Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 167 166 Golden Dragon, Goldras appears!

Chapter 167 166. Golden Dragon, Goldras appears!

TPC Far East Base.

Director Office.

After receiving the news of the on-site command of the new city, Director Sawai expressed surprise: "Monsters would actually offer to cooperate with humans. Humans in the past would never have thought of it."

"We can't rule out that these monsters have evil intentions, right?" Chief Yoshioka of the TPC Security Bureau always prepares the worst for monsters.

"But now, humans must unite with the monsters. This battle is no longer between humans and monsters, it is the earth and the enemy of the earth." Director Sawai said.

“Abandon narrow-minded racism, now is the time to collaborate.”

Noticing that his old friend Yoshioka's expression turned ugly, Sawai smiled: "I didn't mean to say that you are narrow-minded, and I am not the same."

"The fact that humans are not as enlightened as monsters really makes me ashamed."

"Distribute this information to all TPC departments. In the next battle with the 'Golden Dragon', TPC cannot attack the monsters unless the Earth monsters actively attack us."

"You are still as easy to trust others as before." Yoshioka looked at Sawai with a half-smile.

"Monster No. [-] is no longer someone else to me. It is my savior. On the Klimos Islands, if Monster No. [-] had not come forward, TPC might even have become the biggest enemy of mankind." Sawai Answer seriously.



Sakura Hill.

The ten-minute countdown set by Commander Munakata is getting closer and closer.

The Atdis was hovering over Shibuya, the huge gun bay door in front opened, and the Mags cannon was aimed at the golden dragon in the time and space world.

Next to Atdis were Shengli Feiyan No. [-] and Shengli Feiyan No. [-], which were also preparing to attack.

In addition, TPC’s newly developed Shengli Feiyan EX-J has also entered this battle that affects the survival of all mankind.

On the ground, human tanks, automatic landmines, and various laser transmitters are ready.

The black muzzle is always locked on the golden dragon that has been moving around in the time and space world.

"Angle 45, Magnus 1 adjusted!"

"Angle 72, Clafas 2 adjusted!"

"Anti-space-time energy is fully charged!"

After hearing the reports from various departments, Zongfang looked at the watch in his hand again.

"The last thirty seconds."


"My palms are sweating. I'm more nervous than when I took the TPC exam." Zujing couldn't hold back and made a wisecrack.

"Shh! You can easily distract everyone by talking now." Dagu raised a finger and made a silent gesture to Dijing.

On the team's communication channel, Vice Captain Munakata's countdown began: "The last ten seconds."











Magnus 1 and Krafas 2, the muzzles of the guns emitted red and blue rays respectively! The two rays of light overlapped and merged in mid-air, and finally turned into a mysterious green that the staff had never seen before!

Soon, the green light collided with the magnetic field of space-time!

With a loud "Boom!", the space-time world, which was originally different in tone from reality, became unstable!

This instability did not last long. In the place hit by human anti-space-time light, the magnetic field significantly faded!

And that magnetic field is the main area of ​​activity of the golden dragon!

After the magnetic field subsided, the huge dark golden monster was finally exposed to the real world!

Each TPC attacking unit reacted quickly: "Fire!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, all kinds of lights greeted this monster living in the world of time and space like raindrops!

"Wow wow wow!"

"Wow wow wow!"

Being concentrated by the dense human light, although Goldras' movements were slightly affected, the damage to his body was not great!

After seeing Goldras who was still alive and kicking after being shot, Lina, who was sitting in the main driving seat of the Atdis, felt a little depressed: "This guy is covered with golden skin like armor. Even Mag No cannon can harm it."

"Continue to attack and never let it return to the world of time and space, otherwise humanity will be doomed!" In the team's communication channel, the vice-captain's tone was full of doubt.

At the same time, Da Gu reached out and touched his chest.

The monsters that appeared this time were extremely oppressive. Even with the help of monsters from Earth, he still felt a little uneasy...

Ground, temporary command post.

"Where's the monster? I promised to help, but why hasn't the monster appeared yet?" a staff member shouted excitedly.

"You really put all your hopes on monsters? Then I can only say that you are stupider than monsters." Another staff member couldn't help but ridicule.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the face of the staff member who spoke immediately showed an expression of disbelief!

He was talked to by a monster!

"Hey! I've been listening down below. Who told you to speak ill of monsters?"

Chu Bai used telepathy to educate humans, while waving his two little claws and emerging from the ground.

Then, he squinted his eyes and looked at Goldras in the distance, who was half a head taller than him, and fiercely threw out his tentacles!


Six tentacles thicker than steel cables wrapped around Goldras' body at the same time! !

The moment the tentacle came into contact with Goldras, a system prompt appeared in Chu Bai's mind!

[Goldras is being extracted, please maintain close contact with the host for one minute and twenty seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Hearing this prompt, Chu Bai was extremely pleasantly surprised.

One minute and twenty seconds!

It took longer than it took me to extract the giant stone statue. This time I will definitely extract a powerful skill!

However, this battle is related to the safety of the earth.

Chu Bai's first goal is no longer to persist until the extraction is completed as usual, but to defeat and kill Goldras!


After being tied up by the tentacles, Goldras still stepped forward firmly.

As powerful as Chu Bai, it was unable to completely restrict its movements, but only slowed down its speed of approaching the space-time realm.

"MD, Golden Dragon is indeed well-deserved, its power is so much stronger than mine..."

Chu Bai wrapped his tentacles around Goldras, and his body was pulled forward, dragging a deep ravine on the ground where his feet were supported!

"I won't let you in easily!"

Later, in order to delay the golden dragon's entry into the world of time and space, Chu Bai electrified his tentacles!


Tens of thousands of volts of ultra-high voltage current, passed through Chu Bai's tentacles, finally acted on the golden dragon!

The rough-skinned golden dragon finally had some reaction to the obstruction of monsters and humans.

"hold head high!!"

It raised its head and let out a scream that made the city tremble.

Then, it turned back and looked at the little red monster blocking it, with a cold look in its eyes! !

(End of this chapter)

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