Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 177 176 Human Superpowers

Chapter 177 176. Human super powers

Tokyo city.

Chu Bai left the battlefield and floated in mid-air.

"Gaozak is an artificial mechanical shark. I think Team Victory and Ultraman Tiga can handle it even without me doing it."

Chu Bai muttered to himself.

"Should I go back to Tokyo Bay to check on Gakuma β's injuries now, or should I go directly to Kumamoto City to find Masaki Keigo?"

He was thinking about where to go next.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Bai suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a vague voice appeared in Chu Bai's mind: "Hello, human being."

"Who, who is talking?"

Chu Bai frowned and lowered his head to look for the person who had just had spiritual communication with him!

It is unusual for someone to be able to reveal his human identity and send a message to him...

Soon, Chu Bai found the suspected target on the roof of a nearby building.

"Is it you?" Chu Bai asked telepathically.

The man standing on the roof of the building raised his head at this moment and met Chu Bai's eyes: "Maybe we can have a chat."


Soon, Chu Bai shrank his body and landed on the roof of the building.

Opposite him was a young man wearing glasses.

The man's appearance is not very good, but he exudes a sense of stability and extraordinary aura from the inside out.

In addition, Chu Bai also saw deep fatigue in the depths of this man's eyes.

There are not many humans with superpowers appearing in "Ultraman Tega", and there is only one who can communicate spiritually.

After Chubai recognized the other party's identity, he used telepathy to call out his name: "Tongye?"

Kirino Makoto is a person with super powers. His super powers include mind reading, precognition, psychic communication, etc.

In the original work, this superpower easily saw through Dagu's disguise, and later used ultra-long-distance psychic communication to coordinate the battlefield, trying to help Diga gain light again. His superpowers are not bad.

However, the irony is that this man with super powers does not live a very satisfactory life.

"I knew you were more interesting than Ultraman Tiga. It seems I was right." After the No. 1 monster called out his name, Kirino was not surprised at all. Instead, a touch of joy appeared on his face.

"What can you see?" Chu Bai asked straight to the point.

The other party can see through the human soul under his monster skin, and suddenly calls him out, so he must have some intention.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm just interested in you." Kirino spread his hands with an innocent expression.

"I thought my life was hard enough being treated as an outlier."

"I didn't expect you, Monster No. 1, to have a harder time than me. With a human soul, you have to deal with the human forces and the monster forces... You seem to be the current leader of the monsters on the earth, which is really amazing."

As he spoke, anticipation appeared on Kirino's face: "If possible, I would like to know how you did it."

"It's very simple, biological instinct, I want to live." Chu Bai spread his little paws.

After realizing that Kirino didn't seem to have any sinister intentions, Chu Bai's voice became playful.

"You, on the other hand, are a person with superpowers who can see the future. You have superpowers that ordinary people can't dream of. But you ask me this question. Do you want to become a monster like me?"

Kirino's eyes dimmed: "If possible."

"Humans who live in groups subconsciously reject everything outside their cognition, whether it is monsters or Ultraman."

"Don't think that you and Diga are really loved by humans. They just see that you are huge and hide their rejection in their hearts." "But I am different. I am an alien with the same size as them. In my body, , they can vent their dissatisfaction and anger against the aliens at will.”

"This race is really annoying, isn't it?"

"So, can you make me just like you?" Kirino did not forget his original intention and continued to ask.

Chu Bai shook his head: "No."

"And people like you won't be happy even if they turn into monsters."

"Accept your superpowers calmly and make peace with yourself."

"If you think you can't do it, I'll wait for you at the back of Yanye Street, where all aliens are welcome."

At the end of the sentence, Chu Bai smiled kindly.

In fact, here, he lied.

He has Ebron cells in his body that can mutate living things. He only needs to send some to Kirino to turn Kirino into the same monster as Ryousuke back then.

But Chu Bai is not sure what consequences the fusion of Ebron cells and superpowers will have.

It would be a shame if Kirino, a superpower, was destroyed.

Besides, Kirino doesn't really want to become a monster, he just rejects his own differences due to childhood trauma.

"Thank you, you're quite a nice person." Kirino looked at the little monster in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

Chu Bai asked seriously: "Okay, now it's your turn to answer my question. How much can you see through me?"

"I can see the shadow of the human soul under your monster skin, that's all." Kirino answered truthfully.

"My superpower seems to have failed when I meet you. I can see through other people's inner thoughts, but I can't see through you. You are really a very special existence."

"Of course, not everyone can be a monster." Chu Bai joked, but at the end, there was a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

"I will go to the back hill of Yanye Street." At this time, Tongye answered Chu Bai's previous question without any clue.

Chu Bai nodded: "Okay, in exchange for psychological counseling, I have to get something from you."

After saying that, "Whoa!" Chu Bai stretched out his tentacles and slowly wrapped around Kirino's wrist.

[Superpower person Kirino Makoto is being extracted. Please keep the host in close contact for fifteen seconds. Once disconnected during this period, the extraction progress will be reset. 】

Kirino: "It feels quite amazing to be led by a monster."

Then, Kirino's attitude suddenly became serious: "In addition to changing from a human to a monster, you also have super powers, right? I don't mean fire-breathing and electric discharge, but something at a higher level..."

After saying that, Tongye felt Chu Bai's surprised gaze.

And this look, without a doubt, verified his speculation.

"It seems I guessed it right."

"Don't be surprised. After I saw the human soul hidden under your body in the suburbs of Shibuya, I became interested in you, so I analyzed all the information about your battles with other monsters overnight."

"Finally, I came to the conclusion: you have a terrifying 'learning' ability."

"It won't be long before you can use the abilities used by the monsters you fought."

"It's not difficult to analyze this. I think TPC has also noticed it."

"Now, you suddenly stretched out your tentacles to contact me, then can I speculate that the ritual for you to learn the abilities of other powerful creatures is to touch the other party's body."

"And now, you're trying to 'learn' my superpowers."

Chu Bai: "Smart."

(End of this chapter)

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