Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 134 133 Maru Naza No. 2 Resurrects

Chapter 134 133. Marusaki Naza No. [-] revives
The Earth Defense Force TPC, the organization at the forefront of fighting monsters, has received support from various countries.

On earth, as long as they want to investigate, there is nothing they can't investigate.

So soon, Yerui team members roughly simulated the flight path of Monster No. [-] based on the appearance information of Monster No. [-] sent by the Astronomical Observation Bureau.

"After breaking out of the Dinosaur Research Institute, Monster No. 10 carried Naza Marusaki and lifted off vertically at a speed of Mach [-]... About [-] minutes ago, it broke through the atmosphere and reached the outside of the earth."

As he said that, Team Nori uploaded a picture to the big screen in the command room: "This is a picture taken by Emerica's observation satellite. Monster No. [-] brings Marusak Naza and encounters the Naga's giant spaceship. .”

"There is a picture at the back, which shows Monster No. [-] taking Naza Marusaki into the Naga spaceship. Less than three seconds later, the explosion occurred."

"So, the explosion of the Naga spaceship is most likely related to Monster No. [-]..." Hui Jian let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm really ashamed to be saved by Monster No. [-] again."

Team member Norui, who was typing on the keyboard, raised his voice again: "Captain, here is the latest analysis report on Naza Marusaki's body!"

"The red device like a gem on its chest is a neutron bomb!"

"The reason why the Naga spaceship exploded was most likely because Monster No. [-] detonated the neutron bomb!"

Team member Yerui said, his Adam's apple rolling, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Neutron bombs use high-energy neutron radiation as their main lethality. They do little damage to buildings, but their damage to living organisms is devastating!"

"Exposed to the strong radiation from the neutron bomb explosion, Monster No. [-] may..."

"It died together with the aliens for the sake of the earth..." Hui Jian was touched and suddenly felt his eyes burning.

A monster actually gave his life to protect the earth.

This matter is suspicious at every turn, but Hui Jian feels that Monster No. [-] can really do it.

"It is betting with its own life that humans will be more tolerant to monsters because they care about it."

"What a respectable and cute monster." Hui Jian gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and prepared to order the victory team to go to outer space to investigate the exploded wreckage of the Naga spacecraft.

At this time.


In the command room, the alarm sounded!
"Monsters appear in Fukui Prefecture!" As he said this, the Ye Rui team members hurriedly called up the monster screen in Fukui Prefecture.

After seeing the monster body in the video clearly, Hui Jian opened her mouth in shock: "How could..."

"Another Maruzaki Naza?!"


Fukui Prefecture, Dinosaur Research Institute.

In the office, Adam, a dinosaur man disguised as a human, met Yi Wu.

"Did you mobilize Marusaku Naza No. [-]?" Yiwu, disguised as a human woman, asked.

"Yes, if the dinosaurs want to survive on the earth, they must clean up all humans on the earth!" Adamu's eyes were blazing.

"Did you also feel the previous explosion?" Yi Wu tried to persuade her companions to calm down.

"The Naga's spaceship has..."

"How is that possible!" Adam, disguised as a researcher at the Dinosaur Research Institute, interrupted his companion rudely.

"It was the Naga people who gave me high wisdom! I am the first dinosaur they created. I believe they will not die! They will help us regain dominance over the earth!"

"Adam, calm down." Yi Wu tried to persuade his companion to think about the future of the dinosaur people with him.

Now that the Naga people cannot be relied on, they can only rely on themselves. It is a very unwise move to rashly activate the Marugo Naza-[-] to enmity with humans.

"What's there to be calm about? The earth was originally the home of our dinosaurs! What we should do is to clean up all the people on this planet and return the earth to the dinosaurs!" Adamu was unreasonable and confident.

Yi Wu: "..."...

Fukui Prefecture.

Super large mechanical dinosaurs wreaked havoc in the city, and humans fled in all directions.

Fortunately, TPC dispatched the Victory Feiyan [-] and Victory Feiyan [-] first, and immediately blocked the attack after the Marusaku Naza [-] began to take action.

"Monster No. [-] took that monster away, so why did another one appear?" Kazui looked at Maruzaki Naza No. [-], looking very puzzled.

"Look at the color of the chest, they are two different monsters." Dagu frowned.

He was thinking about what reason he should find to leave the sight of the well digger and transform to face the enemy.



Shinjo piloted the Victory Swallow No. [-] and continuously attacked the head of the Marusak Naza No. [-] with the beam weapon carried on the plane.

At this time, a communication from the headquarters came.

The Norui team members gave a general introduction to Marusaki Naza's body structure to several pilots.

"What? A neutron bomb? The red ball on the monster's chest is a neutron bomb? The aliens are too crazy!!" Zongfang was so angry that his teeth itched.

"This is going to be difficult. If we act rashly and explode the neutron bomb, half of Asia will be affected by strong radiation..." Lina showed a painful and tangled expression.

"Use liquid nitrogen to seal the monster's movements first. We must not let it continue to act unscrupulously in the city." Munakata thought of a feasible strategy.

After some discussion among the members of the Victory Team, it was decided that the Victory Feiyan [-] would fly to the nearest liquid nitrogen storage tank, and the liquid nitrogen would be transported to freeze the Marugakunaza [-].

As soon as Shengli Feiyan No. [-] left, Tiga transformed and appeared, fighting with Marusaku Naza No. [-].

"Diga, be careful of the red ball on Naiza's chest, it's a neutron bomb!" Lina on the plane reminded loudly.

In order to reassure everyone in the victory team, Diga turned his head and nodded towards the plane.

After that, the battle became one-sided.

Since gaining the power to transform into a giant, Dagu has accumulated a lot of combat experience.

At this moment, he was facing off against Marusaku Naza No. [-], whose statistics in all aspects were average, which was enough to knock him to the ground and beat him.

Soon, Tiga froze Maruzaki Naza No. [-] in place with a freezing beam.

After that, he effortlessly took away the neutron bomb and flew into the universe.

Obviously, the Giant of Light thought of the same method of dealing with radiation weapons as the monster Chu Bai.

Just after Tiga flew away, a small red figure emerged from the ground under the feet of Marusak Naza No. [-], hugged the feet of Maruzak Naza No. [-], and began to extract.

[The Marusaki Naza No. 15 is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for [-] seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Marusaki Naza's second ability - power improvement]

[Strength improvement: Increase muscle strength and enhance the ability of nerves to recruit muscle fibers...]

After the extraction was completed, Chu Bai went back underground with satisfaction.

"Two pills, Naza, two strength enhancements. Go back and test my current strength level."

"...I saved the world this time, TPC should be able to see..."

"No matter what, you have to put up a banner to thank me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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