Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 141 140 Zilda Gas Reappears

Chapter 141 140. Zilda Gas Reappears

The monster appears to deal with Zilda gas?
"How to deal with it?" Zongfang asked.

In the team's communication channel, the well-digging team members suddenly became smart at this moment: "Direct detonation is also a kind of treatment. I remember there was a gangster before. In order to deal with unique products, they directly used burning. As a result, everyone in the city was sucked. Hi..."

Chu Bai didn't hear what Dijing said, otherwise he would have been given two sticks on the head.

If Silla's way of dealing with Zilda gas was really that stupid, she wouldn't have jumped out to protect it.

Seeing that the victory team had stopped attacking Silla because of his appearance, Chu Bai looked at Silla beside him: "Let Silla speak for herself."

Next to her, Silla glanced gratefully at the strange monster in front of her: "Hey~~"

Chu Bai opened his mouth and greeted with a smile: "No need to thank me, it's all what I should do."

"And I've gained a lot from you."

From the moment he put his paws on Silla's body, the extraction of the system had already begun.

15 seconds have long passed, and the ability Chu Bai successfully extracted from Silla is - increased flight speed.

Chu Bai was already not surprised that the ability he extracted was improved again.

So far, he has extracted dozens of special creatures, ranging from offensive to defensive abilities.

There are only so many abilities of special creatures on the earth. Chu Bai's number of skills has reached a small bottleneck.

Besides, it is better to learn miscellaneously than to learn well.

Compared with adding points to a single ability compared to a new useless skill, Chu Bai always felt that the former was better.

"There are currently some functional skills missing, such as water spray, freezing, healing, etc." Chu Bai said to himself.

Just as Chu Bai was conducting self-analysis, the strange bird Sira followed his will and told everyone on the victory team what it thought of coming here.




In the sky, everyone in the Victory Team looked confused.

"It feels like it's full of emotion, but I didn't understand a word." Lina looked guilty, as if she had failed the monster.

"It's okay, we still have a translator." The well-digging team member said, taking out the PDI communicator with a proud face. "I will now send the audio back to the command room and let the Yerui team members use the monster language translator to translate the meaning of the big bird. .”

Soon, Yerui team members sent back the latest analysis results.

Dijing synchronously forwarded the analysis results to the communicators of each teammate.

[Destroy the terrible gas, I will swallow it and fly far away...]

The translated monster language was very brief and not fluent, but all the victorious team members understood the general meaning.

"This big bird really came here to deal with Zilda gas." Zongfang felt a little strange.

"But, why..." Xincheng team members felt that their CPUs were burning.

Recent events always impacted his worldview.

First, Monster No. [-] almost died trying to protect the earth.

Now a big bird appears to help humans deal with the 'hot potato' created by humans.

Lina spoke, revealing the unspoken thoughts of the Xincheng team members: "It feels like the monsters are trying their best to protect the world, but we always bring burdens to the world."

At this moment, a communication came from the temporary headquarters near Zilda Base.

Zongfang connected the communication and looked at the staff on the screen in confusion: "What happened?"

"Dr. Nezu, Dr. Kuzu suddenly went crazy and rushed into the Zilda base!" The anxious voice of the staff came from the communicator. "By the way, when he was going crazy, he kept shouting words like his daughter and his pet Sirah! He also said he knew this bird-shaped monster!"

"What does this mean?" Chu Jing was confused.

In the communication channel, Yerui team members received real-time information from the front line and analyzed the information.

Soon, he found the result: "Dr. Nezu, who developed Zilda Gas, once had a daughter, but that girl died in the Zilda Gas explosion accident 20 years ago."

"Also, his daughter raised a parrot and named it Silas..."

After hearing the message from Ye Rui's team members, everyone in the victory team fell silent.

By connecting all the information together, the identity of the bird-shaped monster is revealed, and its puzzling behavior is explained.

"Is this huge monster the parrot raised by the doctor's daughter?" Dagu pointed out.

The muscles on Xincheng's face trembled, and his eyes were extremely complicated: "Most likely, it is, otherwise it would have no reason to be so persistent with Zilda gas, and there would be no reason for it to passively defend but not actively attack when we launched an attack on it. …”

"It's here to avenge its little master. It wants to do its best to clean up the harmful thing called Zilda gas, even if it is misunderstood and attacked..." Lina took off the helmet mask and kept wiping it. With tears.

"The monster's language translator showed that it planned to swallow the Zilda gas by itself, and then fly far away... Oh my God, what did we just do." The well digging team members only felt self-blame at this moment.

In order to properly deal with the Zilda gas, this monster even sacrificed itself.

He actually used a plane to attack it just now.

At this moment, Dijing felt that he was the most evil person in the world!

"I think I need to take two days off. I'm feeling more and more guilty these days when I'm on missions."

As for the monster lying, Dijing didn't think about it at all.

Let’s not talk about whether the monster has this intention.

The fact that Monster No. [-] is willing to protect it is enough to prove that it will not threaten the earth.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

On the communication channel, the deputy captain, who was the on-site commander, was also undecided and asked.

"Is it Xinsila and Monster No. [-], or..."

In the team communication channel, Jian Jian Hui hesitated to speak.

Based on her personal judgment, she was inclined to teach the two monsters Zilda Gas.

Because she knows that no matter what, Monster No. [-] will not harm the earth.

Letting monsters store Zilda gas might be better than humans.

For example, the nuclear bombs kept by humans were eventually dropped on humans themselves...

But reason told her that as a member of TPC and the captain of the victory team, she could not act emotionally.

Even if they knew that Monster No. [-] and Silla had this will, they could not be allowed to take away the Zilda gas easily.

Because humans haven't trusted monsters enough to trust them with their lives.

"Stop these two monsters." Hui Jian calmly ordered.

At this time, Munakata received another communication from the TPC temporary command post at Zelda Base.

"Dr. Nezu opened the warehouse with the administrator password, and now he is walking out holding the last Zilda gas!"

"We dare not stop it, Zilda gas is too dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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