Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 140 139 Enough, this bully feels sorry for it!

Chapter 140 139. Enough, this bully feels sorry for it!
Near the Zelda base, a temporary command post set up by TPC.

As an expert who developed Zilda Gas, Dr. Nezu was invited here by the TPC on the grounds of protecting Zilda Gas.

At this moment, this old doctor who had quit research for many years was watching the battle between the victory team and the giant strange bird.

Just when the strange bird was hit on the head by the victory team's beam and fell heavily to the ground, the old doctor seemed to suddenly think of something.

"I seem to have seen this bird somewhere."

"It's Silas. It's my daughter's pet, Silas."

"This cry, and this appearance."

As he said this, the doctor's eyes were filled with turbid tears: "It's unmistakable, it's Sirah..."

Next to him, the TPC staff responsible for protecting the doctor's safety stared with big eyes.

There have long been rumors from the outside world that the doctor's mental state became extremely unstable after the accident. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Keeping monsters as pets, what the doctor said must be crazy!
in front of the computer screen.

Dr. Nezu saw Silla being attacked by humans again and again, his eyes full of unbearable, and finally he got excited.

"Stop the attack! Silla is not a bad boy, he is my daughter's pet! Please stop the attack, Team Victory!"

It's a pity that no one took the words of an old madman seriously.

The doctor could even hear a harsh chuckle from behind.

But now he doesn't care about that, he only cares about his daughter's last 'legacy' left in this world.

“Silla, I’ll go rescue you right away!”

Dr. Nezu walked out tremblingly. As he walked, he kept mumbling: "Asami, don't worry, dad will definitely protect Silla."

"Asami, what are you talking about? It's so hot, it's fire, it's all fire... I'm sorry..."

"Dr. Nezu, there is a battle going on outside. Please don't go out and cause trouble." A staff member of TPC walked to the doctor and stopped him.



The doctor opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black-red blood.

Then, the doctor whose condition worsened suddenly seemed to have aged five years again, and he slumped to the ground helplessly: "Silla..."

The doctor just lost consciousness.

Next to me, the TPC staff were chatting with each other.

"How pitiful Dr. Nezu is. He was also a high-spirited researcher when he was young."

"Yes, what a genius it is to study the Zelda gas. It's a pity that God has a way of doing it."

"What happened that caused Dr. Nezu to become like this? I'm new here, can you tell me completely?"

"Twenty years ago, Dr. Nezu's daughter Asami was killed by a Zelda gas sample placed by Dr. Nezu at home..."

"You can't even mention how miserable it was at the time. There wasn't even a complete piece of furniture at the place where the crime occurred."

"After that, Nezu lived with self-blame all year round. In addition, his body had problems from his early years of research, and over time he became what he is now."

"I see, I seem to understand the doctor a little bit."


At the same time, the victory team and the monster Silas are on the battlefield.

Silla was shot down from the sky by a Victory Team fighter plane, and her left eye was hit hard, and it was closed tightly at the moment.

A line of bloody tears flowed out from the slits of its closed eyes.

"Bah~bah~~" "Bah~bah~"

At this moment, Silla was struggling to resist the attacks of hot weapons from all directions while letting out a heartbreaking cry.

Not to mention the screams of ordinary people, even the professionally trained Victory Team hesitated to make a move.

"The monster is so pitiful." The kind-hearted Lina said while wiping her tears.

"It didn't actively attack us, but we beat it like this."

"Humans can't afford to gamble, and they can't gamble." Zongfang's attitude was firm.

There are monsters on one side and hundreds of millions of human residents on the other. This multiple-choice question is actually very easy for the winning team to choose.

"Team Lina, turn on the Texas gun and aim at the giant bird ahead!"

After hearing the deputy captain's order, Lina hesitated: "This is wrong..."

"At this time, we can no longer argue about right and wrong. If the Zelda base is opened and the Zelda gas explodes again, it will be a disaster for Neon." A look of helplessness appeared on Zongfang's face.

"Lina, prepare to fire."

After listening to the deputy captain's story, Lina adjusted the nose of the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] and aimed at the strange bird not far away that had been moving slowly towards Zelda's base.



The strange bird's miserable cry was like crying, which made the kind-hearted Lina feel confused.

Soon, Shengli Feiyan [-] completed all pre-launch preparations. The huge nose was separated on both sides, and the firing muzzle was exposed in the middle.

"Launch!" Even though Zongfang couldn't bear it, he still issued this order.

Lina put her hand on the launch trigger and pressed...

Just when the firing trigger was about to be pressed, a red shadow suddenly appeared in front of the strange bird!

The Victory Team is very familiar with the shadow that just appeared. It is the monster No. [-] that held a memorial service just a few hours ago!

The moment Monster No. [-] appeared, everyone present shouted loudly in their hearts!
"Enough!! This bully feels sorry for it!"

After Chu Bai finished speaking, he stepped forward to support Silla's body.

Syrah, the parrot kept by Dr. Nezu who studied Zilda gas. When the big explosion happened, the doctor's daughter Mami released Syrah in time. This is how Syrah looks like it is now polluted and mutated by Zilda gas. .

The reason why Silla came to the Zelda base now is to take away the Zelda gas that persecuted the little master back then, swallow it into her belly, and destroy it forever!
Even if he is attacked by the Victory Team until his whole body is covered in blood and his face is completely changed, he will not change his original goal.

And when Chu Bai, who is a monster, sees such a kind and loving monster, he must help!

Lina on the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] breathed a sigh of relief for no reason after seeing the sudden appearance of Monster No. [-].

At this moment, the kindness in her heart finally found a place to rest.

"Monster No. [-] wants to protect this strange bird?" On the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], Xincheng team members were puzzled.

"After all, Monster No. [-] is also a monster. He probably can't stand what happened to his companions." Zongfang's eyes showed a slight fluctuation.

"Turn on the loudspeaker and explain the dangers of Zilda gas to Monster No. [-]. Monster No. [-] is smart and he knows what to do."

Soon, Munakata's voice came from the victory team's plane.

"Monster No. [-], we are not hostile to you, but if you insist on helping the strange bird, we will take necessary measures, because the base ahead contains dangerous Zilda gas. If you are not careful, Neon Island will be destroyed. Gone."

"Who told you that this big bird was going to detonate Zilda gas?" Chu Bai understood what the victory team meant and asked.

“Silla came today to properly dispose of the Zilda gas!”

(End of this chapter)

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