Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 139 138 The sad strange bird, Silla appears!

Chapter 139 138. The sad strange bird, Silla appears!
Neon Hokkaido area.

A huge strange bird emerged from the crater, moving in a straight line in the neon territory at a speed of more than a thousand kilometers per hour, as if it had some kind of goal.

The target of the strange bird is huge, and the TPC's monitoring system can easily capture the shadow of the strange bird, and then immediately report it to the headquarters.

Inside the headquarters at this time.

Shengli Feiyan No. [-] and Shengli Feiyan No. [-] have been dispatched to intercept the strange birds.

Captain Hui Jian looked nervously at the big screen that marked the flight path of the strange bird.

"Hurry up and let the strange bird fly at this speed. In less than half an hour, it will arrive at the Zelda base where the super-dangerous Zelda gas is stored!"

"We must intercept the strange bird before it arrives!"

"Is the target of this big bird actually Zilda gas?" The solemn voice of the well digging team member appeared on the team channel.

Then came Dagu's questioning voice: "Zilda gas, what is that? Is it powerful?"

"It's not just awesome, it's simply terrifying." Dijing's words were astonishing.

"Zilda gas has the property of explosively igniting when exposed to fire. A drop of Zilda gas the size of eye drops is enough to level a hundred meters in radius. Don't think I'm being alarmist. There are real cases of this."

"In addition, this gas is extremely unstable, so after it was developed that year, it was sealed at the Zelda base by TPC."

"I heard that Emerica has asked us for it several times over the years, but the superiors have never nodded. The power of this gas is really terrifying."

"It's not just the power of Zilda gas that's scary, it's also the human heart." In the team channel, Lina suddenly interjected at this moment.

"I can't even think about it. If monsters hadn't appeared to unite mankind, would Zilda gas be used in battles between humans in the future?"

"It's terrible that humans have reserved the most dangerous weapons for their own kind."

The Yerui team members who were busy working reminded their teammates: "In 2 minutes, that strange bird will appear within the attack range of the Shengli Feiyan No. [-]."

At this time.


In the victory team commander's room, Director Sawai walked in.

Probably because of his rush, Director Sawai didn't even change out of the black suit he wore to commemorate Monster No. [-].

After entering the door, Director Sawai said in a very serious tone: "Stop that monster at all costs!"

"Shoot it down and make sure it doesn't threaten Zilda Gas!"

"If the Zelda gas sealed in the Zelda base leaks and explodes, half of the neon lights will turn into scorched earth!"

Victory Team: "Understood!"

Director Sawai: "By the way, contact retired Dr. Nezu. He is the creator of Zilda Gas. Naturally, he knows better than all of us how to protect Zilda Gas."


Hokkaido area.

Located near Zelda's base in the mountains.

The TPC staff who acted urgently set up defenses here early after receiving the news.

Automatic mines, tanks, TPC mobilized almost all thermal weapons that can hit the air.

a little farther away.

The bright yellow Shengli Feiyan No. [-] and Shengli Feiyan No. [-] were rushing to Zelda Base as fast as possible.

"It's neutron bombs and Zilda gas again. It feels like I'm always dealing with explosions recently." Xincheng, who was driving the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], complained.

"The neutron bomb was not handled by us, it was all the fault of Monster No. [-]." Da Gu in the back seat saw it clearly.

Xincheng was indignant: "I get angry when I mention that little monster. It didn't know it would have appeared earlier even if it wasn't dead. It made us worry for so long, but its life is really long enough..."

Dagu brought the topic back at the right time: "Pay attention, our mission this time cannot fail."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dagu himself fell into thinking.

Why are we assigned to act together with Xincheng again?

Then the newly repaired Shengli Feiyan No. [-] is in danger...

Before Dagu could figure out the reason why he and Xincheng crashed, he heard Xincheng suddenly shouting: "Dagu, look over there!"...


Chu Bai, who had been chasing the victory team's plane all the way, emerged from the ground.

Then, he first glanced at the tight defense deployment behind him, and then looked at the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] and No. [-] hovering in the sky.

"Strange, why did TPC suddenly become so nervous?"

"With such a thorough deployment, what are you waiting for? Or is there something that makes the TPC so nervous?"

Just when Chu Bai was confused.


A long, sad, sharp bird call sounded from the horizon!

And Chu Bai, who has sensitive hearing, caught this sound, and the whole beast felt like it was struck by lightning!
The pain and sadness in this cry made him feel heartbroken.

The moment Chu Bai heard the sound, he confirmed that the sound belonged to a monster, a monster that had experienced misery.

Sure enough, shortly after the cry appeared, Chu Bai saw a huge bird-shaped shadow in the sky!

It has a huge body, with a wingspan of nearly 60 meters and a body length of about [-] meters. It is covered with brown skin and green feathers.

It was flying in the blue sky, its sapphire-blue eyes revealing unspeakable sadness.

The short red feathers on both cheeks, like blush, are the most vitality of this giant bird.

The moment Chu Bai saw this series of physical features, he knew the identity of this giant bird.


A giant strange bird that inhabits the Rausudake volcano.

It was formerly a parrot raised by humans.

It is here today to deal with troubles that humans cannot solve on their own.



The cockpit of Shengli Feiyan No.[-].

After confirming that the strange bird appeared in the attack range of Shengli Feiyan No. [-], the Xincheng team members pressed the light emission button on the joystick without hesitation! !


Green destructive rays of light were emitted from the launch ports on both sides of the nose of the Shengli Feiyan No. [-].

On the opposite side, Silla, who was eager to deal with the Zilda gas, had no defense against humans and was easily hit.


The light hit Silla's huge wings, and the pain made Silla fall to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Just when the body was about to hit the ground.

"Hoo hoo—!"

Silla, who regained her composure, flapped her two huge wings, forcibly stabilizing her body, and at the same time escaped from the attack range of the No. [-] monster at extremely high speed.

However, how could the victory team members, who were on a mission at this time, let it leave so easily.

"You must not be allowed to harm that base!" Xincheng team members shouted hysterically.


The launch button is pressed.

"Boohoo!" A series of rays of light shot out!
This time, Syrah failed to save the day. It was hit by the light and half of its face was stained red with blood!


(End of this chapter)

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