Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 160 159 Phantom Monster Appears

Chapter 160 159. The Phantom Monster Appears


Tokyo, Shibuya Ward.

Shibuya is a very unique district among the twenty-three wards in Tokyo. After all, not every district has a ‘loyal dog Hachiko’ at the station entrance.

In addition, Shibuya District is also very prosperous, with fashion shops, coffee shops and even custom places everywhere, so many foreign tourists come here here.

Today's Shibuya is even more lively than ever, because a monster with two pincers appeared next to a certain building. The crowd screamed wildly, collapsed and ran away.

"I have reason to suspect that this monster is a mutated lobster. Look at its two big pincers." A citizen walking out of a sashimi shop said confidently.

The person next to me retorted: "Can't it be a crab? You eat a lot of crabs."

The man continued his analysis: "But when I eat crabs, I usually eat them cooked. When I eat lobster, all I eat is sashimi, so I suspect that the lobster I ate alive came to take revenge."

"And if you look at the monster's back, there's such a big crack. It's obviously been split open and the shrimp lines picked out..."

The person next to him: "..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and run away."

"Wait, am I dazzled? There is more than one monster appearing!"

"Victory Team! Victory Team is finally here!"

"The Victory Team attacks! Wait! The light emitted by the Victory Team's plane penetrated the monster's body and hit the department store next to it!"

"No! I happen to have a store in that department store!"



Lina, who was piloting the Shengli Feiyan [-], looked panicked for a moment.

She was the one who just used the Texas gun mounted on the Victory Swallow [-] to attack the monster.

As a result, the monster missed and instead hit the city building.

"Don't be nervous. All the surrounding people who should be evacuated have been evacuated. No one in the building will be affected." Vice Captain Munakata comforted him in the back seat.

"Vice Captain, this is strange, the Texas gun directly penetrated this monster's body..." Lina reported.

"I've seen it all. Now there are two identical monsters in the city... Maybe what you just targeted was not the monster's body, but the phantom it created!" Zongfang concluded after some analysis.

"Just like what the public has witnessed recently... yes, this monster probably has the ability to create phantoms of life!"

After figuring it out, he immediately told everyone on the communication channel what he had discovered.

"Understood, I will find the main body first and then attack." Xincheng, who was piloting the Shengli Feiyan No. [-], promised.

As soon as he finished speaking, he aimed at the monster in front of him and tapped the light trigger!


The nose of Shengli Feiyan No. [-] emits a series of green light...


"Boom boom boom!"

The light finally hit a certain coffee shop in the city, blowing it into ruins...

Xincheng panicked: "That's wrong!"

"Now I only see two monsters in total. The one that Lina hit just now is a phantom, so the one I'm aiming at can only be the main body..."

Just when the new city is shining.

"hold head high--"

The monster in front of it roared like a cow, and at the same time, a ray of light shot out from the tip of its nose!


The light finally hit the wing of Shengli Feiyan-[-].

Dagu and Xincheng, the crash partners, completed today's crash performance.

"Xincheng, make an emergency landing immediately, make an emergency landing immediately!" Dagu shouted nervously from the back seat of Shengli Feiyan No.[-].

Xincheng also panicked: "No, the operating lever can't be pulled at all! I pressed the ejection button... something is wrong, the ejection device is also damaged!

At the moment of life and death, Xincheng became calm instead: "No, Dagu, we have to answer here this time." "I don't want to die with you." Dagu whispered, taking advantage of Xincheng's not paying attention, He took out the magic stick from his pocket...

Half a second later!

A bright light suddenly appeared in Shibuya.

In the radiance, Ultraman Tiga appeared, standing tall and tall like a god.

In Ultraman Tiga's hands, he was holding the Victory Feiyan No. [-] with its wings destroyed!

"Great, Diga showed up and Dagu and Xincheng were rescued." Nervous Lina was full of joy.

In the back seat, seeing that his subordinates were fine, the vice-captain also smiled relaxedly, and at the same time did not forget to remind Lina: "Be careful, the enemy this time is not ordinary."


the other side.

Chu Bai emerged from the sewer opening and quietly watched Diga's battle with the monster.

As he guessed, the monster that appeared this time was Falton, the phantom monster.

Has the ability to create a phantom of itself and switch places with the phantom.

Obviously, Diga didn't know this, so he was tortured miserably by the changing position of Falton's body at any time.

Soon, a red light lit up on his chest.

This scene made Chu Bai, who originally had no intention of contributing and just wanted to pick up the slack, unable to stand it any longer.

Shortly thereafter, the people watching the theater next to the battlefield became nervous again.

"Monster No. [-], Monster No. [-] has appeared!"

"More than one! Five number one monsters!"

"Monster No. [-] also has the ability to clone, and it's here to help us." Lina shouted happily on the Shengli Feiyan No. [-].

on the battlefield.

Chu Bai sent out four clones and used them to see Fulton's body and phantom.

Unexpectedly, after seeing another monster appear and showing hostility to him, Falton released more phantoms.

In the end, the number of Falton's phantoms equaled the number of Chu Bai's clones.

Moreover, this guy also shouted at Chu Bai in a demonstrative manner: "Ang!"

Faced with the monster's unreasonable provocation, Chu Bai decided to let it suffer.

Now, although on the surface, the two parties have the same number.

But the stupid Falton didn't know that what he released was a 'clone' with the ability to act independently, not a 'phantom' with the same decoration!

Following Chu Bai's thoughts.


The clones each found their own phantom opponent and threw out their tentacles!

In an instant, the entire Shibuya area was covered with dense tentacles!

Soon, Falton's body, which used the phantom to change its position, was caught by Chu Bai's clone with its tentacles, which had a numerical advantage!

Unconvinced, Falton roared angrily: "Ang!"

Chu Bai's body stepped forward and raised his tentacles!

"Pah!" slapped Falton on the face.

"What strength do you have? Why are you chatting here with me?!


Falton was dissatisfied: (▼ヘ▼#)

"hold head high!"

It roared again and tried to switch places with the Phantom again.

However, Chu Bai's clone tightly held him, making it difficult for him to succeed.

Chu Bai said "Pah!" as another big dick was slapped at him: "Now that you are smarter, I can consider sparing your life. You are causing trouble in the city, and it is not a small matter."

After being beaten, Falton was obviously honest: ( ̄ε(# ̄)


Chu Bai grinned: "That's right...wait a minute, your skills are very useful for escaping. You won't trick me into surrendering, right?"

Falton: "Ang~"

Chu Bai nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. In fact, you can't run away even if you want to. Now the entire neon is mine."

(End of this chapter)

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