Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 161 160 Cunning Falton

Chapter 161 160. Cunning Falton

When Chu Bai beat up Fulton, Diga was watching from the side.

Seeing the little red monster tying up his originally strong enemy and manipulating it arbitrarily, Diga felt a little ashamed in his heart.

I am not as good as this little monster...

In the city, people began to cheer for Monster No. [-].

"I knew Monster No. [-] was the patron saint of Tokyo~"

"Okay, you were the one who said we would drive Monster No. [-] out of Tokyo."

"What do you know? I am aware of current affairs and have high emotional intelligence."

"Pull him down, you just have to adapt to the wind."

the other side.

The prompts for system extraction had already started at the moment when Chu Bai's clone tied Felton with its tentacles.

After all this time, the extraction is complete.

[Successful extraction, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability of Marufalton - Phantom Control]

[Phantom Control: When used, the host can swap the positions of the main body and the clone. 】

After listening to the skill introduction clearly, Chu Bai's eyes showed a hint of dissatisfaction: "This skill... seems useless."

Falton's clone is a phantom without any offensive capabilities. When using this move, you can use the phantom to interfere with the enemy, and the main body can switch attacks.

But his clones are all entities, have attack capabilities, and are not weak, so this move is not so important.

"Wait a minute, if I leave a clone at the base, and when I encounter danger, I immediately switch positions with the clone. If I do this, I will never die..."

Chu Bai decided to retract his previous tasteless evaluation of this skill. This is a life-saving skill!

"I'm nothing short of a genius."

After thinking of this, Chu Bai became happy again.

Then, he looked at Falton: "Since you have expressed your surrender, I will spare your life this time."

Upon hearing this, Falton's rough face showed a moment of joy, but the smile quickly faded.

Because the little monster in front of me said again: "I will spare your life, but you must create a greater value for me than your life."

"From now on, you will stay near here, yes, and hide it so as not to be discovered by humans. Then whenever there is any abnormality near here, report to me immediately over in Tokyo Bay."

"Do you understand?"

"As long as you know……"



Chu Bai cloned himself and slowly released his tentacles.

"hold head high!"

Falton let out an excited howl and immediately switched places with Phantom!

It's going to run!

Become a proud monster that can create phantoms, and don't want to work for this ugly little monster!

He was out of control, and Falton couldn't help but roared mockingly at the little red monster: "Ang~"

The red idiot with the big pie face just happened to be lucky enough to catch my true form.

Do you want me to surrender?

Go dream!

When a monster is still so soft-hearted, little monster, you will never achieve anything in your life! !

Chu Bai could understand the sarcasm and insult in Falton's roar, but he stood still and did not move.

By doing this, Falton was looking for death.

as predicted!

Falton, who was running away quickly, suddenly hit something hard with a bang!

The loud crash echoed through Shibuya, making ordinary residents nervous.

"Blocked." On the Shengli Feiyan [-], Lina stared at the laser-like wall in front of Fulton.

"Oh my god, it's the same as the Aurora Barrier that appeared on the Klimos Islands." In the team's communication channel, the scientific researcher Dijing said in surprise. "No, judging from the magnetic field waveform, the strength of this barrier is much stronger than the one that appeared on the Klimos Islands." The Yerui team member answered after analysis.

"Wait a minute, is Monster No. [-] also involved in the Klimos Islands incident? I'm not saying it helped us, but it may have been involved in the alien conspiracy..." The well-digger's voice trembled.

Will the winning team be backstabbed by the number one monster they have always trusted?

"No, the aurora barrier that appeared on the Klimos Islands has been clearly sent by Dethmania. Monster No. [-] just has a skill similar to it, which doesn't mean anything." Vice Captain Munakata stopped the team members for no reason. speculation.

"Why does Monster No. [-] have the same abilities as Desimania... Wait, it seems that not only Desimania, but Monster No. [-] has the abilities of many other monsters!!" Halfway through, the digger brain A flash of inspiration!




Falton let out a cry of pain as his head hit the aurora barrier.

Then, it looked around and found that it was surrounded by dreamlike brilliance on all sides!

That hateful little red monster had already guessed that he would run away and set up a dragnet in advance!

It's playing with itself!

Falton's two pliers-like hands collided angrily up and down, making a 'clang' sound!

Then, it turned back and glared at the little red monster!


After the loud noise, the whole place fell into deathly silence.

Because the monster with big pincers that was doing evil in the city actually knelt down facing Monster No. [-].

Not only that, it lowered its head, pressed its entire body to the ground, and fell to the ground!

The residents of the city exploded: "Is it so scary? The giant pincer monster looked so ferocious just now, but now it is kneeling down so easily... I really admired it just now."

"Has anyone studied monster behavior or sociology? Does the meaning of a monster kneeling down have the same meaning as a human kneeling down?"

"Is this asking for forgiveness?"

"Although I don't study monster behavior, I guess it means something similar. Because of the giant pincer monster, I don't even dare to look at monster No. [-]."

"So sexy~"

the other side.

Chu Bai squinted at Falton who buried his head on the ground.

Different races have different gestures to show surrender, such as humans kneeling and kowtow, wolves crawling or actively exposing their vulnerable belly.

In contrast, monsters, which are huge creatures, express their submission in different ways because of their different races and habits.

But one thing they all have in common is that they bow their heads.

Lowering its head and not looking at the opponent means that it has given up its vision and has no fighting spirit, exposing its weaknesses and allowing the beast to slaughter it.

This is showing weakness and begging for mercy.

Falton originally just lowered his head, but because he wanted to escape, he added the gesture of kneeling when he begged for mercy for the second time.

"You know how to see the situation clearly." Chu Bai looked at Falton with a half-smile, and used the roar of a monster to convey his meaning.

Falton's body trembled and he slowly raised his head: "Ang~"

Chu Bai: "Spare your life?"

"No, no, no, I just gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

"And your surrender this time is not sincere, otherwise how could you dare to look up at me."

The fact was just as Chu Bai guessed.

At the tip of Falton's nose, a ball of light suddenly appeared!



The destructive light spontaneously shot out from the tip of Dun's nose and went straight to Chu Bai!

(End of this chapter)

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