Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 131 130 Resurrected Mechanical Dinosaur!

Chapter 131 130. Resurrected Mechanical Dinosaur!
Although the body of the huge Mechanical Dinosaur No. [-] is covered by solid ice, there are always some exposed body tissues.

At this moment, Chu Bai's tentacles covered these exposed body tissues.

[Marusaki Naza No. 15 is being extracted. Please maintain close contact with the host for [-] seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

The 15-second extraction sounds short, but in this critical situation, it seems a bit long.

Because within a few seconds after this, the researchers had already led Dagu and Zujing into the glass protective enclosure.

The situation was critical at this moment. The researcher wearing glasses looked obviously nervous, but his hands were still in his pockets, which looked weird.

Although Dagu beside him noticed this, his attention was entirely focused on Monster No. [-] at the moment and he didn't bother to ask any more questions.

The well-digging team member looked at the noisy monster No. [-] and advised him: "Hey, don't make our work more difficult, okay? Be good and get out of here quickly. I'll buy you a box of ham later."

Dagu and researchers next to him: "??"

Chu Bai: "..."

Are you really treating yourself like a stray dog?
Second Olympic!

After all, he is a cosmic bully with ambitions, and the current king of monsters!

Even if Dijing said this without insulting himself, he definitely looked down upon himself!

"I want chicken sausage. Pork sausage is full of clenbuterol. I don't like it."

As soon as Dijing finished speaking, the telepathy from Monster No. [-] was transmitted into their heads.

After hearing the response from Monster No. [-], several humans present were stunned.

The eyes under the researcher's glasses even turned into dinosaur-like vertical pupils for a moment.

What the hell?

He originally thought that this little monster was here to cause trouble, but why did it turn out to be here to show off treasures?

One box of ham sausage is enough?
Do humans and monsters on earth live so peacefully together?
Or is this the TPC method?

It seems that many aspects of this invasion plan were not well thought out.

A little monster appears now, and there may be other interference factors later.

Plan ahead to avoid long nights and dreams!
Thinking of this, the researcher's hand hidden in his pocket moved twice.

"Monster No. [-], let go of this mechanical dinosaur." Dagu reached his right hand toward his waist, ready to draw his gun.

It's understandable that Monster No. [-] robbed the Bizomo life forms that were harmful to humans.

But now directly invading the dinosaur museum is a bit unreasonable.

"Dago, this dinosaur is a monster and a bad thing."

This message was sent to Dagu alone by Chu Bai. He was trying to tell Dagu Maru about Naza's horror.

Dagu was willing to believe in Monster No. [-], but he still felt that Monster No. [-]'s behavior this time was inappropriate: "You leave here first, and we will discuss the monster matter later."

Chu Bai was helpless: "Wait a little longer, and the monster will start..."

Before Chu Bai could fully convey the message, his sensitive sense of smell caught a hint of strange smell in the surrounding air...

At the same time, the electronic prompt that the extraction was completed sounded in my mind!

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Marusaki Naza's No. [-] ability - power improvement]

[Strength improvement: Increase muscle strength and enhance the ability of nerves to recruit muscle fibers to achieve the effect of increasing the host's strength]

Regardless of the ability extracted this time, Chu Bai said: "Someone else broke in here!"

The voice just fell.


Behind him, there was a dense sound of ice cracking in the ice surrounding the huge mechanical dinosaur!
Then, within the transparent ice, the bright yellow vertical pupils of Marusaku Naza-[-] opened!Immediately, the ice cubes covering its surface that were as hard as stone peeled off inch by inch!
This mechanical dinosaur, born 600 million years ago, has revived!

"Alive!" Dijing opened his mouth in shock when he saw this scene.

"It is indeed a dinosaur that has undergone biochemical and electronic surgery. After being frozen in ice for tens of millions of years, it can still open its eyes. It is a miracle of technology."


At this time, a piece of solid ice fell from above and hit the top of the well!

Dagu next to him had quick eyes and quick hands, and he swooped and pushed the body of Dijing aside.


An ice block the size of a human head fell to the ground, and the well digging team was stunned on the spot.

If Dagu team members hadn't reacted in time, such a big ice block would have smashed his head to pieces!

"Team Dagu, you saved my life..." Tujing said in a panic.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Get out of here quickly." Dagu stood up, pulled Xuging and ran out!

Next to him, the male researcher followed closely behind, with an imperceptible smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Next to the revived Maruzaki Naza No. [-], Chu Bai took a deep look at the researcher in a white coat, and his body grew huge!

There was only one way Chubai could think of to properly deal with the neutron bomb on Naza Maru's body.

Send it off the planet!

Then, the gigantic Pigmon stretched out several tentacles and tied up the thawed Maruzaki Naza No. [-].

Then, Chu Bai bent his knees and jumped up!

"Wow!" With a bang, his body smashed through the glass on the top of the Dinosaur Research Institute, and he flew towards the dome with Marusaku Naza-[-]!
After Chu Bai left with Marusaku Naza No. [-], a black figure stood out in the empty excavation pit.

"What on earth does that little monster want to do?" The dinosaur man Yiwu, who had just revived Marusaku Naza-[-], looked up at the two monsters that were gradually out of his sight and began to panic.

Behind the glass cover.

Dagu became entangled after seeing what Monster No. [-] had done.

Do you want to stop it?
But Monster No. [-] looks very anxious. What if there is another big event that saves the earth this time?

After much deliberation, Dagu chose to stand still and trust monster No. [-] again!
Beside him, Zujing immediately used the PDI communicator to contact the headquarters.

"Member Yerui, can member Yerui see me? My PDI communicator seems to be broken..."

After shouting twice in a row, Zujing walked up to Dagu and borrowed Dagu's communicator.

"Headquarters Headquarters!"


"Still black screen!"

"Our communication with headquarters seems to have been cut off!"

Beside the two of them, the researchers looked at the hole created by Monster No. [-] and Naza Marusaku No. [-] when they left, as if answering the words of the well-digging team: "That will be troublesome."


Outside the Dinosaur Research Institute.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Chubai switched to a faster aerial form, flying at a speed that broke the sound barrier, and finally flew into the universe with the Marusaku Naza No. [-] at a speed close to Mach [-]!
During this flight, Marusaku Naza-[-] completely woke up. It was being manipulated and kept twisting its body, trying to resist!

At this moment, Chubai silently increased the contraction force of the tentacles wrapped around Maruzaki Naza's neck!

"Hang you!"

(End of this chapter)

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