Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 133 132 Pigeon died heroically?

Chapter 133 132. Pigeon died heroically?
Are the Nagas inviting themselves to join the gang?
Chu Bai was silent for a few seconds, seemingly weighing the pros and cons.

Following the Nagas in cosmic invasion can help you encounter more extractable individuals in the universe, thereby quickly increasing your power.

The disadvantage is probably that you will get a bad name for it.

Also, the Nagas are fickle.

Now they need their own help to carry out aggression, and they are willing to extend an olive branch to them, but when they no longer need them, they will definitely abandon them like worn out shoes.

Adam and Yi Wu, the dinosaur men who were bewitched and abandoned in the original work, are the best examples.

However, they have shamelessly carried out interstellar invasion, and we cannot ask them to be moral.

After much deliberation, Chu Bai felt that he had to agree to the Naga people now.

For no other reason than because there are thousands of cannon muzzles on other people's ships pointing at themselves.

"Can you make me stronger?" In order to make his surrender seem less cheap, Chu Bai deliberately looked embarrassed and tried to communicate with the Nagas in the spaceship using telepathy.

Not long after the telepathy came out.

The Naga's synthesized electronic voice came again: "Of course."

"If you want, we can perform the same bioelectronic surgery on you as Naza Marusaki did."

"After tens of millions of years of technological development, our technological accumulation has reached its peak!"

Chu Bai reluctantly agreed: "Okay then."

After saying that, Chu Baimaru pushed Naza No. [-] in front of him and blocked his body: "I have one last condition. I want to see your current technology with my own eyes."

The Naga people were obviously on guard against this little monster: "This..."

Seeing the Naga's hesitation, Chu Bai pressed his paw on the right paw of Marusaku Naza No. [-] and exerted force!


The seemingly harmless little monster ripped off the right claw of Marusaki Naza-[-]!

Then, like throwing garbage, he threw Naza Marusaki's claws towards the earth.

After doing this, Chu Bai looked at the giant spaceship in front of him that was dozens of times taller than himself: "We have already said about forming an alliance. How can you form an alliance if you don't trust me?"

The Nagas in the spaceship seemed to be frightened by this little monster. After a long silence, they heard the voice again: "Okay, we can let you go inside the spacecraft and learn about the Nagas."

"The premise is that you have to release Maruzakunaza No. [-]."

In this regard, Chu Bai's attitude is still tough: "No, who knows what you have arranged in the spacecraft. Marusaku Naza No. [-] is my beast hostage. If I let it go, the safety of my beast body will not be guaranteed."


Inside the huge spaceship.

Main cockpit.

The strange-looking Nagas started a discussion about the little monsters.

"This little monster is so stupid. He actually thinks that we are not attacking him now because he is holding Maruzaki Naza hostage?"

"That's right, it's completely overthinking. If it hadn't been capable, it would have been turned into powder by the laser cannon of our spaceship!"

"Captain, this little monster is so ungrateful, why don't you kill him?"

A certain Naga looked at the leader and asked for instructions.

"It's not bad to be stupid. If you are stupid and capable, then its ability can be used by us." Another Naga held the opposite opinion.

"This monster can directly transmit thoughts into the brains of living organisms to achieve barrier-free communication. Can you do it?"

"It's a pity to just wipe it out. It's many times more useful than the dinosaurs."

After hearing everyone's argument, the Naga captain thought for a while: "Open the hatch and let it in."

Naga C considered the matter carefully: "Just let it go, don't let it bring Marusaki Naza in."

"If the neutron bomb in Naza Maru's body detonates in the spaceship, we will all suffer. There is no need to take risks..."

"That monster is stupid enough to think that we don't attack him because it is holding Maruzaki Naza hostage. If we don't let him enter with Maruzaku Naza, he will definitely not dare to agree." Naga Ding added.

The Naga captain made a decision at this time: "Then set up defenses at the hatch in advance. As soon as it and Marusaku Naza come in, they will be forcibly separated. After that, this little monster will no longer be at our mercy... In fact, this monster is so You're stupid, you probably don't even realize the existence of the neutron bomb in Naza Marusaku's body." After hearing the captain's suggestion, all the Nagas stopped arguing.

This is currently the most effective plan for them to both protect their own safety and subdue the little monsters.


A deep and dark universe.


The giant black and gray Naga spaceship has its hatch open.

Chu Bai, who was holding the Wan Nai Zha No. [-] hostage, swallowed without leaving a trace after seeing the open hatch.

The synthesized electronic sound appeared again: "Come in, the Nagas allow you to enter with Marusaki Naza hostage. This is our sincerity to you. I hope you will not let us down."

Chu Bai nodded slightly: "Of course."

With that said, Chubai, who was tied up with the Marusaku Naza-[-], slowly moved towards the spacecraft...

Soon, he arrived at the cabin door.

It was obvious that Chu Bai would be able to enter the Naga spaceship if he took one more step forward, but he stopped at this moment: "You won't have an ambush inside, right?"

Naga: "..."

"How, how come."

"As the gods of the universe, we Nagas are the most honest."

Chu Bai: "..."

The lies told by these aliens are so clumsy.

However, they are bad, so they can do it themselves without any burden!

Thinking of this, Chu Bai, who was at the door of the cabin, hugged Marusaku Naza No. [-] and suddenly accelerated!

Chu Bai rushed into the spacecraft instantly!
Just as he thought.

As soon as we entered the spacecraft, there were machine guns protruding from the corridor wall!
At the same time, the entrance was sealed instantly after he entered.



A mechanical arm stretched out from the darkness, and struck the neutron bomb on the chest of Marusaku Naza No. [-] at an angle that Chubai could not detect.

As long as there is no neutron bomb, the Nagas can ravage the little monsters without any scruples...

However, just as the robotic arm clamped down on the neutron bomb and prepared to peel it off.

Chu Bai fiercely stretched out his claws!
On the claws are hellfire bullets emitting terrifying heat!
"Let's die together."


A terrifying explosion appears in the universe.

The super destructive power of the neutron bomb kills all life on the spacecraft instantly!
At the same time, the spacecraft made of special-shaped alloy was also blown to pieces.



TPC Far East Base.

In the command room, everyone saw the real-time monitoring from the Delta Space Station.

"It exploded? The Nagas and their spaceship exploded together?" At this time, the Yerui team members felt weird.

"Okay, why did it explode..."

Megumi seemed to feel something, and suddenly shouted: "Team Norui, analyze the flight path of Monster No. [-] and Marusak Naza No. [-]!"

(End of this chapter)

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