistence, Rhyme Personnel B took out the key, opened the door, and slowly opened the car.

The carriage was brightly lit, and in the center was a fixed, square, transparent box.

Inside the box is a coral-like red object.

After confirming that there was nothing in the car, escort A, who had a false alarm, stretched his neck and reported to escort B, who was on guard in front of the car: "It's okay, everything is going as expected..."


Before he finished speaking, there was a sound of falling to the ground.

Escort B panicked at that time: "Xiaotian? Xiaotian!"

"Who! Who did this? I've already seen you, tell me quickly..."

Escort B's nervous forehead was sweating, and a tentacle quietly appeared behind him.



After all the two escorts were dealt with, Chu Bai emerged from the woods.

"Boy, what kind of treasure are you holding? The lights are still on inside the carriage, so you can't teleport there. You have to let me do it."

With that said, Chu Bai walked to the back of the carriage, stretched out his tentacles with a "whoosh", and took out the transparent box in the carriage as quickly as possible.

Based on TPC's urine behavior, there is a high probability that there are cameras in the carriage, so he cannot be discovered.

After the box was put into his claws, Chu Bai was confused: "This thing is..."


A few minutes later, a passing car spotted the TPC escort truck unusually parked on the roadside.

The news that the escort vehicle was robbed quickly reached the TPC Far East Base Headquarters.

At this time, everyone in the Victory Team was busy dealing with the giant mole in the Metro Zoo.

"The special creature discovered in Antarctica was robbed?" Captain Hui Jian found it unbelievable when he got this information.

TPC, which possesses the world's top technology, has not yet figured out what that creature is.

Other organizations have absolutely no reason to hijack.

"Could it be the work of a terrorist organization? They may also know that many staff members were sent to the hospital as soon as the creature was discovered, thinking it was some kind of weapon?" Ye Rui team member guessed.

"It's not impossible, but if they want weapons, it's obviously more suitable to hijack other TPC escort vehicles..." Captain Hui Jian was puzzled.

At this time, Ye Rui, who kept typing on the keyboard with both hands, made an exciting discovery: "The camera in the car was not destroyed. The video of the theft was saved. I will call it up right now..."

Soon, a surveillance video was transmitted to the big screen in the command room.

The video starts from the driving stage of the vehicle. There are only slight bumps at the beginning. At a certain moment, the bumps suddenly intensify and the vehicle obviously brakes suddenly.

After a while, the carriage door opened.

A few seconds later, a strange shadow flashed across the screen!
(End of this chapter)

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