Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 178 177 My boss was caught by a monster!

Chapter 178 177. My boss was caught by a monster!


This was Chu Bai's compliment and first impression of Kirino.

Probably because he has been isolated from ordinary people for too long, Kirino, in addition to his super powers, also has a sensitive mind that exceeds ordinary people.

This sensitivity may make him difficult in interpersonal communication, but it allows him to discover many points that ordinary people cannot discover.

For example, with just a few video tapes and a tentacle entanglement, I was able to analyze my own 'superpower'.

However, Chu Bai estimated that Kirino couldn't even think of it even if he tried hard. He had not only super powers, but also a strange system that could talk.

At this time, the fifteen seconds of extraction contact time had just arrived.

[The extraction is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining Kirino Makoto’s ability - improved telepathy]

[Telepathy improvement: greatly improve the coverage of telepathy skills]

After hearing the skills extracted by the system this time, Chu Bai was very angry.

Extracting others doesn't matter if you don't have good skills.

But Kirino has so many superpowers, including mind reading and precognition, which are better than the telepathy he already has.

On the opposite side, Kirino could clearly detect the change in the little monster's mood and asked, "Why are you so happy all of a sudden? Is it because you can't 'learn' my superpowers?"

Chu Bai did not answer directly, but threatened: "You are very smart, but people who are too smart often don't live long."

Although Kirino's cleverness made Chubai feel uncomfortable with his secret being exposed, he even had murderous intentions for a time.

But thinking about it carefully, even if this kind of thing is exposed...it doesn't seem to have any impact.

Kirino's mood was stable: "Don't be angry. I would rather be in contact with you than with humans. I think we are the real 'same kind'."

The extraction was over and the conversation was over. Chu Bai didn't want to continue spending time with Kirino on the rooftop, so he left after saying "We'll see you at the back of the mountain".

Kirino raised his head, watched the No. 1 monster fly away, and suddenly said without any end: "You will need me in your future."


Kumamoto City.

Senior executive of Sedic Biotech.

Masaki Keigo was watching the battle between Gaozak and Ultraman Tiga with concentration.

"The strength of the metal used to make Gaozark is still a bit low. It is obviously a metal body, but it cannot withstand Ultraman Tiga's fist attacks."

"The response speed of each component is too slow!"

"Such a machine is not even worthy of being an opponent of Ultraman Tiga!"

As Gaozak was blasted by Ultraman Tiga with a beam of light on the screen, Masaki Keigo pounded the table with his hands angrily.

"Isn't it that the previous loopholes have been fixed, why are you still so useless?!"

"It seems that the benefits I gave you are so good that you have no ambition to start research."

Next to Masaki Keigo, the reprimanded assistant couldn't help but respond: "Boss, when Gaozak was first created, your request was not for fighting."

"Your initial request was for a flexible underground exploration machine... In fact, Gaozak is enough to defy any related equipment currently on the market in terms of underground exploration."

"Did I let you speak?" Masaki Keigo looked at his assistant, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

The assistant hurriedly bent down: "Hug, sorry."

"Okay, all the mechanical components in Gaozak's body should be taken care of, right?" Masaki Keigo picked up the cup, took a sip of water and continued to ask.

"Boss, you can rest assured that no matter who investigates, they can't find our Sedic Company." The assistant replied in a low voice.

Masaki Keigo nodded: "What about the machine next to the underground stone statue?"

"Everything has been set up and can be put into experiments."

The assistant answered respectfully, but his expression was full of doubts.

In fact, so far, he doesn't know what the real purpose of the machine his boss built is. "I know you're curious, but don't ask the wrong questions." Masaki Keigo glanced at his assistant with a cold expression.

Assistant: "Understood."

At this time, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Masaki Keigo pressed connect and turned on the speakerphone.

"Boss, the surveillance network shows that a huge monster has flown over Kumamoto City!"

Masaki Keigo felt that the people under his command were doing stupid things every day: "I'm not TPC. Why should I be notified when a monster comes to Kumamoto City?"

The person on the other end of the phone replied aggrievedly: "According to the images sent back, the monster that came this time is the No. 1 monster that you, boss, asked us to focus on monitoring."

"Moreover, based on the current flight trajectory of Monster No. 1, its target may be the company building..."

"What?" Masaki Keigo entered a moment of self-doubt.

He believed that he had done an excellent job keeping everything secret and should not be targeted.

Also, even if what he did was exposed, it didn't seem to interfere with the interests of Monster No. 1.

"Calm down, Monster No. 1 often wanders around neon places, maybe it just happened to pass by Kumamoto City." Masaki Keigo responded.

After saying that, he hung up the phone and looked out the window... stunned!

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he saw Monster No. 1 approaching the company building quickly!

Moreover, Monster No. 1 has firm eyes and clear goals!

Masaki Keigo read from the monster's eyes - it was coming for Sedic Company!

At this moment, this genius scientist panicked!

Masaki Keigo was convinced that this huge monster could easily crash the company building.

The building can be destroyed, not to mention my fragile human body!

Seeing the body of Monster No. 1 getting closer and closer, Masaki Keigo's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Damn it, I haven't had time to complete my evolution yet!!"

Just as Masaki Keigo shouted unwillingly, Chu Bai's body stopped outside the Sedic company building.

Looking into the huge eyes of Monster No. 1, Masaki Keigo shouted: "What are you going to do, you damn monster?!"

The next moment!

"Wow wow wow!"

Huge tentacles stretched out, and the glass in the office was shattered.

Soon, the tentacles wrapped around Masaki Keigo's body.

At this moment, Masaki Keigo was struggling crazily.

"Let go! Let me go!"

"You ugly monster!"

"When I complete the evolution of my body, I will destroy you first, and then destroy the self-righteous Tiga!"

Unfortunately, the systematically trained body that he was so proud of could not withstand the monster's huge strength.

The monster held him like an ant.

Chu Bai looked at the dishonest Masaki Keigo coldly, and telepathically informed: "If you continue to be dishonest, I will really kill you."

After receiving the telepathy from the monster, Masaki Keigo was stunned for a moment.

Soon, he accepted the reality and honestly stopped moving.

If there is a way to survive, don't seek death.

When Chu Bai saw this, his expression was satisfied: "Smart man."

A few seconds later, Monster No. 1 grabbed the boss of Sedic Company and flew away.

In the office, the frightened assistant walked to the landline and dialed the report number.

"Hey, TPC, my boss was captured by a monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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