Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 130 129 The Planet of Dinosaurs

Chapter 130 129. Dinosaur Planet

"A huge frozen dinosaur?"

Chu Bai repeated the group leader's words, and he already had a guess in his mind.

These two keywords were enough for him to lock in this monster.

Marusaki Naza!

The Naga people used biochemical electronic surgery to modify the bodies of dinosaurs to create biological weapons!
"Aliens are coming."

Chu Bai realized the seriousness of this incident.

The Nagas, highly civilized space invaders, frantically loaded neutron bombs into the bodies of two mechanical dinosaurs!

When two neutron bombs collide, the huge explosion can even turn half of the earth into scorched earth, which is a devastating blow to all living things on the earth!

According to the original plot, Tiga will stop the two dinosaurs and eventually use a neutron bomb to blow up the Naga spaceship.

But this incident was related to his own safety, and Chu Bai didn't dare to gamble.

A butterfly here flapping its wings may cause a storm thousands of miles away.

The possible butterfly effect is what Chu Bai is most afraid of now.

Because in the original work, Pigmon did not appear in Ultraman Tiga.

There are too many points that may change the outcome of this incident.

After confirming the danger of the enemy this time, Chu Bai briefly greeted the group of monster circus people, and after roughly confirming the direction, he quickly moved towards the location of Fukui County.

"He burrowed into the ground as soon as he said that. It seems that the matter this time is really serious." The leader looked at the manhole cover where Monster Lord disappeared, with a trace of worry on his face.

"Who the hell is Mr. Monster? I originally thought it was just an ordinary kind monster, but I didn't expect that he also protects the peace of the earth part-time and helps the earth resist alien invasion?" Several big question marks appeared on the head of member A.

"Hey~" The little monster Durban screamed at this time, probably to help his boss clear his name.

Member B’s interpretation: “I understand this. Durban said that his brother’s pursuit is more noble than what we can imagine.”

Durban nodded with satisfaction.

Durban has reason to suspect that the fact that the earth he lives on has not been destroyed is all thanks to his elder brother.


Fukui City.

Carrot's car was traveling at a speed of over two hundred miles per hour, racing down the road.

Although the Carrot's top speed is more than that, driving so fast on busy city streets is more than just dangerous driving.

The reason why the victorious team members are so anxious is the huge dinosaur newly discovered by the Fukui Prefectural Institute of Zoology.

In the car, Zujing, who was sitting in the driver's seat, didn't feel that Dagu was driving dangerously at all. Instead, he urged: "Hurry up, I can't wait to see the 'moves' mentioned in the Dinosaur Research Institute report." Bioelectronic surgery for the dinosaurs' up!"

"It's already fast enough. If I had known, I would have driven here in the Victory Feiyan No. 86..." Dagu complained as he turned the steering wheel slightly, and the Carlot he was driving passed by a black AE[-].

"You don't have time to worry about so much. Just use whatever vehicle is around you first." The well-digger replied.

Soon, the carlot parked outside the Dinosaur Research Institute in Fukui City.

Because we had already received news that someone from the Victory Team would be coming, there was a researcher in a white coat waiting at the entrance of the institute for a long time.

"You two should be the winning team members."

Watching Dijing and Dagu get out of the car, the researcher wearing glasses said hello politely.

Dagu stretched out his hand: "I am Dagu, and this is Dijing next to me." Before the researchers could extend their hands in return, the eager Digjing beside him rushed to the Dinosaur Research Institute: "Where are the biochemical and electronic dinosaurs? where?"

Seeing this, the researcher smiled politely at Dagu, did not take Dagu's hand, and trotted to keep up with the footsteps of the well diggers: "You two, please follow me..."

Behind him, Da Gu took his hand back in embarrassment, but thought that the other party didn't shake his hand because he was too anxious to dig a well, so he didn't take it to heart.


within the institute.

Huge excavation pit, isolated by glass enclosure.

Behind the glass cover, Tu Jing looked at the dinosaur frozen in front of him, his eyes as wide as bells.

"Is this the dinosaur you dug up?"

"Yes." The researcher nodded, with a sense of professional confidence when speaking: "According to our judgment, this dinosaur was born in the Cretaceous period from 1.45 million years ago to 6600 million years ago. Its body cells are the same as those of the Cretaceous Period. The species, Tarbosaurus, is highly similar."

"Sixty-six million years ago, humans may have been food for other beasts. How could they have the ability to transform dinosaurs..." Chu Jing swallowed, feeling that what he saw today somewhat subverted his previous common sense.

"There may have been a splendid civilization in the super ancient times. Didn't You Lian have already vaccinated us?" Unlike Dijing's shock, Dagu seemed very calm.

"It's different. You Lian said that he lived 3000 million years ago, and this dinosaur was born in the Cretaceous Period... there were more than 3000 million years in between." Tujing explained.

"Thirty million years can change many things. You must know that the earliest civilization discovered by humans was only 3000 years ago... Do you know how many humans and how many civilizations can be born in 5000 million years?" Digging a well As he spoke, his breathing became rapid.

The dinosaur that had undergone biochemical and electronic surgery in front of him was earlier than the capsule discovered before, and the visual impact it brought was greater!
Dagu didn't argue with Dijing, he just hummed casually and turned his attention to the frozen dinosaur behind the glass cover.

"Although I don't know much about dinosaurs, is a 60-[-]-meter-tall dinosaur too big?" Dagu asked.

The researcher nodded: "Yes, under normal circumstances, the shoulder height of Tarbosaurus is four meters and the body length is about 12 meters. The one in front of me... is larger than all the dinosaur species excavated so far. To be honest, it is also subversive. What I learned.”

"With such a large body, could it be fed by super-ancient people?" Dagu wondered.

"It may not necessarily be super ancient people, but it may also be aliens." Dijing guessed.

Then, he asked expectantly: "Can we get up close to this frozen dinosaur?"

The researcher nodded slightly: "Of course, I will take you in right now."

As he spoke, the researcher with his hands in his pockets walked forward and led the two of them towards the entrance of the excavation site.

At this time, Dagu, who had been focusing on the glass cover, made a new discovery!

"Look inside!"

Dagu shouted excitedly.

"The ground beneath the feet of that oversized dinosaur is loosening!"

"Something is coming out of the ground!"

"It's red and has horns? Wait, why does it look so familiar?"

"Monster No. [-], Monster No. [-] has broken in!"


Inside the glass cover.

Chu Bai emerged from the ground, looked up at the huge frozen mechanical dinosaur in front of him, and at the same time stretched out his tentacles...

(End of this chapter)

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