Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 166 165 See you in the future

Chapter 166 165. See you in the future

A person in a completely unfamiliar time and space feels extremely insecure.

Chu Bai has experienced this feeling.

So after being pulled by the girl, he felt soft: "Okay."

"Then I'll watch you beat the Gophers again, but you'll react faster..."

The girl pursed her lips and nodded obediently: "Of course, I will definitely break your record this time."

Chu Bai was quite confident: "Are you kidding? My six tentacles are definitely faster than your two hands."

Time flew by and more than an hour passed.

At a certain moment, in the game hall with all the lights on, a painful cry suddenly came out.

Chu Bai turned around and immediately found Young Master Ayan huddled in the dark.

"Sir, with all the lights on, you really don't care about the electricity bill of the arcade."

Young Master Ayan, who was burned by the light, bared his teeth and said.

Chu Bai: "If you have anything to say, please tell me immediately."

Young Master Ayan raised his chest and raised his head in the darkness, like a proud soldier: "The monsters have gathered, and now they have all arrived underground in Tokyo Bay."

"One more thing. The human side seems to have discovered our activities and mobilized a large number of troops in the Tokyo Bay area... Should we strike first?" Master Ayan asked for instructions.

Chu Bai shook his head: "No, no, it's normal for humans to be wary. I would be surprised if they weren't."

Master Ayan: "Sir, are we going to take action now?"

Chu Bai estimated that various TPC devices should be in place, and nodded: "I'll be there right away."

"I'll go with you." The girl timidly grabbed Chu Bai's hair again.

Chu Bai refused without thinking, "No, the place where monsters fight is too dangerous. A sneeze could blow you away."

Then, he looked at Master Ayan in front and ordered: "If you think this little girl is good, then you will be responsible for protecting her until the influence of time and space is eliminated. It just so happens that it is not convenient for you to fight during the day."

Master Ayan said respectfully: "I understand."

Chu Bai warned again: "You must protect her. This girl is a very important person and is related to the survival of Hikoye Street."

Young Master Ayan's eyes were firmer than ever: "Sir, I'm here, don't worry."

Knowing that something must be done, the girl told Chu Bai: "Then be careful."

"I am a monster with the body of a demon. Nothing will happen to me." Chu Bai spoke confidently.

Then, in order to prevent the girl from panic later, he informed the girl in advance what was going to happen next.

"After the influence of the time and space realm is eliminated, you will immediately disappear in this era."

"be ready."

As soon as Chu Bai said this, the girl's expression became sad.

"Why are you so unhappy when you go home? Just smile."

Chu Bai's tone softened and he comforted.

"Maybe in your future and my present, we will meet again."

Girl: "Boss, I don't know your name yet... at least you should tell me where I should find you in the future..."

Chu Bai left.

He escaped from the ground very fast and punched a hole in the floor of the arcade.

The girl looked at the dark hole in the ground, feeling lost.

In the shadows, Master Ayan asked: "Do you want to watch the next battle?"

The girl nodded heavily.

Master Ayan: "Then you come with me."


Shibuya District.

Outside the time and space magnetic field, TPC Sakuraqiu temporary command post.

"Move the command post back. In a few minutes, the command post will be covered by the magnetic field."

Munakata, who was responsible for coordinating the operation on site, gave the order.

"By the way, are Magnus 1 and Krafas 2 in place?"    "Already in place?"

"The Atdis is also in position?"

Zongfang smiled: "Today's efficiency is surprisingly high."

Then, he looked at his watch: "Okay, Magnus 1 and Krafas 2 are now charged. After ten minutes of countdown, the action will officially begin!"


"hold head high--!!"

Within the twisted space-time realm, a heaven-shaking roar suddenly appeared.

Then, a TPC staff member saw a moving golden shadow in the space-time world.

"Monster! Command, that's a monster!" The guards around Zongfang were frightened.

"There is nothing to panic about. The appearance of monsters should be a good thing for us. At least the culprit that caused the appearance of this time and space world has been found."

Munakata fully displayed his demeanor as the vice-captain of the victory team and showed no fear.

"The plan continues as usual, and all attacking units are ready for battle..."

After saying that, Zongfang walked out of the command tent, put his hands on his waist, and glared at the shadows in the time and space: "No matter who you are, we will not let your conspiracy succeed."

[I’m afraid it’s almost impossible to rely solely on the technological equipment of you humans. 】

"Who?!" Zongfang's expression instantly became tense.

The joking voice just appeared in his mind out of thin air!

Chu Bai stood up in front of Zong Fang: "Don't be nervous, me."

A gleam of coldness appeared in Munakata's eyes: "Monster No. [-]? You shouldn't be wandering around Shibuya, why are you here?"

"Also, why did you say that just now? What do you mean?"

If Monster No. [-] wants to cause trouble at this juncture, don't blame yourself for ignoring your past feelings.

"You want to attack me? Don't you humans have any conscience?" Chu Bai complained after noticing Zongfang's action of drawing a gun.

After a moment of struggle, Zongfang's eyes became firm: "At a time of life and death, there is no room for sloppiness."

"Okay, put away your tricks. You should know that Shengli Haipa's gun can't hurt me." Chu Bai waved his paw.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm here to inform you about the upcoming cooperation."

Munakata: "Notification?"

Chu Bai nodded, feeling that his statement was correct: "How big is the scale of this disaster? I don't need to say more, right?"

As he spoke, Chu Bai pointed to the time and space realm whose tone was obviously different from the real world: "And the monster in the time and space realm is even more powerful than ever."

"Human power alone cannot stop it."

Zongfang vaguely guessed something: "So what do you mean?"

Chu Bai: "Gather the power of humans and monsters to eliminate the culprit living in distorted time and space... Let's call it the 'Golden Dragon'."

"I have brought all the mobilizable monsters. After you destroy the light emission in the time and space realm, we will launch a righteous gang fight against the golden dragon."

"I hope that the human guns will not be aimed at the allies by then, and that is what I want to inform you about."

Zongfang looked puzzled: "Why are you doing this?"

Chu Bai spread his claws: "You should ask us why we don't do this."

"We monsters are not just worms that only know how to take advantage of and destroy the earth."

"This is also our home."

As soon as these words came out, Zongfang was shocked.

Monster No. [-] obviously only said a few simple words.

But he felt like he was slapped twice on the face.

Zongfang finally nodded: "I understand."

Chu Bai left satisfied.

Zongfang immediately took out his communicator and nervously contacted various departments...

(End of this chapter)

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