Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 126 125 Kidnapping Dagu!

Chapter 126 125. Kidnapping Dagu!

After the strange shadow flashed, the small box containing the special creature disappeared.

Hui's mind was already confused at first, but after watching the video, she became even more confused!
"What disappears after shaking for a moment? Slow down and take a look." Hui Jian rubbed her temples.

The Ye Rui players did as they were told.

However, the opponent's movement speed was too fast. No matter how many times they played, the two could never see clearly the form of the little thief.

"The most common camera used for in-car surveillance has average picture quality and low frame rate. This is the only clearest thing we can get," Yerui team member said helplessly.

"It seems that the other party has already planned this robbery, otherwise how could they be so well prepared." Hui Jian narrowed his eyes, realizing that the matter was not simple.

Ye Rui: "But this speed is a bit too fast. It doesn't even look like a creature on earth."

Hui Jian: "Not like the creatures on earth?"

"Anyway, let the TPC staff conduct a search near the incident site first. This matter must not be taken carelessly."


Metro Zoo.

"The mole's habit is to lie dormant during the day and emerge at night. It is estimated that this monster will start to act at night." The well-digging team members put their hands on their hips and stared at the huge rat in the distance.

"This is really the dumbest mission I have ever performed, waiting here for the monster to move." Xincheng team members complained.

"Sorry, I just feel..." Lina next to her had dark eyes.

The Xincheng team member raised his hand to interrupt: "Needless to say, I know what you are thinking. Although I don't quite understand it, I obey the orders above."

"Of course, it's possible that you are right and they should have this right and opportunity."

"This is the Xincheng player I know." Upon hearing this, Dagu happily hugged the Xincheng player's neck.

At this time, the headquarters sent a communication and briefly informed about the robbery of the escort vehicle.

When everyone heard this, they all frowned, realizing the seriousness of this matter.

TPC has been established for such a long time, but there are very few people who dare to do this.

"Going against the TPC is tantamount to standing against the peace of the earth. Which organization is so bold?" Munakata clenched his fists angrily.

"Hey, I've been looking forward to studying that thing." The well digging team members felt uncomfortable.

"The murderer who can't even be captured by the surveillance cameras, is the perpetrator this time really a human being?" Dagu frowned.

For some reason, he felt that this kind of thing had something to do with Monster No. [-].

But then I thought about it, it was understandable that Monster No. [-] stole the sword a few days ago, but grabbing the TPC escort vehicle was somewhat unnecessary...

Munakata: "Doujing, since you care so much about that thing, let you drive the Carrot over to see what's going on."

"Of course, that's what I meant." Dijing said happily.


the other side.

Hino Street.

Chu Bai also knew that he had robbed TPC's car and it was a big deal, so he stayed away on purpose.

At this time, on the mountain behind Yanye Street, in the temple of Monk Civet Cat.

Chu Bai, Master Ayan, Monk the Civet Cat, and other monsters were all sitting in front of a transparent box containing a special coral-like object.

"What is this? The real estate developer's new conspiracy?" Master Ayan held the pot in his arms, his face full of caution: "Why don't the shadows be swallowed by him."

"This may be a bit difficult, because the last thing to be absorbed may be the shadow." Chu Bai, who had already guessed the origin of this object, looked troubled.

"Why don't you let everyone worry at this time?" The civet cat monk said anxiously.

So, Chu Bai stood up after sorting out his instruments and pointed at the object in the transparent cover: "This is an alien creature."

"It can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and its effect is extremely miraculous."

After hearing this, Monk Civet Cat was full of surprise: "So magical? Then with this mass of things, wouldn't it be possible to transform many places with low oxygen content?"

"Send it to Mars and transform Mars into an environment suitable for animal life!" The clever civet cat monk immediately thought of the wonderful uses of this mysterious creature.

Master Ayan next to him: "I have a question."

"What is carbon dioxide? What is oxygen?"

Chu Bai: "..."

"You have lived for so many years without reading a single book?"

Master Ayan: "..."

Chu Bai continued: "What the civet cat said makes sense, but the bad thing about this creature is that it is disobedient."

"It has the ability to multiply and reproduce with the help of electricity. As long as there is electricity, it can be copied infinitely, compressing the living space of other creatures on the planet, and eventually causing other creatures to become extinct..."

Civet Cat Monk: "Why don't we let it come into contact with electricity?"

Chu Bai: "The conversion of oxygen by such a small piece will have very little effect on the entire planet. What's the use of leaving it alone?"

"So, this thing is more effective on humans. When we monsters see it, we can just destroy it."

"Burn it directly with fire?" Monk Civet Cat suggested again.

Chu Bai was silent for a while.

In the original work, Bizomo's life form was destroyed after absorbing enough electricity, turned into a giant monster, and was then shot and exploded by Tiga.

But according to the splitting characteristics of this kind of creature, Chu Bai always felt that this monster could not be eradicated.

Of course, it is also possible that the dilasium light flow emitted by Tiga in the original work is mixed with other things.

It might be possible to use the high temperature of your own Hellfire Bomb, but it would be troublesome if you bake the box later and cannot hurt the Bizomo inside. If you let this guy escape, you will be in trouble.

In short, I currently have no effective way to eliminate this creature.

But I want to open this box and extract it.

In this way, Chu Bai became entangled.

After much thought, Chu Bai decided to adopt the safest plan: "Find a helper."

Tiga can deal with Bizumo's life, so Chu Bai wants to call Dagu to come over to protect the law when he extracts Bizumo.

I have fought side by side with Diga so many times, and I have some feelings for him. It should not be difficult to call him over and explain the pros and cons of this matter to him.

"What kind of helper?" Master Ayan asked curiously.

Chu Bai: "Ultraman."


Metro Zoo.

Time soon came to dusk.

As the sun completely set, the monster King Morat, who had been motionless, roared and started to move.

When TPC's various weapons could not cause damage to this monster, Ultraman Tiga transformed and appeared.

After that, just like the plot of the original work, Tiga used a shrinking light to shrink King Morat's body in proportion, allowing him to return to his "animal" identity.

On the grass next to Metro Zoo.

The victory team members gathered around to watch this cute little guy, marveling at the miracle Tiga created.

"Shrunk, Diga did not choose to kill this little life." Lina said movedly.

Munakata: "Able to see into people's hearts, Ultraman Tiga is really a god..."

Xincheng scratched his head: "Where's Dagu? That guy disappeared after the crash."

after the crowd.

Dagu, who had returned to his human form, appeared. Just as he was about to wave and greet his teammates, he was pulled into the darkness by a tentacle...

(End of this chapter)

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