Tiga: I, the cosmic bully Pigmon

Chapter 179 178 Kumamoto City’s Temple!

Chapter 179 178. The temple of Kumamoto City!

Tokyo city.

The Victory Team, which defeated the Mechanical Shark with Ultraman Tiga, was just about to return home when they received a new call to report the crime.

"What, monster No. 1 captured Keigo Masaki? What on earth was that guy thinking?" Tsui looked indignant.

Xincheng team members were equally dissatisfied: "You were with us just now. Even if you want to arrest someone, you should tell us."

"You think of it as a friend, but what does it think of us?"

Lina corrected: "Listen to what you said, even if you tell us, we can't let it take people away."

"Hey, aren't you always on the side of Monster No. 1?" the Xincheng team member asked in surprise.

"One code equals another. I like Monster No. 1, but Monster No. 1 cannot just capture people in human cities, otherwise human society will be in chaos." Lina looked serious.

"Now that Kakuma is still lying down in Tokyo Bay, it means that we have a hostage in our hands. I believe that monster No. 1 will not do anything extraordinary." The well-digging team member analyzed.

"By the way, why did he arrest Masaki Keigo..."

"I heard you say that, do you know the victim?" Dagu asked curiously on the team's communication channel.

Recalling the past, Tujing couldn't help but sigh: "Yeah, I was a classmate with that guy for a while, but that guy was very arrogant... Of course, that guy is smart enough and he does have the capital to be arrogant."

"Anyway, he is a very powerful scientist. Monster No. 1 probably won't capture him simply because he wants to eat people."

At this time, in the communication channel, Captain Hui Jian issued an order: "Member Yerui, it is up to you to coordinate the various departments, lock the location of monster No. 1, and report at any time."

"In addition, Lina and Zhu Jing, you are responsible for flying the Feiyan No. 1 to investigate the incident."

"Dagu and Xincheng, I will drive the Victory Feiyan EX-J to pick you up right away. Let's catch up with monster No. 1 and find out what this little monster wants to do!"


Over Kumamoto City.

Chu Bai flies extremely fast.

Masaki Keigo, who was entangled in his tentacles, had messy hair and his entire face was distorted by the strong wind.

"I said, what are you going to do with me?" Masaki Keigo tried to communicate with this talking monster.

"If you need help, tell me earlier and I can help you better." The smart Masaki Keigo continued.

Why yourself?

This monster must have some intention in taking him away.

If it's not for wealth or sex, then it must have taken a fancy to some characteristic in itself.

Masaki Keigo felt that his wise and powerful brain was the most likely to be favored by this monster.

"You are quite smart. You know that I am arresting you because I need your help." During the flight, Chu Bai used telepathy to communicate with Masaki Keigo.

Hearing this, Masaki Keigo felt a little more confident.

The guess is established, which proves that Monster No. 1 will not threaten his life at least now.

After lamenting his impressive IQ, Masaki Keigo's expression became serious and asked: "What do you need from me to help you?"

"Time and space..." Chu Bai suddenly paused mid-sentence.

No, not just in the time and space world, maybe Masaki Keigo can also help him in other aspects!

When he first traveled to this world, he searched hard for the underground temple where the stone statue of Ultraman was stored in Kumamoto City.

Unfortunately, I was not very lucky and I searched the entire ground but couldn't find it.

But maybe Keigo Masaki did what he didn’t do!

In the original work, Masaki Keigo discovered the underground temple where the Dark Tiga stone statue was stored, and used the genetic factor converter of light to turn himself into the Dark Tiga...

And his purpose of creating the underground shark Guy Ozark was to find the underground temple. Now that Guyozak has been created, this guy must have started looking for the temple.

Moreover, he let Guyozak participate in the battle between monsters, and he obviously didn't care about Guyozak that much.

Inferring from this, Gaozak has probably completed his underground search mission!

"I want to know the location of the temple where the Ultraman stone statue is stored." Chu Bai suddenly spoke to Masaki Keigo telepathically.

Hearing the words of Monster No. 1, Masaki Keigo, who was hungry for power, immediately panicked.

"What Ultraman Temple? How could I know that kind of place?"

He told a lie that was full of holes.

Chu Bai was not polite to him, and pretended to drop him from the air: "Since I asked you, it means that I have confidence in my heart. If you are not honest, you will die."

"Okay, I'll take you there!" Under the threat of death, Masaki Keigo immediately gave up.

"However, before I go, I need you to promise me something." Masaki Keigo was extremely serious: "If you don't agree, I won't take you there. Even if you kill me, I won't compromise."

Chu Bai: "Say it directly."

Masaki Keigo: "You cannot destroy the giant stone statue."

Chu Bai's expression was relaxed: "This is simple, I agree."

When extracting abilities by yourself, you only need to touch it, there is no need to destroy it.

However, seeing Masaki Keigo's nervous attitude towards the stone statue, Chu Bai had other plans in mind...

After hearing that Monster No. 1 agreed without thinking, Masaki Keigo hesitated for a while: "Okay, I'll take you there, but before that, you have to go back underground."


Soon, Monster No. 1 and Masaki Keigo disappeared underground.

The victory team's plane arrived just at this time.

Looking at the big hole dug by the No. 1 monster underground, Dagu asked the captain: "Is it time to mobilize the Pippa tank?"

"Yes." Hui Jian nodded helplessly.

She knew that with the speed Pippa Tank was digging underground, it would be impossible to catch up with Monster No. 1.

But at this time, we have to do nothing.



The temple that houses the Dark Tiga stone statue.

Chu Bai took Masaki Keigo and arrived here after some digging.

After briefly looking at the furnishings in the entire cave, Chu Bai looked at Masaki Keigo jokingly: "The genetic factor converter of light has been put in place. It seems that you are about to take action."

"How do you know?" Masaki Keigo asked in horror.

Masaki Keigo was not surprised that this monster knew about the existence of Ultraman's temple underground.

Monsters, there will always be some connection and connection with Ultraman.

For example, there is a huge stone statue of Ultraman in front of you, and there is a stone statue of a monster next to it.

But this monster actually recognized the genetic factor converter of light, and from the tone of its voice, it seemed that it knew what it was going to do next. This was a bit scary!

"I have the super power to predict the future." Chu Bai pretended to be mysterious.

Masaki Keigo was doubtful: "Really? In the future you see, have I led all mankind to evolve?"

Chu Bai deliberately let it slip: "I can't tell you this until you help me with this issue."

(End of this chapter)

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