Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 137 Chapter 136 A memorial service for the monster

Chapter 137 136. A memorial service for the monster

News of the death of Monster No. [-] quickly spread throughout Tokyo.

As for this friendly little monster that had helped humans several times, it was rumored to be even more evil after its death.

Inside Ueno Park in Tokyo.

"Do you know how Monster No. [-] died? I heard that it was because of overdraft..." An old man was talking to other old men in the square in a serious manner.

"It is said that every time Monster No. [-] encounters a monster, it will reproduce with the monster. What's even more powerful is that both male and female...it's scary."

"I really want to know if there is any secret recipe for Monster No. [-] to be so powerful." A middle-aged man showed an envious expression.

"I have taken sea dog pills recently, but they are not very effective. My married life is very unharmonious, and my wife is dissatisfied every time..."

"More importantly, my wife frequently goes out to dance with her partners recently, and she comes back at midnight every time. Is dancing really that addictive?" As he said this, the middle-aged man rubbed his hair with his hands in frustration, but it was just on the top of his head. The hair has long since been stripped off, leaving only the 'Mediterranean'.

"I heard that Monster No. [-] was shot to death for robbing TPC. It is said that he died in a miserable state, with bullet holes all over his body." said an old lady wearing a hat next to him.

"What? Old people don't understand and shouldn't talk nonsense. Monster No. [-] died to protect humans." A righteous young man passing by was very dissatisfied with the fact that the old man had harmed the reputation of the dead monster.

"It is said that Monster No. [-] is a huge nuclear bomb. He destroyed the alien fleet that invaded the earth by self-destructing before his death!"

"There are so many space junks floating outside the earth now as proof! Monster No. [-] has saved mankind and the earth with its life. It is respectable!"

Another young man next to him raised his hand: "I prove that when Monster No. [-] exploded, I was watching from the side."

"Have you really seen it? Just prove it blindly." The old man was speechless.

"TPC has issued an announcement of the death of Monster No. [-], how can this be false?" the young man said with certainty.

As he spoke, the young man let out a long sigh, with sadness on his expression: "It's just a pity that the No. [-] monster self-destructed, and in the end even the body was not found."

"It's okay, a monster died, but its spirit will be inherited by thousands of us!" A young man happened to pass by, with the brilliance of humanity shining in his eyes.

A passing girl came over and reported the latest news to everyone: "It is said that TPC will hold a memorial service for Monster No. [-] in Tokyo Bay in two days. I will definitely go and put a flower for Monster No. [-] then."

"It is unheard of to hold a memorial service for a monster." The pedantic old man was slightly dissatisfied with this.

"What do you know? Monster No. [-] is proof of the friendship between humans and monsters, and it died to protect the earth. Its death is no longer the death of a living thing, but a symbol!" Another old man next to him defended Monster No. [-].

As he spoke, there was a trace of sadness in the old man's eyes: "Old lady of the Gaofeng family, I'm sorry, we old people didn't take good care of your Ada."

"Ada likes to eat ham. I brought a box to him at the memorial service. This is the only thing we survivors can do..."

"Old man, are you familiar with Monster No. [-]?" the young man next to him asked curiously.

The old man said nothing and walked away with his hands behind his back.


The hill behind Yanye Street.

Inside the ancient temple of the civet monk.

A group of people gathered around the TV.

[This station reported that TPC confirmed the death of Monster No. [-], and even revealed the news to the public: The cause of Monster No. [-]’s death was that he sacrificed himself and died together with the enemies who invaded the earth...]

[In addition, TPC also revealed that a grand memorial service will be held for Monster No. [-] in Tokyo Bay in two days to commemorate this kind-hearted life. 】

[Monster No. [-] died to protect the earth, and the reason is thought-provoking...]

After watching the main report on TV, the civet cat monk turned to look at Chu Bai sitting next to him: "Sir, there are rumors everywhere that you are dead."

Chu Bai: "..." At that time, he sent his clone to detonate the neutron bomb, but he ignored this.

"Clarify or hide?" Dinosaur Yi Wu asked.

"If you come forward to clarify that you are not dead at this time, the benefits will obviously be greater." Adam expressed his opinion.

"Now TPC has obviously promoted your death as a symbol of peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters."

"Thanks to them building momentum for you, your reputation and reputation in human society have reached its peak, sir."

"If you don't come forward to clarify at this time, in the hearts of people all over the world, you will really be dead."

"In the future, no matter what humans do to you, people will think that you killed a little monster that looks like Monster No. [-]."

"But if you come forward and accept this honor, sir, you will become a star in the entire human world. Although you will be burdened by your reputation, at least humans will not touch you in a short time."

"In addition, with the goodwill of humans, it will be easier for adults to move around the earth in the future."

After listening to Adam's analysis, Chu Bai nodded, feeling that what this dinosaur man said did make sense.

The favor he had earned by helping humans so many times could not be wiped out by one unwarranted 'death'.

Chu Bai: "Two days later, I will attend my own 'memorial service'."


Two days later.

Tokyo Bay.

On the open ground, there is a two to three meter high stone statue of Monster No. [-].

The body of Monster No. [-] was not found, so this stone statue can be regarded as the tombstone of Monster No. [-].

In front of the stone statue is Captain Hui Jiajian, who presided over the memorial service.

In front of Captain Hui Jian, there were hundreds of chairs.

The whole place was packed, and everyone looked solemn.

People who were a little more emotional even cried on the spot.


At the same time, TPC Far East Base Headquarters.

Director Office.

Even Director Sawai changed into a black suit today to mourn the passing of the monster.

In front of Director Sawai's desk, Chief Yoshioka looked through the glass in the direction of Tokyo Bay: "This is probably the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life."

"A group of humans held a memorial service for a monster."

"I don't understand, but you also put on a black suit." Sawai teased.

"In general, I respect that little monster, because according to the image analysis, it is 99% likely that the Naga spaceship exploded." Chief Yoshioka's voice softened slightly, "We did not What it does, it does.”

"Isn't that enough? Respect is respect. Why bother sticking to species." Sawai sighed.

"The Hachiko statue built at Shibuya Station commemorates the loyalty of a dog, while the Monster No. [-] statue built in Tokyo Bay commemorates the sacrifice of our ally."

(End of this chapter)

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