Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 136 The Death of Monster No. 1351

Chapter 136 135. News of the Death of Monster No. [-]

Chu Bai has very good hearing, so he can hear everything the two dinosaurs are talking about.

And he seemed indifferent to the fact that these two dinosaurs couldn't trust him.

When we first met, it was strange to be able to trust him.

Of course, Chu Bai was not without doubts.

For example, when these two people chat, why don't they use dinosaur language?

A few seconds later, Adamu and Yiwu turned around at the same time and expressed their final choice: "We are willing to stay on Earth."

Chu Bai nodded with satisfaction: "Okay."

"I will ensure your basic living needs on earth, and you will listen to my orders from now on."

"By the way, there is one more thing..."

Saying that, Chu Bai stretched out his tentacles and put them on the arms of Yi Wu and Adamu...

[Dinosaur Yi Wu and Dinosaur Adam are being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for ten seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Adam, whose arms were restrained by the little monster's tentacles, was nervous: "What are you doing?"

Yi Wu guessed: "Maybe it's some kind of ancient initiation ceremony?"

"Sign a contract, and those who violate it will end up without a future..."

Adamu: "Yi Wu, read less of the messy books on earth."

Ten seconds passed quickly.

The two dinosaurs didn't have any special skills. Chu Bai only extracted the teeth enhancement.

However, having two more humanoid helpers should be more enjoyable than the skills extracted this time.

After the little monster took the tentacles away, Adamu asked: "What should we do next?"

Chu Bai pointed at himself with his little paw: "Are you asking me?"

"It seems that there is nothing you need to do now. You can just live a normal life on earth. If you need to do something, I will send someone to give orders."

Hearing this, the expressions of the two dinosaur men became awkward: "In fact, we have nowhere to go now..."

"Aren't you a researcher at the Dinosaur Research Institute? After working as a researcher for so many years, you haven't bought a house on earth?" Chu Bai was confused.

Adam: "..."

"This is my disguise on Earth. The real researchers were tied up by me, and I took on their identity...and the housing prices on Earth are quite expensive."

After hearing what the dinosaur man said, Chu Bai understood.

"Then I will arrange a place for you, Hikono Street near Tokyo, do you know?"

"I don't know, I can check it later."

"There is an old temple at the back of Yanye Street. There is a monk wearing glasses in the temple. You just drive your spaceship and report there."

"If I'm not here then, you can tell the old monk my name."

"What is my name?"

"Can you call me boss by his first name? You should call me Lord Bully from now on."

"Then I'll leave first, and you'll come back in the evening."

"When moving on earth, try to avoid humans. I'm not afraid of them. After all, humans are the overlords of the earth now..."


that night.

The hill behind Yanye Street.

The entrance to the ancient temple where the civet cat monk lives.

Master Ayan held the pot and stood side by side with the civet cat monk.

"What are we standing here for?" Master Ayan asked.

"My lord came back with a special message, saying that there will be new companions coming to the temple tonight." The civet cat monk looked up at the sky, as if waiting for something.

"Come just come, you are so grand and you still need someone to take care of you?" Master Ayan was a little dissatisfied.

The bully has collected so many monsters during this period. What is the origin of this monster and why is it so grand?
"You're a newcomer. You don't know the way. Just pick up one after another. Why are you so stingy?" Monk Civet Cat said sadly.

"Obik is generous and not stingy." The shadow in the pot emerged from the pot.Suddenly, Master Ayan stretched out his hand and pointed to the distant mountain: "I saw it! That dark mass over there, isn't it? From a distance, it looks like a big cauldron flying in the sky!"

Soon, the 'cauldron' flying in the sky arrived above the ancient temple.

Next up!


A dazzling light appeared below the 'cauldron'.


When the light hit him, Master Ayan immediately let out a scream and hid in the darkness next to him.

Soon, two 'human beings' appeared in the light below the 'cauldron'.

"Master Bully asked us to come." Yi Wu said politely.

"You two, come in with me." The civet cat monk led the way.


inside the temple.

Adamu and Yiwu briefly introduced themselves to everyone.

"So you two are dinosaur transformers? Calculating this, you are older than me." The civet cat monk made a joke.

Young Master Ayan on the side was very dissatisfied with the two newcomers because he was illuminated by the light of the flying saucer, and sat alone in the dark sulking.

The civet cat monk then introduced himself: "I am the civet cat monster in the mountains. This is Master Ayan, a monster who lives in the darkness. The light from the spaceship you are on just hit him, so he is very unhappy."

"So that's it, I thought he didn't welcome us." Yi Wu showed an expression of sudden realization.

Then, Adam and Adam apologized to Master Ayan: "Sorry, we don't understand your habits, sir, so we offended you."

"Hmph~" Master Ayan snorted coldly as his wound still hurt.

The shadow in the pot poked its head out: "Obik thinks these two dinosaurs are good, please be more generous."

"Ying, what did you say? I was in pain just now!" Master Ayan was very angry at Ying's incomprehension.

Adamu and Yiwu apologized again with a wink at this time.

Young Master Ayan was slightly relieved: "This is pretty much it."

"You will be allowed to live with me on Yanye Street from now on, but that shiny thing will be kept out of sight."

At the end of the sentence, Master Ayan quietly approached the civet cat monk: "What is a 'dinosaur'?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was amused.

Adamu and Yiwu looked at each other here and felt that they made the right decision to stay on Earth.

Although there was no one in front of him, he was inexplicably very friendly.


TPC Far East Base.

Everyone in the Victory Team gathered in the command room, and the captain told the story of Monster No. [-]'s feat of blowing up the Naga spaceship in outer space.

"Dead?!" Xincheng was shocked by the death of Monster No. [-].

Monster No. [-] is the only monster he doesn't hate and has helped him several times in previous operations.

Such a friend of mankind died to protect the earth? !

Lina, who was more emotional, was already crying.

There is a picture and the truth, and the captain will not lie, so Monster No. [-] really used his life to protect this planet.

"I didn't expect that we would be the ones protected in the end." Zongfang scratched his hair in frustration.

"A respectable monster." Dagu's voice trembled slightly as he thought of his past with Monster No. [-].

Dijing was so angry that he wanted to slap himself: "I thought that Monster No. [-] came to the Dinosaur Research Institute to cause trouble, but I didn't expect that it came to save us."

"I still talk to it with that attitude."

"I really deserve to die.(;Д`)"

(End of this chapter)

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